Bugs :  K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
You can talk about issues with k-meleon here. Issues means: bugs, malfunction, crashes, etc. Remember that issues with web rendering is beyond the scope of what K-meleon is, a shell for an engine. 

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3 years ago
As it looks to me a(ny) Profile Name is just an arbitrary combination of characters (consisting of numbers and letters). The Profile Name seems to be used only inside the folder "Profiles" (where the folder with the profile name and ".default" is residing) and inside the file "profiles.ini" (where this profile name is mentioned – and what is appearing when K-Meleon
Forum: General
3 years ago
Just for curiosity to see the differences I did run WinDiff on both 20210710 and 20210717 unpacked, but untouched versions. And I do not wonder that there are some changes in the .exe file – but there is a bunch of .dll-files that are reported different; but i wonder that when you compare them, they are "different in blanks only" ... same thing when comparing 20210703 with 20210717 or
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
... I assume you remember this thread: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?1,154145,154145#msg-154145 ... and maybe also this one: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?1,155086,155086#msg-155086 ... and another one: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?1,140470,140470#msg-140470 So far I have four files that I have to alter or replace: \browser\defaults\settings\accel
Forum: General
3 years ago
In not only continuation, but even extension of this thread: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?1,154148 Or in short words: it is not acceptable to declare a rev. "stable" – and even "last stable" (in general – not for only a specifig version) if surfing to some sites just makes the browser totally crash (so that you have to kill it and start it over). In the ment
Forum: General
3 years ago
... thanks ... is workin' ...
Forum: General
3 years ago
When I paste an URL into the URL-field I have it set to open in a new tab. When using "paste & go" (KM76 – n.a. in KM75) it is opening in the same tab. But I always want it to open in a new tab (for both "manually paste and press enter key on the keyboard" or using "paste & go" from the right klick menue). You could want to tell me that in that cas
Forum: General
3 years ago
Help => About K-Meleon ... showing 76.4.3 (should be 76.4.4) ...
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
Sorry to bother – but it's still not clear what to alter in what file and where those files are that have to be altered ... QuoteKris_88The problem can be solved by adding a polyfill: http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/file.php?9,file=2037,filename=polyfill_om_3.zip Adding this to the /browser/extensions/ folder does not seem to avoid the problem ... there is a window "stop unrespon
Forum: General
3 years ago
I have several notebooks with Pentium III here; they use PC-133 SODIMMs of max. size of 2x 512 MB – max total RAM of 1024 MB. For quite a while it was not only difficult to get those RAMs – they were also offered for an exorbitant phantasy price. Nowadays you get them again for about 20 bucks each ...
Forum: General
3 years ago
I have a real big bunch of passwords saved and I want to save/backup them and also have it ready for use in a different browser – but I do not want to write down the complete list by hand ... Is there a possibility to export the complete list at once? Btw.: in other chromium based browsers the list is displayed in a simple html/web-style page so that the page just can be copied into the c
Forum: General
3 years ago
... it must have been three links inside the error page that directed to sourceforge.net ... I suppose that's some kind of anti-spam-protection or else ... it was not any word of the error message itself (what I really would have wondered if) ....
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
... btw: could be that it was me myself ... I remember having pressed the send button more than once as there did not seem any reaction of having sent the post — and that was the result ... :|
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Today I was writing an answer here ... but when trying to post something went wrong ... Now I can access the thread overview in the forum – but when selecting some of the threads I get either: The database connection failed. Please check your database configuration in include/db/config.php. If the configuration is okay, check if the database server is running. or An error has b
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
When I want to post the text of an error page created by the forum software here I cannot send the post; I get following message: A forbidden word has been used. Avoid dubious links and bad behavior. If after fix it you still have problems, report to administrators in Support thread. Where is the list with all the forbidden words here?
