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new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 03, 2008 09:10PM

I have uploaded to Rapidshare a new updated unofficial no-Xul version :
K-Meleon-NX-18115 .
This is a simplified version of K-Meleon 1.x ,
usable in Linux together with wine , or also in Windows,
updated to Mozilla using Gecko/20080621,
from Seamonkey 1.1.10.
Look and feel are similar to the earlier 0.9 versions.
The NX No-chrome concept is used here. Thanks to Hao Jiang and Dorian.
The browser is very fast, because Xul is not used.
Note :
This version works only if you have the files msvcp71.dll
and msvcr71.dll in your system or in your K-Meleon folder.
If you want to use Internet Explorer Favorites, mfc71.dll
would also be necessary.
If you need these dll's, look for them in the internet .
If necessary in Linux, copy the files manually to the K-Meleon main folder.
Note : Flashblock, Aggreg8 and other extensions are not included in this
no-chrome version. No autocomplete as it causes problems in Linux.
Ad-blocking by userContent.css and hostperm.1 .
Many useful search engines have been added.
The profiles folder will be created inside the K-Meleon main folder by default.
If, when in Linux, you want this folder inside the wine configuration directory
because of property rights problems, rename the file profile.ini
inside the K-Meleon main folder to for example profile.ini-renamed
before the first start.
A javascript button has been included. After changing permissions
for javascript, reload the page.
History must be deleted manually.

Download as zip file at :

or as tarball for Linux at :


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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Zoohooter
Date: July 04, 2008 11:53AM

Hi Fred,
downloaded this new version last night and when I attempted to set up my profile etc, for some unknown reason, it will not open????? The 18113 version continues to work just fine:-) Help!

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Zoohooter
Date: July 04, 2008 11:54AM

Sorry forgot to add that I'm using it on Win XP SP3.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 04, 2008 03:18PM

Did you delete in components folder the two files
compreg.dat and xpti.dat ?
Usually K-Meleon.exe was able to recreate these two files,
so it was recommended to not include them into the zipped
version. As I have noticed (in several new versions), that
K-Meleon.exe has got difficulties to recreate these files correctly,
I have included these two files in the zipped file.
In your case, I would copy compreg.dat and xpti.dat
from your the components folder in your older version
KM-NX-18113 and paste them into the components folder
of the new version, to replace the newly created files
compreg.dat and xpti.dat there, which do not work correctly.
I hope that this will help.
In other cases, opening the zip file and using the extracted
browser as it is, should work (as I hope).
Do also not forget, to put the 71-runtimes msvcp71.dll
and msvcr71.dll into your K-Meleon main folder, if you
do not have them in your Windows system folder, but had them
in the K-Meleon folder of KM-NX-18113.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Zoohooter
Date: July 06, 2008 12:29PM

tried your suggestions and it still would not load, so I downloaded another copy and everything works fine now. The first download must have become corrupted. But thanks for your help, oh yeh, I like the java script button :-)

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 06, 2008 03:32PM

I am glad to hear that my package seems
to be basically correct and usable with the
included files I mentioned.
Have fun with my browser variation.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: qak
Date: July 06, 2008 07:35PM

Could you upload this somewhere other than RS.
My K-meleon is 1.02 and clicking on DOWNLOAD only give me two messages about "Unable to download at this time" (on many sites, only right click and "Save Link Target As..." will work.) Since RS trying to make money: right click on DOWNLOAD button does not bring up "Save Link Target As..."

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 06, 2008 08:15PM

OK. I have uploaded the zip additionally to Megaupload.
I hope that this will work for you. All these filehosters
have usually a download button.
I also can't guarantee to keep this link persistent.
Download from :


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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: playdayz
Date: July 07, 2008 03:12AM

Thanks Fred, NX-15 seems to be running nicely in crossover office in puppy linux. K-Meleon is the ideal linux browser, or would be easily if it ran native in linux. Your NX series are the ones I have had the best luck with--and one of Hao's once. thanks again, ps

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: qak
Date: July 08, 2008 07:28PM

Many thanks Fred, for your trouble.
Although Mega is no diff from RS. I even have trouble from microsoft site but they do not hide their free download files so when the error occurs, I can copy the origin name of the file (from the progress download dialog) and get it.

Anyone knows why? My problem must be fairly common because some web site even have a message right next to the download button saying "Incase of problem... right click then Save As..."
I did not have this problem on the first 1.02 but couple months back I update to rv: and have encountered this quite often.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: desga2
Date: July 09, 2008 10:12PM

@ qak:
Are you tried to change User Agent string (in Tools menu) to Firefox 2?

K-Meleon in Spanish

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/09/2008 10:12PM by desga2.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: qak
Date: July 10, 2008 12:08AM

Hi desga2,
No, I never change User Agent.
Unless you mean I should try to change it to Firefox 2.
If no other K-meleon 1.02 (rv: user have this problem, I have to admit I do customize KM a bit.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: playdayz
Date: July 12, 2008 07:09PM

Hi Fred, Would it be possible to document the things you do to make your Linux friendly versions of K-Meleon? I am playing with both wine and crossover to see if other versions might be made to work--or to learn what changes might have to be made to get other versions to work. I even bought crossover in order to avail myself of their tech support!

Currently NX-18115 is the only version running for me, but it is running spendidly on both wine 1.1.0 and crossover 7.0.2 I hesitate to say it, but running as w98 there seem to be no crashes at all. Flash is running nicely also right along with k-meleon. This version performs as well the native linux browser seamonkey and outperforms konqeueror, for whatever that's worth ;-) I think it would be only for committed k-melonians though because of the compromises with the url/address bar.

What I would love to see if a wine version of 1.5 ready to go when 1.5 is released. thanks for any help, larry

I should mention that currently your 1.5b2 starts and paints the screen with k-meleon, as a blank page, but won't go anywhere--or goes somewhere but doesn't show anything but a blank page. thanks again

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/12/2008 07:26PM by playdayz.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: Fred
Date: July 12, 2008 09:06PM

K-Meleon1.5b2-Linux-18115 works ok here.
I am writing this in it on Linux from a fresh download
of the tarball file.
May be your download was corrupted.
I would try a new download of the tarball package.
Don't forget to add msvcp71.dll and msvcr71.dll to
the K-Meleon main folder.
Do not delete compreg.dat and xpti.dat from the components
folder, even if that has been recommended often.
Lately K-Meleon has had difficulties to recreate these files
when in Linux.
These files are not included in the official 1.1 and
1.5 versions, and will possibly not be created in Linux,
which might obstruct the start of these versions.
Other reasons could be incompatibilities of gklayout.dll .
I hope that you will succeed.

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Re: new version : K-Meleon-NX-18115
Posted by: playdayz
Date: July 15, 2008 09:24PM

Fred, I took gklayout.dll and gkparser.dll from your NX-18115 and used them to replace the ones in your linux-adapted 1.5b2 and lo and behold, 1.5b2 is working in crossover 7.0.2. Very nice. Thanks for the tip--it also showed up in the dump after a crash. thanks, pd

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