
KMeleonWiki > Welcome > Documentation > Tutorials > Km74 Folder Structure

Folder Structure of Standard K-Meleon74 Installs

You will often see references to the profiles.ini file. It's listed in here, and there is only ever one of it. On the other hand, you may have as many profiles as you want with the file-name structure random-string.profile-name, and you get to choose the profile-name. But all of these will live in the C:\%AppData%\K-Meleon folder.

Windows default paths


Portable Installs do not populate %AppData% or %LocalAppData%. Everything is contained in the C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Meleon folder.

Windows paths
The locations given here are valid for x64 Vista and 7; probably also 8 and 10.
If you are using Wine, or a 32-bit Windows OS, then you don't need the "(x86)" on the "Program Files".

C:\Program Files (x86)\K-Meleon

. profile.ini (file. only in "portable" installs. NOTE: no "s". May be empty.) portable use
. browser
. . . extensions (global, if present)
. . . defaults
. . . . . preferences
. . . . . . . profile
. . . . . chrome
. . . . . . . settings
. . . plugins (global or portable, if present) portable use
. kplugins
. locales
. . . de
. . . es-ES
. . . fr
. . . ru
. . . zh-CN
. macros
. . . docinfo
. profiles (only in "portable" installs.) portable use
. . . profiles.ini (file.)
. . . random-string.default
. . . . . plugins (sometimes is here)
. skins
. . . AuraAlpha
. . . AuraAlpha(CNoT)
. . . AuraAlpha(Compact)
. . . AuraAlpha(Large)
. . . Klassic
. uninstall


. profiles.ini (file. NOTE the "s")
. random-string.default
. . . chrome
. . . extensions (per user, if present)
. . . indexedDB
. . . . . chrome
. . . . . . . idb
. . . . . . . . . 2588645841ssegtnti
. . . plugins (per user, if present.)
. . . weave
. . . . . logs


. random-string.default
. . . Cache
. . . . . Cache folders, numbered #0 - #F
. . . . . . . sub-sub-folders, numbered #00 - #FF
. . . startupCache


. (Possible location for Portable or Global plugins)

Depending on customisation, there may be folders inserted which are not listed here.

Wine in Linux

Because Wine is an emulation of Windows, we must use Windows path names inside Wine. So for most purposes we can refer to the Windows paths above.

Most installs will be in
/home/<user>/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/ = C:\Program Files\
But multi-user installs may use a path like
/opt/Program Files/ = E:\Program Files\ to avoid permissions problems.
In both cases the folder structure will be the same.

./Program Files/

({C:\|E:\}Program Files\)
. K-Meleon/
. kmtools/
. . . Km-open (tool to open k-Meleon download files)

./drive_c/users/<user>/Application Data/K-Meleon/

(C:\Application Data\K-Meleon)
. profiles.ini
. random-string.default (default profiles location)
. . . chrome


. K-meleon temp files


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