IEtab executer
Posted by: disrupted
Date: January 28, 2009 04:56PM

automatically opens local html files or internet shorcuts in kmeleon ietab (for testing purposes or non-standard-compliant sites)

extract ietab-run.exe anywhere you like(preferably kmeleon\tools folder).
open folder options from the control panel and select file types tab.

under filetypes> open internet shortcut type and add new command:"test in trident" or "open in trident" etc.. for action; browse to where you have saved ietab-run.exe
repeat same steps for html files or any file you'd like to test in ie.
can also be added to launch from your bookmark manager.
(right-click on local html files or internet shortcuts and select new command "open in trident")

-kmeleon must be default browser
-ietab extension installed

; AutoIt Version: 3.0
; Language: Gibberish
; Platform: Win9x/NT
; Author: yannis kargas
; Script Function: passes urls/links to kmeleon in ietab mode
#Include <String.au3>

$blah = ("chrome://ietab/content/reloaded.html?url=")
$fuck = RegRead("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\HTTP\shell\open\command", "")

$sStrippedCmd = StringRegExpReplace($fuck, "[""%1]", "")
$IEtab = _StringInsert($blah, $CmdLineRaw, 41)
$isurl = StringRegExp($CmdLine[1], ".url")

If $isurl=1 Then
$line=FileReadLine ($CmdLine[1], 2 )
$IEshortcut = StringRegExpReplace($line, "URL=", "")
$IETABshort = _StringInsert($blah, $IEshortcut, 41)
ShellExecute($sStrippedCmd, $IETABshort)

ShellExecute($sStrippedCmd, $IEtab)

edit: IMPORTANT! for pre-windows xp systems; you will need to add "%1" parameter after the added command when editing html or internet shortcuts in file types dialog
c:\program files\k-meleon\tools\ietab-run.exe "%1"

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