Support for which versions in MacroLibrary
Posted by: JamesD
Date: January 11, 2009 05:11PM

The current MacroLibrary is for KM versions 1.1 and later.
Macros for versions of K-Meleon prior to 1.1 can be found in the old Macro Library.

Any macro using the 'if then else' statement rather than the traditional conditional statement will only run in KM version 1.5 and later. So my question is do I always use only the 'condition ? true : false;' statement for macros going into the MacroLibrary or go with the most modern code?

I am preparing to add Training2.kmm into the MacroLibrary. I am going to put the version using 'if then else' there and a version for users of version 1.1 in this thread.

I would like to hear from users as to whether this is the right way to do this. Should I always prepare two version of a macro? Should I move forward and only prepare a macro with the most modern code?

I should point out that Training2 will be found under Training in the MacroLibrary and does require Training.kmm in order to run.


#  K-Meleon Macros (
# ---------- Training2.kmm
# ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language Training/Example ---------------
# ---------- CHAPTER 2
# Dependencies        : main.kmm, Training.kmm, K-Meleon ver 1.1 or later
# Resources           : -
# Preferences         : -
# Version             : - 0.4a   2009-01-11
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#--   How to end / cancel the execution of the macro based on a condition
$_Training2_Catch = "false" ;
macros(_Training2_EECodeRun) ;

_Training2_EECodeRun {
$_Training2_Text0 = "There is neither an 'end' nor an 'exit' statement in the MacroLanguage. \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."In order to stop executing statements based upon a condition, the ending \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."brace '}' for the macro must be reached without executing statements which \n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."would fail because of the condition. \n\n ";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."At the prompt which follows, please select a file of the type 'name.kmm'. ";
macros( _Training2_EECode_E );
#--   There would normally not be any additional code here, but because this is training
#--   there are these additional lines
$_Training2_Text0 = "Normal execution of a macro would have stopped at the presentation of the user's \n";
$_Training2_Catch == "true" ? &_Training2_EECodeRunC : &_Training2_EECodeRunE ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."When the end of a macro is reached, execution control returns to the \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."macro which called the macro, if any. \n\n"
$_Training2_Text1 = "_MacroFirst { \n ";
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  <code lines> ;\n ";
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  macros( _MacroSecond ) ; \n " ;
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  # control returns here from completion of _MacroSecond \n";
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  }  \n\n " ;
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."_MacroSecond { \n" ;
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  <code lines> ; \n ";
$_Training2_Text1 = $_Training2_Text1."  }   " ;
alert($_Training2_Text0.$_Training2_Text1, "Execution control", INFO);
$_Training2_Text0 = "If you selected a file from the prompforfile this time, try the training \n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."again and select to cancel rather than open a file. "
$_Training2_Catch == "true" ? alert($_Training2_Text0,"Catch", INFO) : alert($_Training2_Text0,"End / Exit", INFO); 

$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."answer and the code example. In the case of a choice to cancel, execution would \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."have stopped because no code branch was provided for that case. \n\n";

$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."answer and the code example. In this case the to cancel is confirmed or the user \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."is returned to the point in the code where another attempt can be made. \n\n";

#-- Method for KM ver 1.1.x  . . . . Note this also works in KM 1.5.x versions
alert($_Training2_Text0,"End / Exit", "INFO");
macros(_Training2_EECode_E2) ;

$_Training2_Result = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, "kmm files", "*.kmm");
$_Training2_Result = basename($_Training2_Result, ".kmm");
$_Training2_Result != "" ? &_Training2_EECode_NotEqual : &_Training2_EECode_E2_Cancel;

$_Training2_Catch == "true" ? &_Training2_CatchRun :0;

$_Training2_Text0 = "The creation and presentation of these lines of text occur only \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."in the lines of code executed when the result is not missing. \n\n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."_Training2_EECode_E2{ \n ";	
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Result = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, 'kmm files', '*.kmm'); \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Result = basename(Result, '.kmm'); \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Result != '' ? &_EECode_NotEqual : 0;\n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0." } \n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0." \n _EECode_NotEqual { \n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   Text0 = 'The creation and presentation of these lines . . .' \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."    . \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."    . \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   alert('Your selection was  '. Result.'\\n\\n'. Text0, 'Name selected') \n";
$_Training2_Catch == "true" ? &_Training2_EECode_NotEqualC : 0;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   } "
alert("Your selection was  ".$_Training2_Result."\n\n".$_Training2_Text0, "Name selected");

$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   Text0 = 'You selected to cancel from the prompt for file.'; \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   CAnswer = confirm('Are you sure you wish to cancel?',Text0, YESNO, QUESTION); \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."   CAnswer == 'NO' ? &_Training2_EECode_E2; : alert('Cancel is confirmed'); \n" ;

