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General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 
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Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 11, 2009 01:37AM

I've been a big fan of KM until 1.5.3.

The browser constantly locks up or freezes. Most of the time the problems are when I minimize the browser to the taskbar while running another program and then when I try to maximize the browser back up it won't, it just locks up. Also on many websites it locks up as well and take like a couple of minutes before it responds and sometimes it doesn't and I have to use the Task Manager to shut it down.

I don't know what it is with 1.5.3 but I hate it and I guess I'll go back to 1.5.2 for now. I hope this is not the shape of things to come in the future as the browser grows and we're going to see more problems with future versions. I've never had a problem with KM until now, but this version is really bad for me... sad smiley

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: disrupted
Date: June 11, 2009 03:35AM

bad install and/or corrupted profile

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 11, 2009 05:22AM

bad install and/or corrupted profile

I highly doubt any of this...

By the way even 1.5.2 I noticed acts a bit sluggish too when you minimize and maximize it will running other applications, but not as bad as 1.5.3

There are many instances I just can't name, because it happens so often, but for a short time KM will stop responding and just hang and then start again.

As an example I minimized KM then popped it back open and tried to log out of a site and it wouldn't respond, so I opened the task manager and it said it wasn't responding and just sat there for like 30 seconds.

KM many times for me hangs...

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: reeko124
Date: June 11, 2009 06:34AM

bad install and/or corrupted profile

I highly doubt any of this...

By the way even 1.5.2 I noticed acts a bit sluggish too when you minimize and maximize it will running other applications, but not as bad as 1.5.3

There are many instances I just can't name, because it happens so often, but for a short time KM will stop responding and just hang and then start again.

As an example I minimized KM then popped it back open and tried to log out of a site and it wouldn't respond, so I opened the task manager and it said it wasn't responding and just sat there for like 30 seconds.

KM many times for me hangs...

I believe you have the problem. I do to but I have it installed on two computers. my laptop which is lightning fast and my old desktop which only has a 395mhz cpu. I have the problem where when I minimize it to the taskbar I click on it and it doesn't pop back up so I have to go to task manager and click on switch to. Also clicking to another tab there is a delay that is bad. I can type words and them not show up for 5-10 seconds after I do it. My problem isn't KM its my slow computer. Your problem is likely different then mine but I just wanted to point out I suffer from the same problems as you but those are the reason why mine does.


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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 11, 2009 09:58AM


I believe you have the problem. I do to but I have it installed on two computers. my laptop which is lightning fast and my old desktop which only has a 395mhz cpu. I have the problem where when I minimize it to the taskbar I click on it and it doesn't pop back up so I have to go to task manager and click on switch to. Also clicking to another tab there is a delay that is bad. I can type words and them not show up for 5-10 seconds after I do it. My problem isn't KM its my slow computer. Your problem is likely different then mine but I just wanted to point out I suffer from the same problems as you but those are the reason why mine does.


The same for me I have a 498mhz cpu (better than yours Reeko tongue sticking out smileytongue sticking out smiley) Especially the typing when using sites that are JS heavy FB for example.
Friends who use KM and 'proper' cpu's are as you say, lightning fast.

Just to add I think if there was a major performance differential between 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 the issue would have been raised many time before.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 10:00AM by Paul.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: desga2
Date: June 11, 2009 12:52PM

Can someone explain detailed (with steps) how to detect this problem?
Windows version, K-Meleon window size is maximized?
This happend with a specific number of tabs opened?
What web site (URL's) are loaded?


K-Meleon in Spanish

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 12:53PM by desga2.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 11, 2009 02:12PM

I have XP Pro SP3, the problem for me is mainly FB. When typing in comments boxes after a while (about an hour) the typed input slows right down. It's like watching those old tele-printers, you wonder which letter will appear next!.

The only way I find to get "back up to speed" is to reboot the computer. In fact the whole computer becomes slow, if I log out of FB, everything else is slow to load. I think/know it's the computer is old and web/software designers are now assuming (with good reason) that people use capable systems.

