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7 years ago
Yahoo, and who is the next? God save the digital totalitarianism :s:mad::|
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
@callahan, JamesD, guenter:O: Yes, Christmass is from year to year oftener:B. But I remember a dialogue from the movie "Psycho" by Hitchcock (I've seen about 45 years ago): "How do you make it, you have still money enough?" - "Simply: I don't count it." (or similar) And people say time is money. I think, 62 is a baby age:B. We all have up to 120 years
Forum: General
7 years ago
I use to say "W98 forever". Allthough there were some tools made spying possible for Microsoft allready in W95 - eg. Drwatson, or Taskmon - both can be a double-edged thing. The first one should help to find solutions for user problems with their system by M$ but they must deliver also some private contents of his PC to M$. And the other one monitors and logs user operations on their PC
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
QuoteJamesD In K-Meleon 76 the data for logins is in the "logins.json" file. You might also need the "key3.db" file. Earlier versions were different. I think that K-Meleon 75.1 used the "signons.sqlite" file. The random number file was used in early K-Meleons up to and including the 1.x versions.Neither in 1.6 nor 1.7 I find any file in profiles seeming to ha
Forum: General
7 years ago
Nur noch vollständigkeitshalber, wenn ich das hier wieder mal nachlese: Quotesiria 22. Mai 2016 15:00Wer dagegen keine speziellen Macros braucht und JS eh immer eingeschaltet lässt, kann damit leben. Das bedeutet nicht, dass man bei 1.7a den JS nicht ausschalten könnte. Allerdings geht das einfachste vorgehen mittels F7-taste oft nicht so einfach, es pflegt gerne zu harzen, manchmal versagt
Forum: General
7 years ago
Pokémon Going? :O No. Panther K-Meleon in Zoo Zurich Switzerland, Masoala Halle
Forum: Off-Topic
7 years ago
Quoterobertsince I let install windows 7 professional, I cannot watch videos. The audio is like this: pa pa pa pa sh sh sh sh...Did you perheaps upgrad from XP? In such case could be W7 a little too much for your HW, which is now no more able to replay such relatively demanding multimedia cleanly. Only as an idea...
Forum: General
7 years ago
@rodocop: Thx 4 these links. As soon as possible I'll have a little more time I'll look there on it. I heared allready KEx is not died by stopping of the regular development but till now I got only nebulous infos about it. This looks to be something concret and usable. Quoteclutterless I'm not surprised an Illegal Operations box appeared when I attempted to run K-Meleon 1.6.
Forum: General
7 years ago
1.7 under W98SE
Forum: General
8 years ago
QuotesiriaBei Mikk ist die Sachlage etwas speziell, er hat glaub durchaus einen neueren Rechner, aber zieht aus persönlichen Gründen KM1.7alpha vor. Die Geschmäcker sind halt verschieden, besonders bei KM :cool:Nur zum teil. Meine maschine is (laut stempel an der deckelinnenseite) vom 1.12.1997 (freilich fast aufs maximum ihrer ausbaumöglichkeiten nachgerüstet). Nach menschlichem ermessen un
Forum: General
8 years ago
QuotesiriaNie eine Sicherheitskopie vom Profilordner gemacht?Naja, eigentlich nie, jetzt werde ich vlt. ab und zu machen. Doch es ist immer irgendwie besser, wenn so eine sicherung einen vor einem falschen schritt rechtzeitig stoppt, als dass man dann das zeug von irgendeinem backup zurück holen muss. Und du kennst das wahrscheinlich selbst, man kann sich nur teilweise um alle die dinge kÃ
Forum: General
8 years ago
Ich weiss nicht, wie die anderen versionen, doch KM 1.7 hat keine absicherung gegen unbeabsichtigtes löschen von allen cookies. Ich habe mich sicherheitshalber immer gehütet, dort zu klicken um dies etwa zu probieren, doch jetzt ist es mir versehentlich passiert. Nur einmal statt gucken löschen geklickt und alle cookies sind weg, für überall muss ich nun die passwörter suchen (ich hoffe, ic
Forum: General
8 years ago
QuotefoliatorActually, IE has some of that craziness, too. In AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\ there are usually 4 subfolders, each with a (hexadecimal) name, for example: 539WUB1P UH5UYNM2 V55WLB1B WQNOTD3KAnd there will be even more of such subfolders through caching under ...\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5. I use caching sometimes to search files which mu
Forum: General
8 years ago
Quotesiria 12. Dezember 2015 18:48 Klasse! So langsam kommt Licht ins Dunkel Hat also wirklich mit Schriftarten zu tun, und ist ein Bug nur auf Win2000. Oh Gott, ein FF-Nutzer hatte damals 15.000 files mit 900MB auf dem Rechner :O WHOAH... Und rodocop hat glaub auch eine Abhilfe gefunden: QuoterodocopGoogle says that this is Tagged Font Metric files and if to switch off an option 'A
Forum: General
8 years ago
QuotesiriaWas für ein System hast du nochmal? Bin hier selbst noch auf windows98 (SE mit KernelEx). ... (hab 256MBAuch W98SE (inkl. alle updates vom inoffiziellen SP, die ich für hilfreich halte) + KernelEx, allerdings 320 MB RAM. CPU P55C (sog. Pentium MMX) 233 MHz. Was hast du für CPU und wieviel MHz? Und was für eine grafikkarte? QuotesiriaVersion 1.7 ist leider die Katastrophe schlech
Forum: General
8 years ago
Hi Martin, can you say more about your very old computer? I have a very old computer too but I don't know if even older than you or not. I would like to check the posibility to view Youtube videos when you say you can do it. Till now I think I can't and if anyway, than only indirectly and non-properly. But who knows?
