Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: peter
Date: April 01, 2008 09:03AM

Is there simple tutorial about how to customize k-meleon ? Can you give some hints?
For example,
1) How to create a toolbar?
2) How to create a button on the toolbar?
3) How to create a popup menu?
4) How to bind the popup menu to the button?

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: JujuLand
Date: April 01, 2008 05:09PM

Which version of K-Meleon ?

1.0.x or (1.1.x & 1.5.x)



Mozilla/5.0 (x11; U; Linux x86_64; fr-FR; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Ubuntu/12.04 K-Meleon/76.0

Web: http://jujuland.pagesperso-orange.fr/
Mail : alain [dot] aupeix [at] wanadoo [dot] fr

Ubuntu 12.04 - Gramps 3.4.9 - Harbour 3.2.0 - Hwgui 2.20-3 - K-Meleon 76.0 rc

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: desga2
Date: April 01, 2008 05:50PM

1 & 2) Read Documentation
and download some tools.

3 & 4) More read Documentation

K-Meleon in Spanish

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: desga2
Date: April 02, 2008 07:20PM

P.S.; Remmember you can Search in forums, for example i wrote a lot of replys about "how to make a new toolbar button":


Others forum friends also wrote replys about this, search in forum.

K-Meleon in Spanish

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: foobarly
Date: April 06, 2008 09:51PM

Simple tutorials for this and other functionalities would be a most welcome help for beginners and newcomers -- as every community around the Net seems to be making...

It looks like ours is made up of a bunch of hardcore individualists -- I can speak for myself -- who believe nothing in 'one size fits all' solutions. It will change... eventually! eye rolling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/06/2008 09:53PM by foobarly.

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: JujuLand
Date: April 07, 2008 07:51AM

I agree with you foobarly with the necessity of tutorials and docs, and I'm sure you're ready to help ...


Mozilla/5.0 (x11; U; Linux x86_64; fr-FR; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Ubuntu/12.04 K-Meleon/76.0

Web: http://jujuland.pagesperso-orange.fr/
Mail : alain [dot] aupeix [at] wanadoo [dot] fr

Ubuntu 12.04 - Gramps 3.4.9 - Harbour 3.2.0 - Hwgui 2.20-3 - K-Meleon 76.0 rc

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: desga2
Date: April 07, 2008 09:10PM

So far was very difficult to maintenence a tutorial because K-Meleon were growning very quickly and documentation for olds versions weren't good for new versions.
But from now on I think K-Meleon has been consolidated and will be much easier to make and support tutorials.

I hope more people can helped us with this hard work.

K-Meleon in Spanish

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: foobarly
Date: April 08, 2008 09:04PM

Hey, I am just an user, albeit a nosy one -- please reread the last paragraph of my message. grinning smiley

But seriously, my meager knowledge of all things K-Meleon prevents me from enterprising such a task on my own; now, I sure will try to help anyone who ventures...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/08/2008 09:05PM by foobarly.

Re: Tutorial about customize k-meleon required
Posted by: JohnHell
Date: April 08, 2008 10:45PM

Guys, with the links provided with desga and the documentation section of the webpage, even the worst computer user could tune-up k-meleon for his needs.

I'm one of the "oldest" here (well, no much, only from 0.82) and I had also difficulties, but once you get how macros and config files work, that is not hard, really, you domain k-meleon as puppet winking smiley

Hey and english is not my language! so it is hardest to read all. But is not as hard as learn C language, for example. Just are some commands here and there. Very easy smiling smiley.

Anyway the best is come to the forum, ask and we'll help.

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