PS. This is only with the one tab open.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 02:13PM by Paul.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: reeko124
Date: June 11, 2009 02:30PM

Can someone explain detailed (with steps) how to detect this problem?
Windows version, K-Meleon window size is maximized?
This happend with a specific number of tabs opened?
What web site (URL's) are loaded?


On paul's and my end it has nothing to do with km. Its the simnple fact our computers are old grinning smiley. We just have to deal with it for the time being.


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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: ndebord
Date: June 11, 2009 03:47PM

I have XP Pro SP3, the problem for me is mainly FB. When typing in comments boxes after a while (about an hour) the typed input slows right down. It's like watching those old tele-printers, you wonder which letter will appear next!.

The only way I find to get "back up to speed" is to reboot the computer. In fact the whole computer becomes slow, if I log out of FB, everything else is slow to load. I think/know it's the computer is old and web/software designers are now assuming (with good reason) that people use capable systems.

PS. This is only with the one tab open.


How much memory do you have with your SP3 install? I've stayed with SP2 because I only have 768Megs, not the recommended 1Gig.

The other thing might be processes not releasing memory as the program stays open. (I use Process Explorer to check on "stuff" like that.)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 03:47PM by ndebord.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 11, 2009 05:17PM


256megs of ram! lol, I cannot begin to describe the trouble I had with FF and others! As reeko has said, it's old computers thats the problem not KM.

Would people (particularly mods smiling smiley ) mind if I asked you guys if you know of....

Any software that allows unattended multi-file Rapidshare downloads? Just something to leave the files unattended while the free-user wait time ticks away. smiling smiley

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: caktus
Date: June 11, 2009 07:14PM

@ DasFox

What is your CPU speed, OS? Does the problem occur with all apps? If using XP have you tried toggling the DMA if such setting is availble on the system and the usual clean up chores?


~~If it ain't broke, why screw it up?~~

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 07:15PM by caktus.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 11, 2009 09:17PM

I'm running XP Pro SP3, the box is a P4 2.2GHZ 512MB RAM.

Most of the time the problem happens when I have like 4-5 tabs open. If I'm just using only 1 tab I've never noticed this.

This might be a P4 but it's not that slow and even though it's only 512MB I do know how to use it so that it's never using up that much, I''ll only use other applications along with the browser open that aren't going to take up to much ram.

The most ram I've ever used up with using other apps with KM running is around 250MB.

Just so people understand here, I've been using IE7 and FF on this box without any of these problems, I'm also an IT tech and work on computers for a living, the problem is with KM, because all the other browsers work just fine here on this box, except KM from time to time choking and locking up...

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: caktus
Date: June 11, 2009 10:02PM

That deffinately sounds like KM is the problem some how. Did you by chance install the new version on top of the old? Upgrading this way always causes me serious problems. Perhaps a clean install is necessary as disruped suggested. I always end up having to perform a clean install of KM and create a new profile and customize all over again. But the benefits of KM make it worth the work.


~~If it ain't broke, why screw it up?~~

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 12, 2009 01:50AM

I always do clean installs, clean the registry with CCleaner and jv16 power tools, delete old application data directories then install KM.

KM definitely has some issues with lagging...

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: caktus
Date: June 12, 2009 01:59AM

I always do clean installs, clean the registry with CCleaner and jv16 power tools, delete old application data directories then install KM.

KM definitely has some issues with lagging...

Do the problems occur with a fresh clean install with all default settings?


~~If it ain't broke, why screw it up?~~

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 12, 2009 03:20AM

I always do clean installs, clean the registry with CCleaner and jv16 power tools, delete old application data directories then install KM.

KM definitely has some issues with lagging...

Do the problems occur with a fresh clean install with all default settings?

Yes, but not sure if you'd call my changing some minor settings having an effect.

