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13 years ago
Quotesiria descriptive text in BIG BOLD UNDERLINED I fixed that, now, because I hate it, too. The price to pay was breaking the hitherto uniform page design . (That's not really good English, is it? How would a native speaker put that?)
Forum: Development
13 years ago
QuoteI suppose with "column 2" you mean that blank at the beginning of the line that was "the obvious" which I had missed! Docs should be ok now. Thx, you both!
Forum: Development
13 years ago
Thanks, JamesD, but I'm afraid I'm not seeing the obvious. The "anchor" paragraph I was referring to is part of that "Extended Markup Language" page (your second link) - but I can't digest it. I think the easiest would be if someone (you?) could repair the English page - then I could do the German one.
Forum: Development
13 years ago
Forum: Development
13 years ago
Ah - the loader, well. no, I learned hating the loader, messin' 'n fiddlin' with my KM all the time, editing a cfg, adding a macro, switching off a plugin ... And if you forget killing the loader, there's trouble ahead ... But I do admit to having open a minimized KM window most of the times. Error console warning hasn't appeared any more since my fix.
Forum: Extensions
13 years ago
and the roadmap page. Comments welcome - but don't be too harsh, please ...
Forum: Development
13 years ago
@ siria: QuoteMit deiner letzten Frage bin ich jetzt nicht ganz sicher, ob ich die richtig verstehe, aber falls ja: das sind nur zwei Türen zum genau gleichen Raum Naja, ich gurke ja jetzt vermehrt auf diesen Seiten rum, aber das mit den 2 Türen ... Wenn man auf "Dokumentation" geht, steht oben: "KMeleonWiki > Dokumentation", also D wäre eine Teilmenge von W.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, the internal links on the Documentation page (4, in the first paragraph) don't work from their text body links, though the same 4 link targets are speedily presented when you click the links in the navigation box (?) above. I did spend some time on that, but now I surrendered. Is there any native English speaker out there who is expert enough with the wiki markup language to hel
Forum: Development
13 years ago
Hi, caktus, ..good! Wouldn't be a bad idea to follow my steps 1 to 4 from above, though. Never miss a wrong file extension any more ... Plus, you'll be able to see faked extensions when receiving bad mail attachments via Outlook Express. Not a very common problem nowadays, I know ...
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, JamesD, Quotewhether you stop and restart KM when you use it -I'm not sure what you mean by "it"? After editing the kmm: restart, of course. But that is only done once in the lifetime of the kmm ... If I get the editing right the first time, that is. After deleting a group: haven't tried yet. Seems like I should, you're meaning to say?
Forum: Extensions
13 years ago
Hi, JamesD, thanks for pointing out the error. I was able to fix that, will edit the above post soon. - But, of course, not having the slightest idea about the inner workings of groups2, I do NOT know for sure if everything is always going to work - especially not deleting groups ... So, anybody using my tweak should not complain to JamesD if things go wrong - and have your backups handy!
Forum: Extensions
13 years ago
Ja, hab ich grade, und dachte: huch, vorhin hat es doch funktioniert! Dann noch mehr rumprobiert - es scheint sich so zu verhalten: 1) Die "anchors" für Links auf der Seite funktionieren - aber nur von dem Navigationsblock aus, und ich habe keinerlei Ahnung, wie ich sie vom Text aus ansprechen könnte. Und sie sind praktisch alle dort oben. Falls das ein Forums-Bug sein sollte
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, siria, cache geleert? Ansosten: ich hab's auch erst gestern gelernt. Hol' doch ruhig mal den "Something New" thread damit hoch - es gibt sicher einige Neulinge die den bis jetzt verpasst haben!
