General :  K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 

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1 year ago
Years later... Somewhere in the forum it was mentioned (long ago) that the KM-Debugger has a prob with the COMPAT75-Macro, and disables it? That would kill some important helper-macros. No idea if that was ever fixed (or where that debugger-thing is now to be found ), but wanted to find a combined way that's using in OLD KM the *Macro* and in NEW KM the *KMM-Function* ____Macros for OL
Forum: General
1 year ago
SYNTAX-HIGHLIGHTING for KMM-files for NotePadPlus NPP++ UserDefineLang UDL for K-Meleon macros Finally managed to get that thing ready for upload, after working since years with it!! An editor with syntax highlighting makes readability so much better, deciphering the code, and is easier on the eyes too, at least on mine (not allergic to colors ;-)) And it helps **enourmously** to find simp
Forum: Development
1 year ago
Thanks Wasi, glad it helps :-) QuoteWasiFHwhat you meant by FAKE DEFAULT? QuoteWhat I really like is the possibility to store long lists of own settings as FAKE \"DEFAULT\" files with new file names in (browser)/defaults/pref(erences)/*.js Does it mean that I can create a .js extensioned file with any name I want (for example wasiprefs.js) and that will be the default for user prefs
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
QuoteWasiFHThese are the UserAgent Strings I found: In profile folder, prefs.js user_pref("", "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +" in omni.ja > gecko.js // now YouTube needs to be fooled too pref("","Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.4.2)
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Didn't quite understand the text description, but knowing KM's great vertical-toolbar-on-arrow-click trick for the Main Menu bar, just tried the same now for the Bookmarks Bar and yep - works the same :-) The trick is, as JH mentioned above, to just drag with the mouse the neighbor toolbar to the left COVERING the Main Menu Bar, or here the Bookmarks Toolbar, until only the flip-up arr
Forum: General
1 year ago
Very useful job you're doing, thanks RJJIII. Wasi if you'll try that (though I doubt you have the time), be aware of a killer TRAP for non-english editors: When creating or editing wiki pages intended for default English, your browser's language pref MUST start with "en..". Or otherwise the wiki page URL gets messed with a suffix without warning. And this URL can't
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteWasiFHThe current KM Goanna cannot remove or edit a site in the permission manager ONCE it is added. For example, if you ad a site and set it to DENY JScripts or any thing, and pressed set button it be added in the pesmission.sqlite. BUT after that you cannnot remove or edit the same site again. I have to edit this permission.sqlite in KM 7.5 to remove the site or so. Pity, b
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Yep, found by Mello QuoteFixed it! Simple. I had a menu spillover value set in bookmark plugin settings. So I experimented by unchecking that and selecting scrolling arrows instead. The menu then showed full width. So... fingers crossed - I reset the spillover again (I don't want to scroll) and it worked as it should. Haven't a clue why this should be work - but it's like doi
Forum: Bugs
1 year ago
Crazy glitch, and great find, thanks for reporting! First wondered if perhaps just a default pref may be missing out of box, but if some values work and others not, there must be more to it. Anyway, those 2 prefs look flipping on about config when I tick those boxes: kmeleon.plugins.bookmarks.menuAutoDetect kmeleon.plugins.bookmarks.maxMenuLength (and now discovered to my slight shock on abo
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteMelloThe thin white vertical line extending down I mentioned is still there, and it turns out to be - the dropdown menu, correct in length but shrunken to almost nothing in width. I accidentally hovered the mouse over it and a subfolder bookmarks menu contents opened to the side as per normal. Sounds like this, 5 years ago:,146304 But I don
Forum: General
1 year ago
Couldn't resist (old macro junkie ;P), have changed and renamed it and added explanations inside, trying to make it as easy as possible as a template-macro for "Open any exe-tool" stuff. In theory should work in newer browsers too, but not tested yet? (installation as usual, download the kmm-file into a macros folder and restart. Or remove to uninstall, no traces left) http:
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteK-Meleon features are hidden. they need to be revealed/opened. Yes exactly, ancient prob, and a little beginner guide should "somehow" be included with new builds, but who has the time etc. Years ago I've added what little I could contribute to the FAQ. Hmm, thinking about... and occasionally posted beginner tips in the forum, a bit here and there, when interested new u
Forum: General
1 year ago
This youtube helper site still works nicely for me: https:/ / And the best: aside from the usual "big" downloads, they still offer tiny 3gp-files too, and surprisingly still directly from yt! The only chance for ultraslow connections and/or full disks and/or old browsers. Even if 144p-3gp-videos have only stamp size, but as I wrote above already: Quo
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
A little macro I wrote some weeks ago, hopefully useful for some although not thoroughly tested yet. This macro tries to REMOVE some TRACKING parameters from all Hit-Links on a Google-Search page (or others), modifying the target-URL of all LINKS (unless excepted in macro) like this: ORIGINAL: https:/ /
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Silent CRASHES: yet another of several possible bug reasons (among UserAgents and javascript "strict"): FAVICONS! The KILLER-html-code (for KM1.6+old OS) goes like this: link rel="icon" href="....." Just recently discovered this on a newspaper site. Very well possible this specific culprit may long sinced be fixed in younge