Like I change not to save history, or passwords, and uncheck it not to check for updates, just small stuff like this is all.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Date: June 12, 2009 09:58AM
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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: foobarly
Date: June 12, 2009 12:34PM

I have been a KM user since version 0.7 and this thread resonated with my latest K-Meleon experiences.

I don't want to join the choir here in bashing everything that is superb about K-Meleon, but there are things that need amending, if this project intends to go anywhere.

There are other community supported projects out there that can examplify in full how this could be done -- the ones who spring to my mind are the several one man successful Linux distros like Puppy, Knoppix or Mepis.

I sincereely think Dorian has done an excelent job in KM development, which has progressed by leaps and bounds up to its current state, but the recent two tiered development model needs urgent revision, because it risks alienating the rather sparse KM user base -- does anyone ever wonder why is that a project as old as K-Meleon never managed to grow beyond the hundred or so loyal devotees?

Myself, as much as KM is my favorite and default browser in every system I use -- nowadays, thanks mostly owed to Fred for his Seamonkey based builds -- I am finding more and more difficult to abide this alegiance. Main reasons:

a. although advertised as a low impact solution, the latest vanilla KM builds tend to spread through memory until rendering your system unusable;
b. each update turns in fact to a new install, because for most users there's no simple and straightforward way to migrate prior options, settings and customizations;
c. weird bugs persist by lack of a proper bug tracking system and a clear prioritization standard.

I very much aware these points have been raised time and time again here at the forums, and many answers have been provided on ways to circumvent/overcome reported problems/quirks.

a., for example, which I reported myself, was deemed to be a one off; as for b., it is usually dismissed with some paternal advice on how to copy profiles/settings/bookmarks; in the case of c., I can only point to the weird page setup settings that, although broken since at least version 0.8.1, have never been properly fixed.

Threads such as the present one, or this other one will drive my point home for those who are open minded enough. For the ones that just want to shoot me for desecrating their holy cow, fire at will...

--- sig ---

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2009 12:39PM by foobarly.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: JamesD
Date: June 12, 2009 12:58PM

desecrating their holy cow
Nope, honest opinions should always be welcome.

It does seem that the install/update method generates a number of threads in this forum. I don't use it myself. I prefer to use the 7z file and install by hand. Having said that, first impressions of a system tend to color the user's preception of the system. An install/update system that is as nearly foolproof as possible could not help but enhance user experiance. Since I don't use it, I will not make any recommendations except to ask those who do to look for ways to inform new or less techie users how to answer the system's question/options. Give honest and helpful feedback to the developers. I am sure they will appreciate.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 12, 2009 01:51PM

I wonder what will be found first..... 'The Holy Grail' or the perfect all singing all dancing browser. tongue sticking out smiley

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: panzer
Date: June 12, 2009 01:57PM

I wonder what will be found first..... 'The Holy Grail' or the perfect all singing all dancing browser. tongue sticking out smiley

Both since Holy Grail = Perfect all singing all dancing browser.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 12, 2009 02:06PM

lol grinning smiley

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: caktus
Date: June 12, 2009 02:40PM

fire at will...

Bang!grinning smiley

As with many KM'ers, I prefer to use the 7z's as well. Manual install's really do tend to work better for some reason.

As for re-using the profiles, I think perhaps, at least sometimes the old profile conflicts with changes in the new version. Perhaps because I do a lot of customizing.

I have gotten to where I really do not mind customizing new versions because I so value KM as it renders so very fast on my dialup connection and is so easy to customize. As well, I figure it's good training, and perhaps for people who are tring to learn to dev as well.

As for "sparse KM user base", since KM is free, who really cares? and "hundred or so loyal devotees", I understand that the user base is more than 10,000, but who’s counting? And it seems to me that KM is more a hobby that some very good people do in their spare time.


