General :  K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 

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6 years ago
On my XP computer, I am running Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/38.0 K-Meleon/76.0. Is this the latest version? It still works GRRRREAT by the way. To all: Mele KalikiMaka, O medito gozaimas, Feliz Navidad, Merry Christmas Aloha from Hawaii, Bellgamin Jeremiah 9.23-24 ><)))°>
Forum: General
7 years ago
@ siria-- Gadzooks! It's a shame what happened to Dorian's computer. I image my hard drive to a flash drive every week, & always retain previous images for 4 months. Windows is in perpetual beta & closely resembles a virus infection at times. @ Guenter-- May God richly bless thee and thine. Live long & prosper! (^_^)
Forum: Announcements
7 years ago
Please -- what is the very latest version of Kmel 76? Uh... is it RC2? or what? Aloha from Hawaii, Bell Old, slow witted, tired, & heavily armed.
Forum: Announcements
7 years ago
Still using beloved Kmel -- until death do us part!
Forum: General
8 years ago
I heard of Kmel 76RC via Wilders Forum. Now running straight & smooth. Calm sea & a following wind. Kmel 76 is YAR!
Forum: General
8 years ago
6. Bugs?
I feel so left out & lonely -- nothing to post in this forum. I have no bugs. Never have had. 75.1 works perfect for me. I use Malwarebytes Anti-exploit Free at all times when surfing. I use Zemana Antilogger Free when doing stuff involving $$ & sensitive passwords. Kmel loves both those programs. Not a cough in a carload. I love Kmel. No bugs ever. Calm seas & a following w
Forum: Bugs
8 years ago
I await 76 with baited breath (pant pant pant). Info about Kmel updates is regularly posted on Wilders Security forum. K-meleon forever!!!!
Forum: Development
9 years ago
QuoterodocopGlad to see you here, bellgamin!Glad 2 c u 2! I have 6 browsers besides Kmel. Kmel smokes them all. As to Kmel's security. . .? Shimpai inai - I run MB Anti-exploit, & I image regularly (I retain each image ~2 months.) Aloha from Hawaii, bell
Forum: General
9 years ago
I got 75.0 from - It's popularity is growing at Wilders Forums.. -
Forum: General
9 years ago
Okay. Got it. No problem. THANKS!!!
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
Almost every time I run Kmel, I receive a notice asking if I want to download the latest Kmel. Here's the version I am running: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20140105 Firefox/24.0 K-Meleon/74.0. As far as I know, this is the latest Kmel. Why am I still receiving update notices? How do I get them to stop?
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
QuoteJohnHell When I use Firefox 31 to browse I see a lot of favicons that aren't shown by K-meleon by this single preference settingEeek! :O A user of FF got loose in these hallowed halls. Call the exterminator! Only kidding, of course. I use FF once in a while when I want to do penance for my sins. It's a few inches slower than Kmel. The only browser I have found to be a teeny-w
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
QuoteJohnHell The case of Amazon is exactly this: a lazy webmasters that doesn't set the favicon, but then comes the browser to show it.It's not just Amazon. Hardly any of the sites I visit don't show favicons without the fix you provided. Lack of favicons on tab labels makes it difficult to discern the identity of each tab when I open a lot of them. For me, therefore, a favicon
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
QuoteJohnHell Playing and playing, as it needs a restart... it is this: That preference is set as false by default in K-meleon (playing fair). If you want to go other browsers path (not playing fair) set it to true.True worked! Truly it did. (^_^) Thanks a lot!!!
Forum: Bugs
9 years ago
I'm using the final release version 74.0. Grrreat!! Only issue I have is that the website icons all show that green gear-looking thingie. E.g., the Amazon site shows the green gear thingie & not the Amazon icon. I did the following in an attempt to correct this problem: Preferences > GUI appearance > Display website icons (check) > In the title bar (check). Then I restarte
Forum: Bugs
10 years ago
Thanks a heap JohnHell. (^_^)
Forum: General
10 years ago
I tried full screen on YouTube. The screen went full, YouTube posted a message that it was full screen, there was sound, BUT the screen stayed black. Can any of you folks get fullscreen at YouTube? If so, what is my likely problem?
