Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: MonkeeSage
Date: January 03, 2004 05:32AM

Mark Shields:

Mozilla donloads are huge at 10 megs?


"Total download size for a typical installation is approximately 25 megabytes (Mcool smiley. However, because setup downloads only those files that are necessary for your computer, this size can vary between 11 and 75 MB." (cite)



Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: SJ Zero
Date: January 05, 2004 06:06AM

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time. I also install it on every machine I use that doesn't have it, and evangelize it to the unwashed, spyware laden IE hordes. I also removed IE from Windows 2000 because of KMs near godlike perfection and grace.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?

Small. Fast. Secure. Best interface out there. Skinnable. Macroable. Rarely accesses the disk. Stable. Easy access to 16x pipelining.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

a) What are the most important missing features?
There are none. It is far superior to all other web browsers, or I wouldn't be using it.
Wait, one thing that would be nice is the ability to use alpha channel PNGs in skins. That would be incredibly cool, and versatile too. ^ ^

b) What possible improvements to K-Meleon's features would you like to see?
Layers are still a bit quirky. Especially when opening a new one.

c) What are the most important unsolved bugs?
Sometimes the Layers bar becomes strange and the buttons lose their text.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?
"K-meleon. If you don't use it, you're probably some idiot or something. If you get some spyware or a virus, don't come crying to us, you troglodytes. I mean, What do we look like, crappy software counsellers? It's not our fault you were dropped on the head as a child and lost all ability to form coherent opinions!"

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Zeronero
Date: January 05, 2004 11:25AM

Why you use K-Meleon?

The developers need a few questions answered, to help to establish why people use K-Meleon and it's path for the future, please help by answering the following questions.

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

a): I am coming from NS 4.7X, which is slow prone to hangs & renders some
pages poorly. KM is not yet set as default. Still in moving process.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?

Its size, speed on my 64 MB RAM machine, I am using nearly 1/2 of the about
6 GB HDD. Reclaiming space is more important than whislles & bells.

I am not a mechanic nor a tinker be. I want the browser to be configurable w/o
the eye glazing regristry feel of js,user &c. I want a stable browser w/ few bugs.
Philosophically unless K-Meleon attracts the average user who does not have a
a screw driver in 1 hand & a soldering iron in the other it will remain a minor
browser. Let the tinkers be alpha & beta testers. This is an important role.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

a) What are the most important missing features?

After refining the code, reducing bugs, making it more stable, I would like to
better cookie management such as accepting & then deleting them, or accept-
ing those from sites like NY Times along with black/white lists; better control of
of ads, especially banners with shockwave elements. A stop animation button
would be useful. One the NS icons that I liked was the bookmark ribbon allow-
ing adding & organizing of links. Another would be a translating dictionary for
sites, e.g., BabelFish. But first bugs & stability, then make improvements.

b) What possible improvements to K-Meleon's features would you like to see?

Make it easier to listen to streaming radio. At the monent Yahoo thinks KM is
NS 6,X, which it does not support. KM wants to save .pls instead of calling
Quicktme. NS 4,7X calls the player & the shoutcast stream begins. I do not
want to keep 3 browsers. These things for now are low on priorty list.

c) What are the most important unsolved bugs?

I am too unknowledgable here. The subject has been well covered by others.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

b) K-Meleon - The Browser You Control.

Although slogans do not interest me but if 1 has to have 1, then this is 1.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my concerns & needs as a K-
Meleon user.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Tayga
Date: January 05, 2004 03:56PM

I use Opera as my default browser for three main reasons:

1. It has a build-in email client.
2. It has that wonderfull button to toggle images on/off on the main screen for superfast browsing.
3. Contrary to K-Meleon Opera is able to activate a link during the loading of a page. Again speed issue.

However, Opera sometimes doesn't render all pages well and K-meleon does!
K-meleon has the nice potential to adjust many settings but documentation on that is pretty shallow.

