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15 years ago
Forum: General
15 years ago
Lies die Installationshinweise:
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
You can give a folder a nick name. Then type that nick into the url bar and hit enter...
Forum: Improvement requests
15 years ago
Quoteprenaud I looked at the installed plug-ins from KM 1.5.1 in the C drive, and copied all the files related to Java to the plug-in folder on my USB key: npoji610.dll npdeploytk.dll npjpi160_11.dll Java sites still don't work with my key. No problems with Flash sites. Am I missing a step? The Java plugin alone is not sufficient to run Java applets. You need the entire Java ru
Forum: General
15 years ago
Quotedisruptedi was wondering about something, mozilla people are currently developing 2.0 engine for ff4.. not sure when to be released, my question is; will km 1.9 update to gecko 2.0 easily like from 1.7 to 1.8 or will it require a rechromanisation as well? No idea, I think it's too early to worry about gecko 2.0...
Forum: General
15 years ago
Quotedisruptedkko has all the files now but i think because it was so messed up kko has given up Ho, ho, kko is not so quickly giving up! Real life just kept me busy the last months. A pile of work regarding km accumulated on my desktop. I'm working on it... (sorry for the delay)
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuoteGorilla no bakaHowever i can not help to notice that you guys have left out the tabu stuff... REMOVING THE LIMITATIONS IN THE NETWORK PROTOCOL AREA IE: maximum pipeline request which it keeps on staying at 8 in all the versions... We are just embedding the Gecko engine, we are not developing it. The Mozilla developers are no fools - they don't introduce a hard coded limit for no r
Forum: General
15 years ago
Quotegdv(1) Just to be 100% clear, if I change the User Agent in KM (or Opera, for that matter), only the website functionality changes and K-Meleon/Opera functionality doesn't/shouldn't change at all. Correct? Yes, as I've said: Changing the browser's user agent string does not change the way the browser is working internally. Just by pretending to be Elvis, you won'
Forum: General
15 years ago
Stolper... QuoteGustav MalerLeider bekomme ich es K-Meleon (v1.5.2 deutsch, Komplettpaket, Erstinstallation) nicht beigebracht, nach einem einfachen Linksklick mit der Maus, das neue Fenster im Hintergrundtab öffnen zu lassen. Das geht auch nicht. Diese Einstellungen: Quoteguenter# Left-click -> background: ich habe eins geändert, hoffe es stimmt, einfügen & testen %ifplugi
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuotegdvI've had a couple questions about this rumbling around in my head and this seems like a good place to ask them. (1) Is this an issue on the Hotmail end or the KM end (or maybe some of both)? I don't understand why KM works on Hotmail when spoofed as FF User Agent but doesn't work with the default KM User Agent. This is a web design flaw that you can find in many (espe
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuoteChristopher PooleHorrible, K-Meleon devs lied and said they fixed a bug when they never did. This one: This bug report is the only thing being horrible here. Have you written it? It's one of the sort that I have to read five times in order to get a clue what it's all about (consider to read the Bug Reporting Guidelines f
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
Quotebugreporter-xthere does seem to be a 'bug' in registering to the bugs wiki with new accounts. I do have the same problems with my old account. I guess it has something to do with caching. When you logged in to the BTS, it may look as if you were not logged in although you actually are. Reload the page (several times if necessary or use Ctrl+F5). This can also happen when you
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
QuoteChristopher PooleThe bug: The User-agent button on the privacy bar when you left click it, instead of getting the correct bar, it launches the "About K-Meleon" function. Only right clicking works and this is a pain. This button is working exactly as explained in its tooltip. So what is the bug?
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
Quotedisrupted(unlogged)maybe they fixed it with latest gecko 1.8 build More likely the webmasters fixed their CSS bugs. QuoteguenterIMHO that is a design error in the pages html and css. Exactly. The least display problems are browser bugs, the most are web design flaws. Still many pages - like the one in question - are optimized for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768. That was somewhat t
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
QuotetlcmdWhat have I set wrong? Well, I guess that your choice of opting out is stored in a cookie - I cannot imagine how a website could otherwise identify you as one who opted out. And your problem is that this cookie gets lost. Have you set up any program(s) to delete your cookies frequently?
