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Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: CaptnBlack
Date: August 28, 2006 09:19AM

I was just wondering why the SeaMonkey history manager is not used in K-meleon ?

With the addition of some files from a Seamonkey install, I managed to open the history manager in K-m, and it seemed to work ok.

There was a problem with the window display, but I think that could be worked out by editing the xul for the history manager.

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Re: Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 28, 2006 10:58AM

Normally k-m does not use XUL if k-m native things are available.
They often prevent XUL things from working properly and because XUL is slower.

Maybe You want to create an extension for those that like it (if it is better 4 You).
The FFox ppl do that also.

How many kb of XUL would that XUL hisstory manager add?

btw: XUL history was used in some private issues.

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Re: Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: CaptnBlack
Date: August 28, 2006 11:59AM

The History manager xul isn't very large, around 50 KB.
Unfortunately, I had to add extra components, and other chrome to get it to edit the history properly.

So I haven't calculated everything up yet.
I'm still working on getting the minimum files required to run the history manager.

Are any of the private issues available for download anywhere ?
Perhaps I could get some clues on how to implement the history from them.

I've been using the history plugin, and the manager together to verify between them, there doesn't seem to be any conflicts using both.

The XUL manager has some much needed features that the history plugin lacks.
It has better sorting options, and also has the ability to delete individual history items.

I'll post all the info when/if I get everything sorted out.

Thanks for your reply

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Re: Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: guenter
Date: August 28, 2006 01:02PM

No conflict: sounds very good indeed - You must be very far already.
If they start to work - they will work.

Look into console2 (option: all messages) when/after You test Your new History.
Console2 will normally inform You about faults and location of faults (e. g. missing file). Error messages will guide You also to remaining issues.
No error message usually means that You have won that You are finished.

Though i am not sure whether it contains all You need ( or will still help You ) but I uploaded old history.jar from: 0.8.2+ ( 1.8 based ) from lontronics to

for newer ones You would have to check with Fred or Hao.

I always just look into the XUL files to find which they refer to
(=which are needed) - just like i do with html links.

<!DOCTYPE dialog SYSTEM "chrome://communicator/locale/history/findHistory.dtd">
wants to import a language file from ... but i assume You know.

I just check all files - the locations can be changed/edited - e. g. relocated
to history.jar -

I best like to follow examples/paradigms.
You can possibly use/look into mtypes.jar as example.
The mtypes extension was originally inside comm/content/communicator/pref/

I wish You all success!!!

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Re: Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: CaptnBlack
Date: August 29, 2006 10:48AM

Thank you for the help.

I'm using the default Seamonkey history manager, that's located in comm/content/communicator/history/, it works pretty well, except for adding a history link to bookmarks, I guess the bookmarks plugin may be conflicting.

I'll probably just remove the bookmark dependencies to simplify things, and try to make it a stand alone jar to keep it as slim as possible.

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Re: Seamonkey history manager
Posted by: vpowell
Date: November 18, 2006 01:20AM

while you are working on it, if you give enough details that I can get it running, I would like to try it.

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