Tayga - Amsterdam

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Kevin
Date: January 05, 2004 05:29PM

I would like to see a "composer" like netscape and email link to Outlook on the toolbar,

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: jsnj
Date: January 05, 2004 06:07PM

2. (Opera) has that wonderfull button to toggle images on/off on the main screen for superfast browsing.

That's in the default macros file. Let me know if you want to know how to activate it.

I would like to see a "composer" like netscape and email link to Outlook on the toolbar

I guess it's time to put this macro in the macro library.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: D
Date: January 06, 2004 06:26AM

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.
(well actually Mozilla is the ''system default'', but I always use K-Meleon).

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?

The Mozilla application is SLOW on my Athlon system, and uses tons of ram. Firebird is little improvement. Internet Explorer is a mess, insecure, and its back-button never works properly. K-Meleon is much faster in loading pages & in UI response time. It also has the nifty feeling like NS1 or Mosaic did. Using Mozilla & IE feels like chucked-together kuldges.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

a) What are the most important missing features?

I'd like to see the Http Pipelining option in the Preferences Menu like how it is with Mozilla.
The "layers" thing needs some work. I can't drag & drop a link to another layer/tab like with Mozilla, and a "close layer" button is not there by default (but I added one from the example script that is listed on the wiki).
Favicons really need to be properly supported.

b) What possible improvements to K-Meleon's features would you like to see?

The Search Querry feature is more basic than I'd like; myself, I'd like it to display 100 results for Google instead of just 10. Upgrading the Search Querry box to support the search-form options on the Google Advanced Search page would be great.

I'd also like to be able to install K-Meleon from an extractable Zip file rather than just an install exe.

Clicking on the K-Meleon throbber doesn't take you to the K-Meleon website like it should.

Auto-complete in the location bar doesn't work for me. This doesn't bother me, but others would miss it if it is not there.

c) What are the most important unsolved bugs?

When the Windows taskbar is a the top of the screen, going from fullscreen to windowed mode whilst the selected layer has been changed tends to make the window positioning go wonky / off-screen.

Sometimes the text cursor vanishes in a form box.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

c) Other slogan, give example.

K-Meleon, what browsing was meant to be.
Bite into the web with your friendly K-Meleon browser.
K-Meleon: see the green light.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Chris (AU)
Date: January 06, 2004 09:56AM

1 KMeleon is my default browser,Firebird is second choice.
2 Combination of sentimentality and practicality, I use it because I support indie developed software but only that which is comparable, or in this case superior to the big players.
3 I would have to be a Philistine in this case and say, don't worry about features. Concentrate on making it "user-friendly". It is a great browser but most of the people on my favourite site,, who are tech savvy but also design-conscious, are appalled by the appearance and the idiosyncracies of the initially installed product, it was quite formidable for me when I first downloaded it.
4 "The other alternative"

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Tayga
Date: January 06, 2004 09:38PM

Yes, please show me that macro for toggling images.

Tayga - Amsterdam

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: brainheart
Date: January 06, 2004 10:35PM

... there´s so many ways to compose a website (1stpage, openoffce...), please don´t blow up KM

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: jsnj
Date: January 06, 2004 11:57PM

Go to Edit-Preferences-Configs-Macros

In the #TOGGLE BUTTON MACROS section you'll see the buttonSync macro. Remove the # that's to the left of getpref(INT, $images)

Now go to the Toolbars tab and copy & paste the following bold text below the Popup Blocker button:

Popup Blocker {
Block Popup Windows
Image Blocker {
Block Images


Now when you restart KM you should see it. There's no image in the default skin that's made for it, so I assigned it the favorites image that's not used. You can use any other image in the skin you choose. On the themes page, the K-series themes have many more unassigned images to choose from should you wish to use one of those.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: bellgamin
Date: January 07, 2004 09:08AM

>>>Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

>>>What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?

#1- K-mel is fast || #2- My granddaughter loooves K-mel's logo. yawning smiley)

#3- K-mel does not have the horrible memory leak that continues to dog the Firebird. Test it yourself. (A) Open 5 Layers in K-mel & let it sit for 45 minutes. Check ram usage. (b) Open the same 5 Tabs in Firebird & let it sit for 45 minutes. Check ram usage.

