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9 years ago
Great thanks! And just found in my old personal skin those random notes, probably not complete: new in KM1.6: Right-click menu for Tab History needs extra menu added on back/forward buttons ID_NAV_BACK|History Back ID_NAV_FORWARD|History Forward new in KM154: Right-click menu: replace "Config&uration" with "C&onfiguration" ID_PREFERENCES|C&onfiguratio
Forum: Graphics
9 years ago
Thanks for fixing favorites, and glad there's a zipped version again. Had almost given up last hope that commands.html would ever get fixed Perhaps some day the default skin can be fixed too again to need only the few differing files in the variation folders again. A quick test with my old classiria skin shows that this function basically still works fine (sorry guenter, no offense, but a
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
There are lots of skins out there for old KM versions. Ocasionally a button or two don't work anymore with a new KM and just need a little update in toolbars.cfg Lets make a little list, which version changed what command?
Forum: Graphics
9 years ago
For another site someone mentioned to allow third-party cookies, perhaps that? In Priv Menu that appears as "allowed", and priv button is not blocked if only external cookies are blocked.
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
@guenter: LOL, jetzt hab ich die ganze Zeit gerätselt was du nur meinen könntest, ich soll jetzt hier aber nicht ägyptisch und chinesisch lernen oder sowas?! und ein en Muttersprachler ist doch schon hier... Und meinen Senf hab ich schon weiter oben ausführlichst dazugegeben. Nun ist der Groschen doch noch gefallen: ach so, du meinst was ich weiter oben wegen dem zweiten Macro geschrieben ha
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Sigh... somehow I thought injectJS could return variables again, but now after endless struggling it looks like not No idea how complicated it could be to fix it, but otherwise are there any alternative ways? The only lousy workaround so far is making the js code change the page title to the needed variable, annoy the user with an alert box to get a split second break, get $TITLE by macro, and t
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
QuoteJamesDFavorites.DLL is unchanged. There is a problem with that plugin. The following macro statement is causing KM to crash. plugin(favorites,"AddLink"); Have you also tried plugin(favorites,"Add") ? (both not really called by macro, just by the native menu). Because both functions crash for me on cursed Vista offline notebook with fully installed final1 version, no
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
(oops, my fav prob was old version!!)
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Now it's really different. Thanks for removing the old commands.txt, but commands.html still has all links dead, due to the base href line in the header. Just noticed, the chapter about favorites plugin has a "bookmark" nick command...
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
@Dorian: Sorry you were sick, hope you'll get better soon Please consider fixing also the commands.html (delete 1 line with the broken base href, update history commands or whatever was changed) and delete the 10year old commands.txt (attempt #4, sorry ) And it would also be very helpful for new users or testers to group more of the shattered skin+button configs together into the cont
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Quoteguenterdom.ipc.plugins.enabled / false - but I still think it is the flash on that site Ich nix verstehn vom Rest, alles zu hoch, aber die ipc default-Einstelllung oben sagt alleine ja nicht unbedingt was über Flash aus. Weil jedes Plugin auch noch einzelne ipc-Settings hat und die haben Priorität über default. Ganz allgemein hört sich "plugins.enabled" sowieso leicht irrefü
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
QuoteguenterHabe heute anderes im Kopf. AgentSwitcher = EWG (einer wird gewinnen), Dorian nimmt den, der ihm besser gefällt. Wieso nur einer?? :cool: Ich sag schon ständig, ich hätte gern ein Doppelpack, lässt sich auch wunderbar integrieren solange beide im gleichen Menü sind. Am besten sogar 3 gleichzeitig integrieren, ein manueller Switcher, ein Auto-Switcher, und ein FF-Switcher, aber
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Finally played a bit with skins to figure the prefs system out better. I wouldn't be surprised if it was already ten years ago described in the wiki or manual, but oh well... as long as playing is more fun :cool: Okay, to save an individual skin layout, first arrange everything as you like. - click Edit>Configuration> Profile directory to find prefs.js, which stores skin settings
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
If it is the same skin folder and same prefs.js than the layout should stay the same. Also make sure the browser is not open when overwriting prefs.js
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
QuoteguenterGroß &D und &d ist IMHO nicht das Gleiche. So funktionieren Menü-Kürzel aber nicht. Du verwechselst das mit Browserweiten Shortcuts, das ist was ganz anderes. Aber schau dir einfach mal die anderen Menükürzel an: Der Einstieg ist die Alt-Taste und dann der unterstrichene Buchstabe im Hauptmenü, anschließend ohne ALT jeweils der unterstrichene. Das sind oft genug
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Tested profile skins in KM74. It works perfectly fine to mirror the skin folder structure in the profile folder, with the same folder names. Even when only the toolbars.cfg is copied into one of those folders, it works perfectly! The cfg gets loaded from profile, the Edit>Config>Toolbars command does open it from the profile, and the images are still working from the root-skins Also getfol