Forum: General
10 years ago
Since Kmel & FF both use the Gecko engine, is there any difference in their programing methodology?
Forum: General
10 years ago
QuoteJujuLand I will stay with Ubuntu until pigs fly.Hark! Me thinks me hear the distant flapping of a boared sow. :mad: I have a Linux flavor on my computer (Mint flavored) for use when I favor cyber flagellation. However, where's the challenge in Linux? Everyone says that users of XP are doomed to be hacked & obliterated. Shazam -- it's Y2K all over again.:O I refuse to s
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
QuoteguenterNear the end of first column top left. After the line break at Mark Read. Where mine reads Log OutThanks!! I am so very very pleased to see that you are still here. God bless you sir!
Forum: General
10 years ago
I will stay with XP until pigs fly. :O My main protections are: 1- I image my C drive every 2 days, & retain images at least 2 months FIFO. (If I ever get infected, I will simply restore a clean image and POOF! it's yesterday. Or last week. Or whatever day preceeded the infection.) 2- I surf the net with my browser protected by Malwarebytes Anti-exploit (MBAE). In fact, all of m
Forum: Off-Topic
10 years ago
I just found this new Kmel beta at BetaNews Forum. I installed it & am using now, even as I type this post. EXCELLENT!!! Stable. Really really really fast. I love it. I posted news of this beta at the Wilders Forum HERE. I have protected this browser with MBAE, as I do for my 2 other browsers as well (Firefox, Slimboat). P.S. Where's the button for logging into this forum?
Forum: General
14 years ago
Got it. Running true so far! (^_^)
Forum: Other custom builds
14 years ago
QuotesiriaStrange... Are you really 100% sure that your new toolbar name in toolbars.cfg is exactly "Javascript button"?? And the new macro has the ending .kmm not .kmm.txt, and is in a macros folder?THANKS!!! Mea culpa Mea culpa! I had failed to follow Fred's instructions to make it .kmm & not .kmm.txt. I have fixed that gaffe & now it works perfectly! @Fred- Man
Forum: General
14 years ago
QuoteFredSave as jsbutton.kmm and put it into the folder "macros" inside the K-Meleon main folder. If the button should not work correctly, create a new separate profile, to look if it works there. Fred I saved the revised jsbutton.kmm. The change had no evident effect on what I reported earlier. I then created a new profile, per your suggestion. Still no effect. The button ins
Forum: General
14 years ago
@JamesD- I tried your suggestion but nothing happened. So I undid all of the changes. I guess I need really step-by-step instructions such as those provided by Fred. Sorry. @Fred- It works, but with one minor glitch. The button is there, and it does toggle between JS on/off. However, the button stays red all the time except when I float my cursor over it, during which time it temporarily turns
Forum: General
14 years ago
I usually leave Java Script (JS) turned on but there are certain sites (such as CBS news sites) where JS screws up the display. To turn JS off, I now must do Tools>Privacy>Block Java Script. It would be very handy if the Tool Bar had a toggle button for easily turning JS on & off. Is such a thing available?
Forum: General
14 years ago
One tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
Another good alternative to Key Scrambler is KeePass. It's free. Works with ALL browsers. Just use its auto-type obfuscation & it gives good protection against keyloggers. In general, apps that scramble inputs (virtual keyboards, safe keys, key scrambler, etc) only protect from a relatively narrow spectrum of the latest advances in online information-stealing technology. Some of the n
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
QuoteDoonEgocentric people who crank up the number of connections to a server beyond reasonable limits are in effect launching a small denial of service attack against a server, creating excessive server load and tying up connections that others could use, particularly on small servers. This point is well understood in the realm of download managers, where anything more than two connections for l
Forum: General
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