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
As said no error or flaw in any way so far ... but now I set it on the real hard way ... # _Zoom_SetAccels{ #setaccel("CTRL VK_MULTIPLY","macros(Zoom_Reset)"); #setaccel("ALT VK_PLUS","macros(Zoom_Images_In)"); #setaccel("ALT VK_ADD","macros(Zoom_Images_In)"); #setaccel("ALT VK_MINUS","macros(Zoom_Images_Out)&quo
Forum: General
3 years ago
Quotesiria QuoteVoltaireOpened on MacBook2,1 with Windows Vista ... When opening "Preferences" this crash happens ... roytam mentioned above that he fixed the Prefs crash already. Try a fresh download... Is there a newer build other than KM76.4.1-Goanna-20210220.7z created 20.02.2021 14:17 downloaded from the page we are here (uppermost link on top of the page): (STICKY: â
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
Quotesiria > You mean I could also have set a # only in front of $OnInit, and then these keys would be defined but this definition not activated? Well, almost: it means then only the macro function "_Zoom_SetAccels" would be defined, but not executed automatically at start of new sessions. Only if later called manually, by a menu or otherwise, it would then fire and define the se
Forum: General
3 years ago
Opened on MacBook2,1 with Windows Vista ... When opening "Preferences" this crash happens ... Problemsignatur: Problemereignisname: APPCRASH Anwendungsname: k-meleon.exe Anwendungsversion: Anwendungszeitstempel: 60310bab Fehlermodulname: xul.dll Fehlermodulversion: Fehlermodulzeitstempel: 602f408b Ausnahmecode: c0000005 Ausnahmeoffset
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
Thanks for the list ... I just wondered where the VK_PLUS and VK_MINUS are on the list ... But I miss quite a bunch of some other special characters in the list – like equal, paragraph, degree, ampersand, percent etc. ... I assume these could be other VK_OEM_ keys.
Forum: General
3 years ago
... oops – I did not pay enough attention ... OK, the upper four are for zoom images, the lower four for zoom page ... ... Btw: one # only is necessary; in front of the _Zoom_SetAccels{ ... line (this disables the whole block). But as said: a) I do not care about zooming by keyboard, and b) I need the CTRL-ALT combination free for "AltGr" as the latter is not available on a Macint
Forum: General
3 years ago
Have a look at Wine or WineBottler ...
Forum: General
3 years ago
I tried with a # in front of the four "setaccel("CTRL ALT VK_ ..." lines (they seem to be the same as the four "setaccel("ALT VK_ ..." lines just above) ... and this is working ...
Forum: General
3 years ago
OK, first try with some modifications in the accel.cfg (ALT-... changed to CTRL-...) But some problems remain: I now have a customized keyboard layout on which the en-dash (–) is set to ALT-GR-"-" (ALT-GR-minus; corresponds to CTRL-ALT-minus – what is needed on a MacBook with Bootcamp); with the result that no en-dash is written, but the zoom decreased ... How and where to get
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteAliceYou really should consider upgrading the RAM. You should be able to fit at least 2GB in there. Sorry, that's no answer! I also have notebooks here that I use for writing texts because they have better keyboards than any other newer model; and they do not support more than 512 or 1024 MB RAM, or it is difficult or impossible to get it.
Forum: General
3 years ago
In the download section the latest version that is declared stable is 75.1 ... it is nice to use it withoud scripting as it is really fast ... but many of new pages are not correctly displayed. This does not bother when you don't see any ads (as they are anyway not wished). But it gets a problem when you have set JavaScript on and want to visit www.heise.de ... Without script most of the thi
Forum: General
3 years ago
How to Disable "DEL"-Key for "Go Back a Page"? When editing on a forum page I often accidentally touch the (very sensitive) keypad (bringing the cursor outside the edit window) - and if then the DELETE-Key (backspace, not forward delete) is pressed (while wanting to delete some misspelled letters) that page goes back to the last page (before opening the edit window) - and t
Forum: General
4 years ago
Please have a look at the website www.heise.de In the upper part, there are some pics that show as they should. If you scroll down a bit (to the list of more (non-promoted) articles) the pics look crippled. If you open such an article you get again such a crippled pic slightly bigger. Please right-click onto the pic and look at the pic properties: it is a pic of the size 16x9 pixels (
Forum: General
4 years ago
As for today WP is working again ... But yesterday evening it did not work - neither under XP SP3 nor 8.1 - and crashed immediately ...
Forum: General
4 years ago
With the last officially stable Version (K-Meleon 75.1) Wikipedia is no longer accessible. KM crashes immediately completely and must be quit ...
Forum: General
4 years ago
Seit heute ist ein LogIn bei heise.de und Wikipedia.org mit KM75.1 auf einem Win8.1-Rechner nicht mehr möglich. Bei heise.de kommt einfach immer wieder der Login-Screen - WP meldet "Es gab ein Problem bei der Übertragung deiner Benutzerdaten. Diese Aktion wurde daher sicherheitshalber abgebrochen, um eine falsche Zuordnung deiner Änderungen zu einem anderen Benutzer zu verhindern. Bitte s
Forum: General
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