Forum: General
15 years ago
Quotedesga2Is possible this site not support your hight screen resolution. Quotedisruptedthis is a known issue with gecko 1.8. it doesn't support wide screen display. Must be rumors. This page displays correctly for me on both 1680 x 1050 and 1050 x 1680. And it doesn't look any different in Firefox 3.
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
QuoteBadajoz ReluIt looks to me that after you compress the skin folder the browser can not find the path toward the skins folder anymore... Is there any way where i can go and manually set the path so that k-meleon will recognize the new commpresed skin??? No, K-Meleon cannot read skin files out of a ZIP archive, it must be folder. What Microsoft calls a "ZIP-compressed folder&quo
Forum: General
15 years ago
I've observed the same in all 1.5.x releases. Couldn't really figure out what's causing it. I suspect it's related to the profile location. Where do you store your profile? Under %AppData% or in the km installation directory? What Windows version are you using?
Forum: Bugs
15 years ago
QuoteJamesDNew macro system for 1.5 versions differs from that for 1.1 versions in that new system can compare integers or strings while the old system can compare only strings. I haven't said that. There is no difference between 1.1 and 1.5 in this regard.
Forum: General
15 years ago
Keep in mind that "<", ">", ... do perform string comparisons by default. 7 > 10 is true because the alphabetic order of 7 and 10 is: 10, 7 Try this: $_Training1_Result_Bounds = +10 < $_Training1_Result ? 1 : "L"; (The first operand determines the type of the operation.)
Forum: General
15 years ago
When you are using Display Style "Web Page", you can just click into the page and choose Frame > "Send Frame As Link..." When you are using Display Style "Text", you should be able to click the link in the page's head and choose "Send Link URL...". That does currently nothing, indeed. This might be a bug in our macro or a consequence of the NewsF
Forum: General
15 years ago
What "page" do you want to send actually?
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuoteJohnHellI used to have the strict warnings reports enabled for the error console and with 1.1.6 I hadn't any issue, but now, from start (with a fresh profile too) I found this error. Should I care of it? No, it doesn't do any harm. It just shouldn't be there, ideally.
Forum: General
15 years ago
Forum: General
15 years ago
When you take a look at Tools > Hotlinks... it should be clear what is what.
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuoteDasFoxQuotekkoMight this be a firewall problem i.e. is km allowed to access the router? Of course not it's my router... I asked because a personal firewall running on the same computer as km could prevent km from accessing the router. But you mentioned that the problem is only with some router pages... QuoteDasFoxNope 1.5.0 also doesn't work with the router/firmware versio
Forum: General
15 years ago
Km 1.5.1 supports that. Open Edit > Configuration > Browser Configuration. Right-click any preference and choose New > Integer. Enter browser.tabs.closeButtons for the name of the new pref and 1 for the value. Restart km.
Forum: Improvement requests
15 years ago
QuotemdunkanDoes it mean that for privacy issues is better to have memory cache enabled?:O The memory cache does noticeably increase page load performance. So, why would you want to disable it? When you close km, the memory (RAM) used by km will be freed...
Forum: General
15 years ago
QuotecapriviFrüher mit KM wie auch jetzt bei Opera befindet sich oben unter der Adressleiste die Tab-Leiste, welche nebeneinander auflistete, was man zuletzt besuchte. Die Tab-Leiste zeigt die im aktuellen Browser-Fenster geöffneten Seiten (Dokumente) an. Über die Tab-Schaltflächen (Reiter) kannst du ein Dokument auswählen um es anzuzeigen. QuotecapriviMit dem roten Kreuz auf der rech
Forum: Bugs
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