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add mime / file extension / .m3u
Posted by: til
Date: April 26, 2003 01:09PM


i guess this is a stupid question but i couldnt find it in the docs... if i want kmeleon to open i.e. ".m3u" extensions in winamp, where is the file i have to edit to achieve this?


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Re: add mime / file extension / .m3u
Posted by: Rayven
Date: April 27, 2003 03:10AM

Browse to C:\Program Files\K-Meleon\Profiles\default\xxxxxxxx.slt[/b] and open prefs.js in a text editor

Move your cursor to the end of the file and add the following three lines:

user_pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", "audio/x-mpegurl");
user_pref("kmeleon.general.CloseDownloadDialog", true);
user_pref("kmeleon.general.saveDir", "C:\\temp\\");

The saveDir directory must be a valid folder, and there must be two back slashes between directories. Ex. C:\\Windows\\Temp, or whatever.

Restart K-Meleon, and the .m3u link should open in whatever you have associated with it on your computer. Hope this helps.

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Re: add mime / file extension / .m3u
Posted by: til
Date: April 30, 2003 01:29PM


thanks for the help.
it does not directly open the .m3u file but saves it to disk without asking. this is ok because doubleclick on the mp3 playlist opens winamp. just out of curiosity, what changes have to be made to prefs.js to directly open the appropriate application, in this case winamp ?


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Re: add mime / file extension / .m3u
Posted by: Thomas D
Date: April 30, 2003 06:07PM

Maybe you can use the 'play in winamp'-macro from here?:

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