
There is no ToDo-list! What features are added next depend solely on the interests of the contributors.

Here is a very old list with thoughts assembled at the release of K-Meleon 0.6 (some of this might have been fixed since then):

(last updated: 25 October, 2001)

Developers: feel free to use this as a source of ideas for what you can do to help out.
Many of these features are very simple to add, and the only reason they're not in the code
base already is that the developers don't have the time to add them.


- browser view does not have focus/active until page clicked (no link hand, no mousewheel)
- rebarmenu does not unhighlight hot item when moving mouse after opening a menu
- status bar is always (hidden/visible) on some systems
- save as doesn't work well
- If you rename a profile, the new name does not appear until profile manager is restarted
- 1024 Bookmarks limitation

To do for next release
- option to use scroll wheel to change font size
- option to switch between profiles in AppData? or kmeleon install directory
- os detection to set profile dir option (appdata for nt/2k/xp, install dir for 9x/me)
- kmeleon -settingsDir C:\path_to_my_own_directory command line option
- kmeleon -configsDir C:\path_to_my_own_directory command line option
- bookmarks plugin needs to escape ampersands

Probable features
- bmpmenu plugin should subclass newly created menu items
- clean up tooltip control
- display animation only once option
- favorites/bookmarks use linked list instead of whatever it is currently (if it's better)
- flash download dialog when download completes
- ctrl + enter in urlbar to wrap "www." and ".com" around whatever is entered
- multiple search engines in drop down list on search form
- launch at startup option
- double click plugins to enable/disable
- minimize/hide/restore all kmeleon windows
- save url feature
- double click plugins to enable/disable
- macros:
        closing a window based on title?
- plugins should be able to get the command line arguments
- more fullscreen options
- internationalization
- open selected url/search with selected text options

Wish list features
- PGP/Encryption plugins
- pass each url being opened to plugins
- automatically generate shortcut keys text in menus
- reload menus
- URLbar plugin:
- predefined quick insert data for forms via right click (name, address, etc)
- ctrl+click bookmark in menu should open bookmark in new window
- right click on bookmark should open context menu
- plugin loading/unloading without restarting
- menu/accel reloading

Mozilla dependant features
- Find doesn't alert user when completed searching (bug 82708)
- Print preview (bug 20943)
- Ctrl/alt/shift modifiers when clicking link
- external download manager
- History/Autocomplete
- support of the LINK element. (Link toolbar)
- show error dialogs (when e.g. host not found)
- view frame source
- open frame in new window

Here is another list with some items that aspirant developers might want to read through:


Form manager
Cookie manager
Image manager
Popup manager
Password manager
Download manager

Safe recovery (restart with the last open windows)
Simplified Privacy (erase cookies, history, etc)
Customize Toolbars by drag-and-drop
Autocomplete in the URLbar
A new default skin
Search toolbar
Link toolbar

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design by splif.