LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Andre
Date: January 25, 2005 04:15PM

Just installed on Win XP. Works very good.

Hope you port K-Meleon to Linux wih the KDE widgets.

Many thanks!

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: January 26, 2005 09:20AM

Just for the record, K-Meleon is almost unportable, because it is very closely tied to native Windows widgets. You'll get better results by bugging the Konqueror developers to include interesting features you find in K-Meleon.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Jack The Niples
Date: January 26, 2005 03:20PM

Its imposible Konq is too heavy, Galeon & Episomething is to slowly smiling smiley

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: January 26, 2005 09:47PM

I have tried konquerror as webbrowser under Linux, but it is not usable because for a lot of websites it is giving me troubles (not showing things right, very slow etc....).

Andre is right, it would be nice to have KM under Windows. But on the other hand, there are alternatives and under Linux it is also very easy to make your own optimized brew of for example FF or another Gecko based browser.

And, when you are still using KDE, I think the browser is not the largest problem. Also for KDE there are more then one much faster alternatives ;-))))


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux
Posted by: fluxy
Date: January 27, 2005 03:46PM

I had been using FF. I had thought it fast. But then I wanted to try K-Meleon, I wanted to know why ppl were fancy about making another browser. It's speed and flexibility makes up for my question.

I think it is very unfair to deprive Linux folkz from such a great software. Surely there must be a way to port it a way! There must be a solution. There always is =D

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: January 27, 2005 04:04PM

Yes, there is; Wine.
But it is not a very stable solution and not everything will work I think...


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: January 27, 2005 05:50PM

LOL, K-Meleon in Wine is extremely buggy (at least with the Wine version I use, 20040914). Really, there is no way to port K-Meleon but to rewrite most of it from scratch. The Linux browser closest to K-Meleon in design is probably Epiphany, which also uses plugins (confusingly called "extensions"). Maybe its developers can make some certain extensions if there is much demand. winking smiley

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: FuzzyFox
Date: February 07, 2005 07:31PM

Is it possible that the reason those other browsers are slow is due to X11? The Windows API might just be faster than X11 can hope to be due to its historical interfaces.

I wonder if anyone has considered that if K-Meleon were ported to Linux, it might be no faster than Galeon or Epiphany.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: February 07, 2005 07:40PM

You could be right. The Windows API is faster then X11 and this could be one of the reasons... Never thought about that..

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: February 08, 2005 11:14AM

The point of porting K-Meleon to Linux shouldn't be the speed but rather the ease of customizing. If you want speed, there are already Skipstone and Kazehakase (and Konqueror). I don't think any *nix Gecko-based browser can be faster than Skipstone, since it's already very barebones.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: imrahill
Date: May 27, 2005 02:28PM

I use Opera and it is even faster than on Windows. You should try it.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Who
Date: October 13, 2005 01:30PM

To imrahill: Opera doesn't use any standard widgets, so whether the windows API or GTK is faster won't affect it (I find that the windows API is more efficient)

As for KM on Linux - I think the biggest reason it makes sense is that it would be much easier for KM to gather supporters, developers and followers on Linux.

My reason for saying this is based on the following argument:
*K-meleon's main advantage over other browsers is the way it can be extensively user-customised using the menus, macros, accels and toolbars.cfg files - an incredibly customised browser is easy to achieve for tech minded people who aren't afraid to edit some simple config files.
*The type of people who enjoy apps likle this will want their whole OS not just their browser to be editable and customisable, often using text files.
*Linux, as an OS is customisable, extensible and 'geeky' like KM is.
=>Many of the people who would really enjoy using Kmeleon and contribute to it will be using Linux so will be unaware of KM...

Also, just a side argument.
*Many people runnig KM running it because they only have old hardware and they want speed.
*assumption: if they had lots of money or they wanted to spend their money on their PC they would upgrade their PC to get more speed.
*Linux is free, so people without good hardware (my assumption is that in many cases that equates to not much money to spend on computers) will use it
=>Many of the potential KM users are on linux so don't know of KM

Never take debating - it makes you into some kind of logical argument freak tongue sticking out smiley

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Johnny Reb
Date: November 25, 2005 07:12AM

I've just recently switched to Linux from windows (spit!), and the ONLY thing I miss about windows (spit!) is K-Meleon. I'm now using Firefox as my primary browser, but if K-Meleon were ported to Linux would switch to it ASAP. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed in hopes y'all will decide to port it to Linux.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fred
Date: November 25, 2005 08:41AM

If you want to try K.Meleon on Linux using the "wine" emulation,
you could possibly find some hints in my posting in the old thread

I tried it with the Knoppix live cd.


