Web search keywords in address bar
Posted by: My name
Date: April 01, 2015 11:04AM

I haven't found this in the documentation so far - does K-Meleon support search keywords in the address bar in the way Maxthon, Opera etc. do?

By this I mean defining a keyword/shortcut for earch search engine ('g' for Google, 'd' for DDG etc.) so in the address bar you can type 'g linear algebra', 'd green apples'.

I'm looking to switch from Maxthon due to memory footprint but any new browser has to have this, or something else as easy to use. Right clicking on the Web Search toolbar icon and choosing a search engine with the mouse really doesn't do it.

Re: Web search keywords in address bar
Posted by: JamesD
Date: April 01, 2015 11:41AM

I see nothing in the search.kmm module which would indicate that the value in the URLbar is parsed to obtain a specific search engine.

An attempt to use 'g linear algebra' resulted in a search by my default engine.

Re: Web search keywords in address bar
Posted by: Dorian
Date: April 01, 2015 04:49PM
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