
In November 2002, a timeline was developed leading up to K-Meleon 1.0. One of the major questions is how we handle updates and major releases. In the past, updating the core and components files required so many changes that doing a mid-version upgrade was difficult, if not impossible, to do cleanly. However, if we can upgrade an existing release to use new Mozilla code, we might be able to do updates with every Mozilla release.

K-Meleon Timeline Updated: May 10, 2004


  • Target major releases to every other major Mozilla milestone. Right now, Mozilla is releasing final builds approximately every 3 months. I think we can offer betas more frequently but do we think our regular users want to run through an upgrade every 3 months?


As the Mozilla roadmap has pushed back the release for 1.7, I've adjusted our calendar accordingly.

  • We should offer updated plugins every 1.5 months. This would allow enough time for development and testing before making them available to regular users. It's important to keep this regular for user-support and testing. We don't want 10 versions of a plugin floating around out there.
  • We should make new plugins available as they are ready after appropriate testing and development.
  • Between major releases, we should offer an update package that includes the new and improved plugins. It would help regular users stay current with K-Meleon.
  • Because of critical bug fixes needed in K-Meleon 0.8, we won’t really get onto the normal timeline until the release of K-Meleon 0.9.

Release Calendar:

  • November 11, 2003: K-Meleon 0.8 released based on Mozilla 1.5.
  • December 13, 2003: K-Meleon 0.8.1 released based on Mozilla 1.5.
  • December 23, 2003: K-Meleon 0.8.2 released based on Mozilla 1.5. Service Pack for 0.8.1 installations also released.
  • January 2004: Possible service pack release based on Mozilla 1.6.

Note: We did not release an update based on 1.6.

This did not follow the schedule outlined in our goals because K-Meleon 0.8 was released after Mozilla 1.5 which itself was released late by the Mozilla roadmap.


  • May 2004: K-Meleon 0.9 release based on Mozilla 1.7.
  • Mid-June 2004: New and updated plugins posted for public
  • August 2004: Upgrade package (K-Meleon 0.9.5.
  • Mid-September 2004: New and updated plugins posted for public
  • November 2004: K-Meleon 1.0 release based on Mozilla 1.9

If we reach our 1.0 goals before November 2004, we would need to revise this schedule.


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