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
(URLBAR-colors bug in Windows darkmode in KM1.x) QuoteMikkÜber 1.5 kann ich diesbezüglich nichts sagen, dort läuft das KM-forum überhaupt nicht Doch - aber nur falls im USERAGENT kein Windows98 dabeisteht steht!! Ist eine ganz heimtückisch programmierte Falle, da kommt ja kein Mensch drauf. Die Lösung steht aber glaub schon lange in FAQ? Nur Beispiel (geht auch wo per Menu, glaub in To
Forum: General
2 years ago
Just a quick thought while flying by a minute... Good to see someone spending time and efforts on KM again, thanks :-) The adblock macro, to avoid misunderstandings, I'd rename it to something with "_menu", otherwise people will think this is the extension itself (which is the dll, creating the functions), when in reality the macro only adds a menu for the dll. What I'm n
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
SKINS: Two possible traps for the clueless, if downloading alternative skins: on rare occasions command/function names were changed with new KM-versions, e.g. the History button. No prob to change it manually, but necessary to be aware of such things. And can be quite a pain to visually compare an alternative skin config with the default skin of the matching KM-version, searching command diffe
Forum: Graphics
2 years ago
QuoteRJJIIIKM's built-in ad-blocking (BA has a bug where it will download its subscriptions twice. If working on that alpha BAB adblock.dll, please add a manual command to refresh the rules. Without needing to restart the whole browser (with tons of open tabs?) everytime a user changes something, e.g. adds a few customized lines himself to local file adblock.txt. That plugin command could
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
Toggling the CSP pref globally might be easier for a moment, but the addon limits the security hole to only. Isn't it funny - GoogleMAIL, GoogleIMAGES, and Google-YOUTUBE insist on this, oh well. On another forum, for other browsers it was mentioned that a payment site started working after removing "WOW64" from the useragent-string. Just another trick to keep in mi
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
QuoteWesternDigital Quoterodocop Quotewesterndigital Gmail login still not working after last update of Kmeleon. Temp solution by Kris88 is still here,155798 I don't know how to make the suggested changes and I don't bother. Why doesn't Roytam solve it? I don't understand why he doesn't care. Simple, he also handles a whole bu
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
QuoteMelloAaah "Sod's law" it just so happened that the sites I tested - all still displayed images with images toggled off in Km - whereas, I now see that they can be disabled on the majority of sites Here are three examples: These sites don't use 'normal' images as such - when I right click there is no s
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
> However, if KM is constantly downloading the blocklist, > I expect GitHub will just ask me to take it down because of bandwidth. Riddling what you might mean, and not familiar with any other adblock methods except in KM1.x.... So don't know what the xpi's might do, but those Addons are additional, not native. IIRC (very dimly), the old kmm-macros for BAB-adblock may of
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
(_howto_ adblock.css import custom rule sheets) Here's another extremely handy CSS-trick, which I sadly learnt only decades too late: It's possible to use separate adblock files together! The @import line allows to use separate files for e.g. - own custom rules - mass-service rules - yet more mass-service-rules... etc. That actually seems a quite normal css-procedure, but d
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
QuoteMelloAaah "Sod's law" it just so happened that the sites I tested - all still displayed images with images toggled off in Km - whereas, I now see that they can be disabled on the majority of sites Here are three examples: These sites don't use 'normal' images as such - when I right click there is no s
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
ADBLOCK "hiding elements": CSS hiding rules are defined in adblock.css and work since twenty years or so, out-of-box ;-) If enabled by Priv-Button or in F2 > Page Display / Content Filters Prob is the syntax age... strongly suspect current mass download rules use a more modern syntax, but am not familiar with it. Offtopic: Howto keep customizations of BUTTONS after KM updates
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
QuoteKris_88Oh, it turned out to be unexpected for me. Typically, the CODE tag protects the text from accidental recognition of other tags. There's a misunderstanding.... Simply edit the first post again and do check the 2 boxes, then you can paste the original js-code as is and it shows up. And js-clueless users can simply copy-paste too.
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
Thanks for your skills and efforts, Kris. Pity I can't use it myself on old systems, and keep wishing you'd have appeared years before, when there was much more life yet here, a lot more users, and exactly such addon skills were direly missed (Dorian could surely have done it too, but far too much time already needed to catch up with Mozilla's tricky engine updates) Just a hin
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
# Only the same again as BACKUP in plain text for wayback archive. # Unfortunately they stopped archiving macro-files since awhile. Not sure who's culprit, if them or possibly sourceforge, but major desaster for KM :-( #,146712 # HOWTO: copy and paste the text below into a new text file (Editor, Notepad, Note
Forum: Extensions
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