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
QuotenarumanHowever , adding toolbar toggle button , i not sure it will work ,as there's no way to get toolbar event (plugin) , but we can get the menus. Maybe we can add "right click" menu for toolbar button somehow. Have not the slightest clue about addons, but plugin commands can be put on buttons (e.g. bookmark/favorites button). As well as ID-commands or macros. And if a me
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Great James! That reminds me that I posted nonsense with the resource path a few days ago, because that was in the old KM version. Discovered only now that in KM74 "resource:///" opens "K-Meleon/browser" instead. And weird to me, this path seems to work on the same level as the files and folders inside the parallel omni.ja. Oh well, much to learn. Hm, wondering now: what d
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
@James: sorry just lazy, am struggling all evening already with hairsplitting wordings in german, no talent :-/ @guenter: Erstmal das 1.macro, zweite mal sehen, wird aber spät "Browserkennung" ist natürlich okay, wenn das schon so üblich ist. Dann würd ich meine SW-Kennung hintendran aber doch eher weglassen. Alle Zeilen find ich gut so, außer dem Titel: & im Menütit
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
So it was removed to help statistics?? Well, that's a least a reason finally for this mystery. I understand that, but still, this function is just too important to simply drop it for this, that would backfire. People will install user macros instead and what I fear is the menu chaos this creates together with the separate FF-compat-menu. We wouldn't anymore have a single menu that can b
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Keine Ahnung, und es hört sich ja schon besser an, aber ich hab mir halt überlegt, unter "Browserkennung" stell ICH als einfacher User mir NUR die reinen Browserdaten vor. Im UA ist aber auch die Windows-Version drin und auch die System-Sprache, was mich doch ziemlich verblüfft hatte, als ich es das erstemal mitgekriegt hab. Von daher find ich persönlich Software-Kennung richtiger,
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
I've been looking for something with wildcards, without success, but your regexp sounds promising. The prob is that regexps have always been marsian to me, and still are, shudder. What string would be needed to check for e.g. xxx.* ?
Forum: General
9 years ago
Well, if you want my suggestions, they are long since in my post above ;-) But not very literally, because I tried to make things as understandable as possible. Especially something like "default" is not clear enough to me, if the browser default is "with FF string", as in the current RC2final, while as a user I would expect "default" = "without fakes"
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
Quotenaruman About "google audio' bug , i Found a way to override it without the flash bug . It Fixed by just changing the useragent to 'Chrome' string :mad: I had tested it in a version +1 (based on km RC ) & using useragent per site . Anyway here's file of the useragent fit for km RC . YES - Thank you! I'm glad, a real switcher again with a list is really
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
No, not specific skins. In KM1.6/1.7, when you click a button and hold down two seconds, the right-click menu appears. In a few macros I had used that as workaround for the rebarmenu bug with showing wrong checkmarks, and in KM74 those macro buttons now have no function at all on left-click (Update: In KM74-final it works again!) Pity - to get those correctly checked menus in KM74 for my macro
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
SENSATION!! (for me ) Just discovered that in KM74 in skins toolbars.cfg menu names can also be put on left-click, without any tricks, simply by typing the menu name! For the first time in KM-history it's *finally* possible to get the correct checkmarks on left-click menu buttons, because rebarmenu-plugin is not needed anymore for it! And rebarmenu still has that checkmarks bug. Just not
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
@guenter: Finally got around to take a first look at KM74, after digging up my other notebook. First result: the "resource" folder is not the rootfolder anymore, but KM/browser/omni.ja :-(
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Skin probs, was that about the toolbars.cfg not getting saved, or other?? Don't know much, only that long ago I had tested what happens when I copy a skin folder simply into my profile, and it did work from there. Perhaps it would already suffice to just copy over the skin folder structure and the toolbars.cfg? But I suppose it would have to be edited manually from an explorer window, s
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
Favorites: Yeah that's why I asked about adding more functions a bit back. The KM1.6 version can only refresh new favorites natively when the native KM "add"-function is used, but at the time it could (or still can?) NOT rename a new fave nor choose a folder, if I remember correctly. And the alternative ways used by the various helper macros can do this, but not refresh. So all hel
Forum: Announcements
9 years ago
QuoteguenterTried all settings. Either no sound on google translator or Youtube freeze. Additional problem. Change of settings seems to needs restart. What a mess. Thanks for info! The KM rootfolder you can get automatic, but I doubt that helps anything in this case: resource:///skins Sorry that was wrong. For KM74 the resource folder is now KM/browser /omni.ja :-(
Forum: Announcements
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