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, JamesD, great work, thanks! Just one tiny improvement suggestion: I always find it more agreeable to have menu items which I use frequently closer to the menu's top than those I use rarely. (Edited to mend the issue thar JamesD mentions in the next post Consequently, in the Groups2.kmm, I moved the lines $_Groups2_DelName = ""; &_Groups2_BuildGroupsMen
Forum: Extensions
13 years ago
neu hinzugefügt Gustav, bist Du mit der Nennung Deines Namens einverstanden? Quotemarco Ist das der einfachste Weg? kann sein, in der englischen Version des Browsers - wenn Du Dir eine deutsche per .exe installiert hättest, hättest Du wahrscheinlich nach einem (!) Klick auf "Dokumentation" gleich den Hinweis gesehen. Oder wenn Du händisch die Spracheinstellungen geändert
Forum: General
13 years ago
106. Re: Menu
Hallo, Ama, und willkommen im Forum! I'll answer this in English: Close K-Meleon (Plus the QuickStarter, if active) Go to the folder, in "Program Files" (Deutsch, Standard: C:\Programme): \K-Meleon\defaults\settings make a copy of the file "menus.cfg", call it "menus.cfg.orig" to have a backup. (In case anything goes wrong when editing the real one,
Forum: Graphics
13 years ago
... or, forget that rather lengthy post of mine, do as siria wrote above: get an independent portable fresh install with a fresh profile, don't customize / optimize / add many things at a time, before testing for , say, two days? Keep a copies of the whole folder before making new changes. That way, you may detect the culprit one day. Tell us what you changed between your last "sta
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, caktus, I'm sorry it's still crashing. QuoteBTW, what difference can be made by setting it as my Home Page make? console indicates many new css warnings. Most of the css warnings apply to Toluna, Well, trying a diagnose could be made easier by, e.g., freeing the console from unnecessary clutter, and excluding suspects. So it should not just have been "don't have it
Forum: General
13 years ago
2ter Link auf marco's site: DocumentationDe
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, alle, Es gibt jetzt hier einen Link auf marco's Seite: DocumentationDe PS: Ich möchte hier ganz kurz mal auf dieses Homepage/Dokumentation/Wiki Thema eingehen: a) Die gesamte Homepage enthält wahnsinnige Schätze an Information. b) Diese Information ist großen Teils so sehr rattenschlecht organisiert, daß es kaum auszuhalten ist, m.E. - ich persönlich habe maximal
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, marco! Danke! So ist's ja perfekt! - Jetzt müssen nur wir den Gegenzug auch gut schaffen ... Ich helf' mal gleich, nach passenden Plätzen zu suchen.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hallo, marco, Quote@siria Danke erneut für die Hinweise und Tipps! Du bist ein wandelndes K-Meleon Lexikon - gibt es denn bald mal auf Deiner Seite einen Link zurück zu dieser Quelle der Weisheit (dem Forum - vielleicht mit dem von siria angeregten Hinweis auf die Mehrsprachigkeit hier)? Vielleicht wenigstens im Impressum? Nix für ungut!
Forum: General
13 years ago
OK from me.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, that's something I'd like to know, plus: what effect does it have if the paths stored in there (to "Oconfigdir" and to the nssckbi.dll) lead to nowhere? I guess that is the only file you'ld HAVE to edit manually after copying ALL profile data from another installation. Haven't tested yet if it behaves when edited manually, though ... Maybe this eve
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, ich hab jetzt meinen Vorschlag mal an marco gemailt - ist ja letztendlich seine Sache, was er damit anfängt. Eine Profiles-Synopse von mir wird es dann irgendwann in naher Zukunft als eigenen Thread in "General" geben, dann auf Englisch.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hi, nur um Doppelarbeit zu vermeiden: ich bin grade dabei, die InstAnltg. bezöglich Profilen umzuschreiben. Werde den Vorschlag bald fertig haben (ca. halbe Std.)
Forum: General
13 years ago
Hallo, Marco, das war ja wohl ein riesiges Stück Arbeit - ich gratuliere! Und schon ganz schön ansprechend! Ich bin auch eher Minimalist, deshalb stört mich der fehlende Hinweis auf die PrivacyBar nicht - vielleicht können wir ja bald mal ein HowTo für einen einzelnen JSbutton unterbringen - mit optischem JS Statusfeedback und &Privacy KontextMenü für die anderen Funktionen.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Quotemyself, again where on that page did you get to the /art_dump_mod_1.htm section of their site? Looks like their complete articles database to me? ... not really meant to be opened by an EndUser? ... meaning, of course, where on: w w w . hometips . c o m did you find that link? Do you really believe you need that very "art_dump" page to find any information tha
Forum: Improvement requests
13 years ago
Hi, those 2 macros come with the main.kmm. They don't work here when called from the GoButton's context menu. ("Reset URL Bar" and "Copy" items). Can anybody confirm that, or is that due to my own over- and misconfiguration? No big deal, though - if it IS confirmed, I'll simply comment them out. Don't use them often, anyway.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Quotemyself where on that page did you get to the /art_dump_mod_1.htm section of their site? Looks like their complete articles database to me? ... not really meant to be opened by an EndUser?
Forum: Improvement requests
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