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: January 02, 2006 09:18PM

Hi Johnny Reb,

I have the same problem.

I am using Firefox on Linux (Slackware derivate Zenwalk Core) because there are no other browsers which fit to my needs. K-Meleon did for me on Windows, but porting to Linux is not possible and a Wine Emulation..... uggggghhhhh!!!!!!

Although Firefox is very fast under Linux, I expect that because Firefox is getting very populair, we get the same problem as under Windows with Internet-Explorer; much vulnerabilities and no real safety.
The advantage of Linux ofcourse, that most virusses are not effective and it is not possible to destroy the system without Root-rights.

As already mentioned before somewhere on this forum, it would be nice to have K-Meleon, ported also to Linux and with the possibility to use different engines.
For example the khtml engine, used by the browser on Mac (forgotten the name....) is very fast and much smaller then the Gecko engine....

But, as also said here in this topic, it is almost impossible to port KM because it has to be rewritten almost completely.
It would be the perfect browser, because Linux users are not affraid of command-line, editing config-files etc... and could help to make KM an even greater succes then it already is for it's, now small, group of users.

Greetings from Holland and a happy new year to all of you!

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: bst82551
Date: January 02, 2006 10:00PM

If someone will port this to windows, it would be great, as it is based on KHTML:

Yes yes, K-Meleon, in logic, would be perfect for Linux... but at the same time, we have such a small user base, can we afford it? Would it kill K-Meleon completely to switch to linux? I think a project that branches off of K-Meleon would be great, but I don't think K-Meleon itself can afford to switch to Linux.


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: January 04, 2006 09:57AM

> It would be the perfect browser, because Linux users are not affraid of command-line, editing config-files etc...

Problem is, they already have Firefox for that.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: Fast Sjonny
Date: January 04, 2006 06:46PM

Hi Rmn,

This can get an endless discussion ofcourse, but as I have mentioned, I think that because Firefox is getting more populair, it will also be more sensibible for the 'bad people on the internet'.
Therefor a combi of a small engine (khtml) and a name like KM would be great.


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: bst82551
Date: January 04, 2006 08:09PM

I agree, Fast Sjonny. I don't understand where the "k" in k-meleon came from. If it used khtml, it might make more sense.


The K from K-meleon
Posted by: Kit
Date: January 04, 2006 09:17PM

@Jan (Fast Sjonny):
"it would be nice to have ... the khtml engine, used by the browser on Mac" [on LInux].
Please note that the Mac browser (called Safari, by the way), has borrowed its engine from KDE, which is right at home on Linux. In other words, KHTML was born on Linux. In fact, that's where the K in KHTML comes from. You can try it anyday as the Konqueror browser inside Linux. I repeat, the Mac borrowed it from Linux.

What do you mean, you don't understand where the K in K-meleon came from? I mean, heck, it's just a play on words on the reptile Chameleon [ ]. Pretty much everything that revolves about Mozilla has adopted a "lizard"-ike name. The gecko engine, Mozilla's mascot, and so on. (Trivia: though Mozilla sounds like Godzilla, it derived from shortening up MOSaic kILLEr. NCSA Mosaic was the original web browser, and also the basis of Internet Explorer).

@the rest:
The reason of being for K-meleon, its birth purpose, was to have a fast implementation of Gecko engine with Windows. Mozilla and Firefox won't do that, because they have more of a focus on platform portability.
K-meleon is by design, as has been mentioned not portable. One of its greatest advantages is its speed. Mozilla or Firefox can't touch K-meleon, in part due to this .
Think of it just like Camino is for the Mac, or Epiphany or Galeon, as some have mentioned.

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: bst82551
Date: January 04, 2006 10:16PM

Well, I knew it was based on "chameleon", but I still don't understand where the "K" came from. It seems like there would be some sort of special thing in K-Meleon that started with a K (i.e. khtml) for it to match the name.


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: January 05, 2006 06:02AM

Brian, search for "K-Jofol" and you'll get a little idea (but still not the full picture :-) .

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: bst82551
Date: January 05, 2006 04:47PM

Haha, I don't think I get it. Oh well.


Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: rmn
Date: January 05, 2006 10:57PM

Er, you don't get what? Did you really try to search for K-Jofol? It's Christophe's earlier project (a music player). So now the question is why he likes K-* names so much. smiling smiley

Re: LK-Meleon for Linux (KDE)
Posted by: bst82551
Date: January 06, 2006 01:21AM

Ohhhhhhh! Well, I found K-Jofol, but I didn't see that it was done by Christophe. Maybe he likes K because it's one of those "kool" letters;-).


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