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Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: Eyes-Only
Date: March 03, 2005 08:10PM

I rarely have ever started a thread. Maybe this is my 4th or 5th since I've began using KM 0.7. I'd rather read, comment, and help when possible.

But in the "Average Age of K-Meleon Users" thread begun by our dear friend, Carson, there was a K-Meleon user there whom I believe deserves a little spotlight and time in the limelight.

His name is Irwell, and he's 77 years young. In fact, by next week he's going to be an even younger 78.

Many of you are scratching your heads and saying, "What on earth does this have to do with a topic on K-Meleon?!" I'll tell you at the end. For now, I'd like to ask as many of you as possible to just take a short minute of your time and at the very least say "Happy Birthday" to Irwell if you'd be so kind? It'd mean a lot to me personally. And I think those of you who know me personally know why.

Thank you. smiling smiley

Now as to what this has to do with K-Meleon: This goes to show something. The ease of understanding of our browser. It used to be "geeks only need apply". Yet now we've come of our own with version 0.9 and the hard labour of all the Devs and the helpers (and you know who you are), who have worked so diligently to make this browser as versatile as possible while at the same time easy to understand for anyone from under 15 to over 70. Even for people like me, who have severe brain damage and physical disabilities---K-Meleon is the perfect browser due to its configurability and ease of use.

Of course, I could go on and on about the greatness of this browser over any other available on the net today---and list the reasons why. But we do have some bandwidth constrictions I would assume? winking smiley

And that's what wishing a man soon to be 78 a happy birthday has to with a topic on K-Meleon. smiling smiley

Happy Birthday Irwell! May it be the grandest one yet for you, and may you have many more to come!

Amicalement et Bon Anniversaire!


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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: guenter
Date: March 04, 2005 07:32AM

happy birday Irwell -

- herzlichste Glueckwuensche und ein schoenes Geburtstagsfest!
(that is what i would say in my idiom, You have French/Acadian greetings already).
from guenter - Hannover Germany

p. s.
& thx for reminding me Eyes

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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: Walt Stanley
Date: March 04, 2005 03:17PM

Happy Birthday Irwell!

I thought I was the old man of the forum. 69 next month. I'm always glad to see someone older than I, still interested in the things I am. Like it or not Inwell, you become an inspiration. Thank you.

But Eyes-Only, don't call me 68 years young. It's OLD :-)

From New Jersey, USA (Idid not vote for him)

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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: irwell
Date: March 04, 2005 03:45PM

Thanks guys for those wonderful wishes.
The internet to me, is a marvellous thing.

I have just upgraded my digital camera to a
Panasonic FZ15, the one with the 12x optical
zoom, and the amount of good advice and help
from the Photo forum has been really helpful,
same with travel or health problems.

And, of course this K-meleon group.
Keep the brain active and the body fit.

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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: Eyes-Only
Date: March 04, 2005 07:48PM

Well Walt... Okie, you're 68 years OLD, and I'm 46 and have been easily mistaken for 80+ years OLD in my wheelchair. And I feel 120. So top that! tongue sticking out smiley LOL! And I agree with you whole-heartedly, what an inspiration Irwell is!

And thanks to both you Walt and Guenter!

Hey Irwell! I just got a Kodak 3.5megapixel digicamera from a friend in Spain (bought in the USA though) and I love it! In fact, a lot of the newer pics of my grandkids are taken with that on my website. Which is why she got it for me, of course. My photo section had become quite stagnant. :\ But not now! smiling smiley And I have two more galleries to put up... just got to stop being lazy and add them. I don't use the zoom on mine though Irwell. I use the Auto-Shoot feature because the rest is just too complicated for my brain. hehe! Mine also takes .mpeg movies too but I've never tried it either.

And I agree with keeping the mind active! If it weren't for this computer keeping me active I'd have landed in the Old Folks Home about 3 years ago. But I work on this every day to challenge my mind. Keeping my body fit... well... that's a little harder. -sigh-

Good to have you aboard Irwell! Make sure you ask us lots of browser questions. Stump us and you win a shiny porshe with a lithe 20 year old blonde. winking smiley Choice of car colour up to you. Heck, at your young age choice of girl's hair colour up to you too. LOL!

(Of course I'm kidding since I can't officially speak for the group.)

Amicalement! / In Friendship!


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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: Arual the Wyrd
Date: March 04, 2005 10:41PM

Hot DARN, yes! Happy Birthday, Irwell! May you see many more versions of K-Meleon!

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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: Midas
Date: March 07, 2005 05:38PM

<sings> <claps> <looks around in embarassment>...

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Re: Happy Birthday Irwell!
Posted by: ndebord
Date: March 08, 2005 01:22AM


Seventy eight years young, if Eyes-Only is to be believed. Happy birthday and many more good ones.


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