~~If it ain't broke, why screw it up?~~

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Paul
Date: June 12, 2009 04:49PM

fire at will...
And it seems to me that KM is more a hobby that some very good people do in their spare time.[/quote]

Exactly how many browser forums have users who will take the time and trouble to design macro's/plugins etc, just to help an individuals request.smiling smiley

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: disrupted
Date: June 12, 2009 04:50PM
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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: kko
Date: June 12, 2009 07:46PM

I don't want to join the choir here in bashing everything that is superb about K-Meleon, but... do it nevertheless. :p

I sincereely think Dorian has done an excelent job in KM development, which has progressed by leaps and bounds up to its current state, but the recent two tiered development model needs urgent revision, because it risks alienating the rather sparse KM user base -- does anyone ever wonder why is that a project as old as K-Meleon never managed to grow beyond the hundred or so loyal devotees?

Don't worry. The download statistics reveal a different picture. Since the release of K-Meleon 0.9 (the peak in early 2005) the K-Meleon user base is constantly growing - so is the number of active contributors like translators, macro coders and forum helpers. Thanks to these people - who are doing and not just discussing - we have even broken the frontier of one million downloads per year a couple of months ago. Thank you all!

And it seems to me that KM is more a hobby that some very good people do in their spare time.

Exactly how many browser forums have users who will take the time and trouble to design macro's/plugins etc, just to help an individuals request.smiling smiley


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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: desga2
Date: June 12, 2009 08:38PM

Don't worry. The download statistics reveal a different picture. Since the release of K-Meleon 0.9 (the peak in early 2005) the K-Meleon user base is constantly growing - so is the number of active contributors like translators, macro coders and forum helpers. Thanks to these people - who are doing and not just discussing - we have even broken the frontier of one million downloads per year a couple of months ago. Thank you all!

Is this real? grinning smiley
I think that I downloaded K-Meleon 999.990 times. tongue sticking out smiley

Greetings my friends.

K-Meleon in Spanish

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 12, 2009 09:39PM

I'm not here to bash KM, everyone knows there is no such thing as perfect software, but the small things I'm encountering should be fixed. Software shouldn't lag and lock up, that's all there is to it, bugs or no bugs, this isn't the way stable final version software should work, plain and simple.

I hope we'll see some better stability in the future with less lag and lockups.

Thanks for listening...

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: Yogi
Date: June 12, 2009 09:52PM

I sincereely think Dorian has done an excelent job in KM development, which has progressed by leaps and bounds up to its current state, but the recent two tiered development model needs urgent revision, because it risks alienating the rather sparse KM user base -- does anyone ever wonder why is that a project as old as K-Meleon never managed to grow beyond the hundred or so loyal devotees?

Dorian still does an excellent job in KM development.
I don't know what would become of this project if Dorian would quit. I can only hope he won't.
In addition to Dorian this project is kept alive thanks to very few people. (Thanks to All of You!)

I'm using K-M alongside Opera since v0.8. Maybe I'm just one of the few very lucky who never encountered namable problems with Dorian's builds so far.
In so far I would be very cautious generalizing some problems that some others might encounter.
From the angle of an user I never bothered about the user base of the software I'm using.
If popularity would be a measuring unit for excellence than Internet Explorer since its existence always was and still is the best browser.

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Re: Kmeleon 1.5.3 Always Nothing But Problems
Posted by: DasFox
Date: June 12, 2009 10:11PM

The thing we're missing here is that KM is suppose to be small and lightweight with a small foot print and a browser of these attributes shouldn't be lagging and locking up, even on old systems.

Let me explain further, if I have KM open and and two other applications, it doesn't really matter, but for this example since I have them, Skype and Outlook and they are opened and minimized to the task tray and I have KM open with 4-5 tabs, sooner or later KM lags and doesn't respond, sometimes it comes back other times it doesn't.

A browser as small as KM should run on a P3 with 256MB Ram on XP and this is where the development should be happening on systems this old and slow with a few applications running to pinpoint down why KM under these circumstances locks and lags.

Personally with my level of experience it always seems to happen in relation to java or flash sites, running java apps or flash apps that affect KM and cause the lag or lock ups, this is where I tend to see most of the problems, but also on occassion it just happens on any old site that isn't really java or flahs intensive.

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