I use Memload to check ram -- it's only 28K in size; free from...

>>>How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

#1- Firebird's forum has a click spot to donate $. Why not K-mel?

#2- K-mel's layer configs should offer ALL the bells & whistles offered by Fiirebird's tab configs.

#3- Provide a button to EASILY set Kmel as default. It MUCH too difficult to do that now.

>>>What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

Great logos are very effective at building popularity. Slogans are not.

K-meleon's lizard/gecko/chameleon/baby dragon is THE most distinctive & cuddly logo of any browser around. {The Mozilla folks blew it with the Firebird idea. NOTHING cute or attractive about a flaming doo-doo bird, wot?}

So I suggest you push the gecko logo BIG time. Run a "name-the-gecko" contest. Sell t-shirts, coffee mugs etc with the gecko logo on them {I am definitely a customer for this kind of stuff}. Have a contest to re-draw the gecko {to prepare for possible copyright issues, & to further increase interest in the logo}. Etc etc etc.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Kevin
Date: January 07, 2004 09:21AM

The developers need a few questions answered, to help to establish why people use K-Meleon and it's path for the future, please help by answering the following questions.

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

b) Another browser is my default, I only use K-Meleon sometimes. I don't know if i want all icons to be a lizard. I don't know what will happen. There is no easy way to look at email from KM.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?
Fast, looks better than IE, uses less screen space

b) What are your reasons to choose another browser as default, but still use K-Meleon? Email

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve? exe files that can set up email for people who are not programmers

a) What are the most important missing features? email, composer, set shortcut on desktop

b) K-Meleon - The Browser You Control.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: jsnj
Date: January 07, 2004 06:05PM

K-meleon's lizard/gecko/chameleon/baby dragon is THE most distinctive & cuddly logo of any browser around. {The Mozilla folks blew it with the Firebird idea. NOTHING cute or attractive about a flaming doo-doo bird, wot?

In all fairness, that lizard turns just as many people off as it does on. Reading some reviews at various software sites, it's not uncommon to see a reference to how unappealing/unimpressive KM's look is. So, it's a little risky to base KM's promotion on that lizard IMO.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Ben
Date: January 07, 2004 06:31PM

Just put a long hat on him and make the" Lizard the Wizard". Then they'll come from miles to see the real magic, if they dare.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Tayga
Date: January 07, 2004 07:38PM

Thanks JSNJ for the image-blocker. Great help.

Tayga - Amsterdam

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: guenter
Date: January 07, 2004 08:09PM

1) K-Meleon0.7.1 is my default browser and I use it all the time, exempt if some things I want - but are not implemented - prevent me. (or I did not find to activate?).

2) main reasons to choose K-Meleon 0.7.1; stability, speed to load (especially when testing off-line pages), uses lean resources (I sometimes have to use more than one progi), can be tweaked easily, is secure (can lye, nobody can hit - what he cannot see, browser string change is easy); that it installs all that is needed in one directory. small to download, loads old java.classes well (not every browser does!?), that it is a browser only progi..... to be continued.

why not k-m 0.8.2.: instability on the very pages I want to see and/or test.

3) K-Meleon improve: stability of the new version0.8.2.

general; that I find a way the invoke other progis or bat files from k-m.

stability on pages with mixed content: low priority because my interest is clearly a minority issue.

4) Slogan: stable, capable, fast and small.
capabel, dependable, fast and small.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Ben
Date: January 07, 2004 11:17PM

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?
easy use of bookmarks, like to open several layers in the background (without to much of ram or resource drain), opens up my email client (pegasus) (thanks to Eyes-Only) , move left and move right mouse gestures, easy to move aroung, simple and attractive theme selection, stable and fast enviroment.

a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?
speed , stablity, the great developers and great users, it works for me.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?
If it stayed the same , I would still use it as my default browser.