#--  Explain what is meant by catch in programming
$_Training2_Text0 = "The term catch means to provide an error handler within the code. \n\n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."If an error condition is encountered, there must be a way to \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."gracefully end the program or provide a way to recover from the error. \n\n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."We will use the 'End / Exit' example, but this time a method to \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."handle the condition raised by a cancel will be added. " ; 
alert($_Training2_Text0, "Catch", INFO);
$_Training2_Catch = "true" ;
macros(_Training2_EECodeRun)  ;

$_Training2_Text0 = "You selected to cancel from the prompt for file." ;
$_Training2_CAnswer = confirm("Are you sure you wish to cancel?",$_Training2_Text0, YESNO, QUESTION); 
$_Training2_CAnswer == "NO" ? &_Training2_EECode_E2 : alert("Cancel is confirmed");

#--  Use of and return from promptforfile
$_Training2_Text0 = "The promptforfile statement returns the full path, filename, and extention \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."of the selection made by the user. \n\n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."$PATH = promptforfile( INITIAL_FOLDER, FILE_TYPE_DESCRIPTION, FILE_EXTENSION_PATTERN ); \n\n ";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Required items are: \n\n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0." - path to initial folder \n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0." - file type description \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0." - extention pattern -examples  *.exe  *.txt  *.kmm  *.js \n\n " ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Each of these must be a quoted string or a variable containing a quoted string.\n ";
alert($_Training2_Text0, "Prompt For File", INFO) ;
$_Training2_Result = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, "kmm files", "*.kmm");
$_Training2_Text0 = "The program generated an initial folder. \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."The file type description was 'kmm files'. \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."The extention pattern was '*.kmm'. \n\n ";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Result = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, 'kmm files', '*.kmm');";
$_Training2_Result == "" ? $_Training2_Result = "You selected to cancel." :0; 
alert($_Training2_Result."\n\n".$_Training2_Text0, "Prompt For File", INFO) ;

#--  $BASE = basename( URL [, SUFFIX] ); 
#--  Returns URL with any leading directory components removed. If specified,
#--  also remove a trailing SUFFIX.
$_Training2_Text0 = "Sometimes it is not desireable to have the full path, name, and extension \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."that is received from the promptforfile statement.  We may want only \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."the name.  For instance, if we wanted a different path and extention for \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."use later in the macro. \n\n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."$BASE = basename( URL [, SUFFIX] ); \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."Returns URL with any leading directory components removed. If specified, \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."also remove a trailing SUFFIX. \n\n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."While meant for use with URLs, basename can strip the path and extention in \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."just one statement.  Notice the brackets around [, SUFFIX] in the statement?  \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."That means removing the suffix is optional. ";
alert($_Training2_Text0, "Basename", INFO) ;
macros(_Training2_BasenameCode2) ;

$_Training2_Result = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, "kmm files", "*.kmm");
$_Training2_Result == "" ? &_Training2_BasenameCodeC : &_Training2_BasenameCodeNC ;

$_Training2_ResultNE = basename($_Training2_Result, ".kmm");
$_Training2_ResultE = basename($_Training2_Result);
$_Training2_Text1 = "Results without path and extension.   ( ResultNE )\n\n";
$_Training2_Text2 = "\n\nResults without path but retaining extension.   ( ResultE )\n\n";
$_Training2_Text0 = "\n\nResult = promptforfile($_Training2_Path, 'kmm files', '*.kmm'); \n" ;
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."ResultNE = basename(Result, '.kmm'); \n";
$_Training2_Text0 = $_Training2_Text0."ResultE = basename(Result);" ;
alert($_Training2_Text1.$_Training2_ResultNE.$_Training2_Text2.$_Training2_ResultE.$_Training2_Text0, "Basename", INFO);
$_Training2_Wiki = confirm("Would you like to view the code for an actual use of basename?","View the ChmView macro in the wiki Macrolibrary",YESNO, QUESTION); 
$_Training2_Wiki == "YES" ? open(""winking smiley :0;

$_Training2_Text0 = "You selected to cancel from the prompt for file." ;
$_Training2_CAnswer = confirm("Are you sure you wish to cancel?",$_Training2_Text0, YESNO, QUESTION); 
$_Training2_CAnswer == "NO" ? &_Training2_BasenameCode2 : alert("Cancel is confirmed");

# add additional lines to the training menu
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[2]   End / Exit","Training2_EECode");
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[2]   Catch","Training2_CatchCode");
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[2]   promptforfile","Training2_PromptFFCode");
setmenu($Training_Popm,"macro","[2]   basename","Training2_BasenameCode");

## Training.kmm will be located in one of two possible locations
## If readfile finds nothing at MacroFolder then the location is UserMacroFolder

################  END OF Training2.KMM  ###############################

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