
KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmExitTranslation

Exit Translation

Submitted by: Siria

A macro to escape from Google Translations, babelfish, but also many other redirected URLs (not just translations).

NOTE: If a separate frame is on top of the page, the address in the URL bar usually never changes when surfing around. Then you may have to right-click in the frame below and first choose "Frame", then "EXIT Translation".

Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):


# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage)

# -------------------------- ExitTranslation.kmm  ----------------   v1.2 (2010-01-22 , by Siria)
# Dependencies:   main.kmm 
# Resources:         -
# Preferences:       -
# Menu entry:       Tools > Translation > "EXIT translation", or RIGHT-CLICK on a PAGE, or FRAME, or LINK
# Web + Forum:    kmeleon.sf.net/wiki/KmmExitTranslation  +  kmeleon.sf.net/forum/read.php?9,100742
#  A macro to escape from Google Translations, babelfish, but also many other redirected URLs (not just translations).
#  NOTE:  If a separate frame is on top of the page, the URL usually never changes when surfing around. 
#  Then you may have to right-click in the frame below and first choose "Frame", then "EXIT Translation".

#================= CUSTOMIZING ====================
#  BUTTON-command for toolbars.cfg :   "macros(ExitTranslation_Page)|&Translation"
#  BUTTON-tooltip e.g.: "EXIT from translation or other redirected URL (right-click for Translation menu)" 
#  MENUS:  To change menu entries (position and text):  Modify the setmenu-lines at the bottom
#  OPEN IN NEW, OR in current tab, OR in background:  Set "#" in front of 2 of the 3 "open"-lines below

#==================== CODE ========================

$OpenURL=$URL ;
# &OpenURL_InNew;
# &OpenURL_InBg;

$OpenURL=$FrameURL ;
# &OpenURL_InNew;
# &OpenURL_InBg;

$OpenURL=$LinkURL ;
# open($OpenURL);
# &OpenURL_InBg;

# cut at BEGINNING:  
index($OpenURL,"&url=")>-1 ? $OpenURL=substr($OpenURL,index($OpenURL,"&url=")+5) : 0;
# cut at ENDING:  (&rurl=suffix from google translate)
index($OpenURL,".htm&")>-1 ? $OpenURL=substr($OpenURL,0,index($OpenURL,".htm&")+4) : 0;
index($OpenURL,".html&")>-1 ? $OpenURL=substr($OpenURL,0,index($OpenURL,".html&")+5) : 0;
index($OpenURL,"&rurl=")>-1 ? $OpenURL=substr($OpenURL,0,index($OpenURL,"&rurl=")) : 0;
index($OpenURL,"&hl=")>-1 ? $OpenURL=substr($OpenURL,0,index($OpenURL,"&hl=")) : 0;

$OpenURL=gsub("%3a",":",$OpenURL); $OpenURL=gsub("%3A",":",$OpenURL);
$OpenURL=gsub("%2f","/",$OpenURL); $OpenURL=gsub("%2F","/",$OpenURL);
$OpenURL=gsub("%20"," ",$OpenURL);
$OpenURL=gsub("%3f","?",$OpenURL); $OpenURL=gsub("%3F","?",$OpenURL);
$OpenURL=gsub("%3d","=",$OpenURL); $OpenURL=gsub("%3D","=",$OpenURL);

#  Modify your menu entries below.  The entry text right after "macro" can freely be changed.
#  The numbers in the end are the line position in the menu (0=on top, "-1" or nothing = at end)
#  Set a # at the beginning to hide a menu entry.  

setmenu("&Translation",macro,"EXIT translation",ExitTranslation_Page,0);
setmenu("DocumentSave",macro,"EXIT translation",ExitTranslation_Page,-1);
setmenu("FrameSave",macro,"EXIT translation",ExitTranslation_Frame,-1);
setmenu("LinkOpen",macro,"Open In New Tab/Window - EXIT translation",ExitTranslation_Link,-1);
# setmenu("LinkSave",macro,"EXIT Translation - Open Link In New",ExitTranslation_Link,-1);

#------------------------ on browser start  --------------------

Comments & Questions


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