The developers have done such a great job , I would leave it to their judgement.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

K-Meleon- The Browser You Love To Keep.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Arual the Wyrd
Date: January 08, 2004 05:56AM

1. a) fer shur!

2. a) I hate, loathe, and despise IE, I love K-M, and nothing else does things the way I like. smiling smiley

3. a) Accessibility for cyberilliterates
....b) doh.
....c) doh -- I'm still having problems with some download links, but I don't know if it's a bug or my wonky system. Otherwise... doh...well, there are some problems involving focus and copy/paste -- dang it, the thing isn't giving me enough trouble lately ;-)

4. b) -- that says it all! Referring to Mozilla might give some people wrong impressions. IMO they are two very distinct species of lizard, even though they evolved from the same whatyacallit..

My personal slogan might be "Ihate IE, K-M's for me" ;-)

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: SJ Zero
Date: January 08, 2004 06:52AM

Amen brother.

Does anyone else feel like they're trying to drive a circa 1900 automobile when they use IE after using km? I do.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: timoch
Date: January 08, 2004 07:11AM

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?
It's a lot faster than anything else I've used. It is more hacker proof than IE

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?
For clutzes like me, I would like to see the macros and preferences in packets so that it doesn't take a lot of work to install. A lot of them described in this forum seem to work for others, but for some reason, don't work for me

An aside. Why don't most of the entries in this thread wrap? At least they don't wrap for me

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Eyes-Only
Date: January 10, 2004 01:33AM

Hi timoch!

They don't wrap because someone---waaaay back around post 15 or so---posted this huge URL that was about 5km long. winking smiley URLs don't wordwrap but will go on forever which can make posts rather annoying sometimes. >sigh<

SJ? I liked your comparison to going back to IE much like driving an auto from the early 1900! LOL! Well... I haven't used IE in years---honestly! Closest I've come is using an IE front-end, Avant. I won't give in and go any further than that. If I can't use a Gecko-based browser on my computer (preferrably KM) then I simply won't own a computer. I'm not anti-Microsoft---seriously! After all, my favourite browser runs on Windows, right? winking smiley But I just love Gecko and the way it renders/handles.

But I sure did like your comparison SJ. winking smiley

À la prochaine!


Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: gaffarat
Date: January 15, 2004 08:37AM

1) b) Another browser (Mozilla Firebird) is my default, I only use K-Meleon sometimes. However I've been using it more lately.

2) I use Firebird for the tons of feature but use K-Meleon because it's jus SO FAST.

3) More Features Such As:
A. Cookie/Popup black & white list. The cookie black/white list is critical.
B Support for Mozilla Extensions would be awesome. There are SO many handy extensions.
C. A better way to add features. Macros are powerful, but all i'm not too
proficient at building one. I CAN Cut/Paste so maybe just more useful macros need to be listed.
D. Drag & Drop capability with layers would be very handy.
E Finally, a Toolbar that can be extended on the right hand side would be helpful.
Okay that's my 2 cents. Hope it helps.

Have fun stormin' the castle!


Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: AymDesBois
Date: January 16, 2004 11:44PM

1) b) My default is IE6 and I try KM because I need another browser to test my webpages.
But I really think of promoting KM because version 0.8.2 works pretty good !!

2) b) IE wakes up instantly because it's an awesome part of my OS. It is always loaded in memory and this is a thing I don't have too much; my OS wouldn't work good if I uninstall IE (unfortunately)

3) a) no important missing
b) a button with the 5 last viewed pages url (like IE6 and NS7)
c) KM crashes when I try to enjoy realmedia content (with the plugin) but I'm not sure this is KM problem !

4) "Fast & Sober, give K-Meleon a try, you can't regret"

PS: excuse my english !!

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: copongcopong
Date: January 20, 2004 07:25AM

Why you use K-Meleon?

The developers need a few questions answered, to help to establish why people use K-Meleon and it's path for the future, please help by answering the following questions.

