
KMeleonWiki > KmeleonWikiSuggestions

Place your suggestions for this wiki site here.

Suggestion 1

Add to the end of each page a RecentChanges and a ListAllPages?. This would make the site easiers to navigate.

  • Adding a link to KMeleonWiki and upper level pages, at the top of each page would help navigation. (see example above)

Suggestion 2

September 14Th 11:00 PM EST. -By-: A)(A
Perhaps we should include a "Benefits of K-Meleon Page" ???

  • Include some browsing exploit Vulnerabilities that do not Ad-Hear to; compared to other browsers that might not keep some pages on so short a leash ?. ;-) :-D

If someone would set this up it would be nice.

  • In conjuntion an Advanced -BugTraq?- script that we could all add benefits? to ?

I think being able to check this would benefit the moral of everyone.

Suggestion 3

  • Now that the Wiki has quite a bit of "ported" pages, why not change the links from the old site here? That way, we can easily eliminate the the website bugs: bug:374?, bug:482?, and bug:484?.
  • People don't read documentations that much. Let's keep the docs simple. e.g. we should only say that "you can configure your proxy settings from the preferences dialog". The prefs is friendly enough; no need for more explanation, IMHO.

Suggestion 4

November 28Th 09:00 PM EST. -By-: JujuLand
Facilitate navigation in wiki and all the site by cookie information refearing to Switchlang, in the left pane (Home/News, Screenshots, ...). Ought to point to translated pages, else we are always switching.


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