Forum: General
8 years ago
Hallo leute, nach längerer zeit (ach wie kurz sie war, Weihnachten wird wirklich von jahr zu jahr immer öfter:O). Seit einiger zeit benütze ich ausschliesslich die 1.7-version. Sie hat zwar ihre macken, doch bezüglich richtige web-seietendarsetllung läuft sie um einiges sauberer als 1.6 - anscheinend dank ihrer neueren Gecko-version. So auch sonstige - bereits früher gemeldete - probleme
Forum: General
9 years ago
QuoteYogi QuoteguenterMan kann keine Dienste nur URLs blocken, die einen unerwünschten Dienst verrichten Das ist mir schon klar. Deswegen war auch meine Frage an Mikk gerichtet. Quotesiria...und hab auch so einige Dienste per host file geblockt.Deswegen war meine Frage an siria gerichtet.
Forum: General
9 years ago
QuoteWindows 10, the end of owning your Windows OS?No! Windows 10 may exist in any matter but I will still own my Windows 98SE - the best Windows ever been! :cool:
Forum: Off-Topic
9 years ago
I found here something about the anonymous surfing with the Tor Service: (for many people here unfortunately in German) There is written that Tor works with a special Firefox version, especially modified for the Tor, there. How is it by using of the Tor with KM? Must it be also modified? Does such modification exist?
Forum: General
9 years ago
Unfortunately because of incompatibility of the 74 to W98/KernelEx not possible Perheaps a hint how could I fix it also in 1.7?
Forum: General
9 years ago
I observe in the last few days it's not possible me to copy selected parts (text) from much web-sites in any way - neither by ctrl-c nor with the (so programmed) middle key of the mouse nor by menu. Paste brings than allways only the former content of the memory. It occurs only in the KM 1.7, neither in 1.6 nor ni IE6. That's why I thnik I must have changed some settings in my 1.7 unint
Forum: General
9 years ago
Thanks. But unfortunately for QuoteOoops! The page you've requested does not exist. If you believe this to be an error, please contact me and I'll get to the bottom of it. In the mean time, please enjoy this picture of Christina Ricci. I sure do.
Forum: General
9 years ago
As I startet the 1.7 first time I was asked if I want to install spell checking. I said NO. Neveertheles I got this underlining. Than sometimes - still getting red wave underelined textes - I found the check box for the spell checking in the plugin stettings, it was set off. Than later I changed all the file names considering the »spel« in any kind so that I set an underline sign in front of it
Forum: General
9 years ago
I don't use any one. Always as I looked for solutions it was in final effect such complicated until I had no time more to bring it finished. There are solutions for allmost all these things anyway but unfortunately I must set my priorities on other places as to look for them consequently. People change still as their webs etc. as things around in the "real" world. Too much of it
Forum: General
9 years ago
Quotesiriaplay the videos finished and then open them from windows temp cache again with a standalone player...As I remember that time I tried to play and save .flv videos (I don't do it today more because I hate Flash - is and was allways malware in my eyes - such I rather refuse to watch all the flash videos) it's necessary to move/copy them away from the temp cache as possible immedi
Forum: General
9 years ago
Quotesiria Some day you'll have to give in and try kernel-ex too No black strips here with kernelex and KM1.6beta26 From my own experience of the last 10 months approx. I can only support this statement of siria. The first time I tried that 1.5 too but have seen the problems very soon. KernelEx works very fine for KM 1.6 and 1.7 My recommendements: - Try also 1.7 or even Twin (betas bo
Forum: General
9 years ago
There are just now 2 things I would like to have them so good in KM as they are in IE6 but till now I can't find how: 1. In IE I can block the acces for web sites and domains to my PC individually by their names/URL's by means of the host-file. How can I do similar in KM? 2. If I need to close some open Window hardly with ctrl-alt-del in IE6, for example at site crash or overlon
Forum: General
9 years ago
There is a little problem with the positioning of the history window. It opens allways positioned not on the top of the active picture area but on the top of the screen. If the Start-Task-QuickOpen-Systray bar is placed there, on the top of the screen (as I have) the History window goes under it and following its top is covered. It is necessary allways to move that bar away as the first to can
Forum: General
9 years ago
In 1.7 allready too? I could believe it, the description for spelltest is (no information available) in the plugin settings. But how can I inactivate it?:s
Forum: General
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