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

Fast, customizable, small filesize. attach it to an email, download it and use it anywhere.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

to save the settings on the fly, no need to re-launch the browser. auto-complete for url. xul support.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

"K-meleon, the sexy mozilla."

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: joshua
Date: January 30, 2004 06:49PM

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

b), Firebird is my main browser.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?

I would like to use it as an autoboot CD browser, like TheOpenCD project is doing, but have run into a serious problem...

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?

It really, really needs a way of handling special links/mime types, as the person above observed. For example, I do not know of a way to make it open a MS Word file with Word. It insists on saving it. Firebird can be made to open a file of a particular extension with any other program.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?

b) seems pretty nice to me.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: SJ Zero
Date: February 01, 2004 12:26AM

Thanks eyes-only, I really feel that way. I try doing something that is fast and easy in km, and end up spending a bunch of time doing it. It's just not very easy to use.

I thought of one place where KM needs some improvement: plugin handling. If you get two or three major flash animations going at once, you're SOL and have to kill the browser.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: gnu user
Date: February 11, 2004 10:56PM

Author: boogomatic (
Date: 12-08-03 12:22

Why you use K-Meleon?

The developers need a few questions answered, to help to establish why people use K-Meleon and it's path for the future, please help by answering the following questions.

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?

b) Another browser is my default, I only use K-Meleon sometimes.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?
It's fast and 'small'.
It customized to act like Phoenix, but faster.

b) What are your reasons to choose another browser as default, but still use K-Meleon?
It won't set as default browser correctly -- microsoft outlook links open either two windows, or one of kmeleon and one IE. Somehow Phoenix does it right, so I have to leave it as default.

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?
compile forum tribal knowledge into 'static' faq/reference material... get smaller and faster?

a) What are the most important missing features?
pop-up un-block list

b) What possible improvements to K-Meleon's features would you like to see?
offer gui-fied configs alongside the awesome text config files.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?
u Control.
c) Other slogan, give example:
It's your RAM, your decide!

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: February 12, 2004 08:05AM

Why you use K-Meleon?

The developers need a few questions answered, to help to establish why people use K-Meleon and it's path for the future, please help by answering the following questions.

1) Which of the following would best describe you as a K-Meleon user?
a) K-Meleon is my default browser and I use it all the time.

2) What are the reasons for the way you use K-Meleon?
a) What are your main reasons to choose K-Meleon as default browser?
fast browser, flexible and safe

3) How would you like to see K-Meleon improve?
would like to see it as clean and small as possible with extra modules for extensions.

a) What are the most important missing features?
For me none at this moment

b) What possible improvements to K-Meleon's features would you like to see?
I like it the way it is but for IE users I think it would be easier to change to KM when a default was available which has a little more look and feel like IE. But as I said, I hate it myself ;-))

c) What are the most important unsolved bugs?
0.8.2. is very stable for me, also with Flash, Shockwave, Java, Acrobat etc... plugins.

4) What would you like K-Meleon to have as a slogan?
b) K-Meleon - The Browser You Control.

Re: Why you use K-Meleon?
Posted by: TL
Date: February 23, 2004 04:22AM

1 - a
I dropped IE this very day. I am like many here that like a choice. I also am one of the growing many that do not wish to be a victim of the malicious attacks that have targeted IE. I wanted something that wasn't crash prone. I have seen how much of a behemoth IE has become on a person's system. Improving does not have to mean it mushrooms in size.

2 - a
It was much smaller a program and it still did what I wanted. I like the speed of it. I like the way you can truly make it a "personal" browser. I like the fact others are always "tinkering under the hood" to make it more personal and more efficient. The cost is wonderful but...what good is that if you dispose of it a few days later.

3 - a
More userfriendly for tweaking for us nontech dinosaurs. If it wasn't for the postings in the forum by all of these wonderful people, I wouldnt be able to see exactly how good this product can really be.
-b & c
I haven't used it long enough to be of much help here.

4 - c the change.
Evolution at your fingertips.
K-Meleon...putting personal back into your PC

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