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3 years ago
Kris, your great addons really need at least a minimalist GUI Demonstrated just *again* by even John falling into the no-GUI trap repeatedly, although an absolute "GUI-babysitting" hater himself Including a tiny and simple options.xul, at least for setting some prefs on aboutaddons, with a filepicker or radio-buttons, checkmarks etc, is kinda easy and would go a long way in help
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Quoteanonymous@Siria Never tried. Your newest browser should not freeze because a ported patch from bug 1203973 is included. Frankly haven't tried myself, since it needs oh-so-risky JS, and no urgent need myself. But that doesn't mean that you couldn't still post an example rule for other users, or in my case, for other website uses
Forum: General
3 years ago
Frankly have no experience with either, but so my hopes for this addon are a sort of greasemonkey-light QuoteJohnHellBut am I wrong if I say that it hasn't a live edit functionality? I mean, the XPI is being blocked while K-meleon runs, so if I want to add features to polyfill by editing polyfill.js, I have to close and then re-open K-meleon. Or remove the add-on and re-install. One way
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Yeah, please post a working example. E.g. how modify such a heise file by CSS?? <link href="/assets/xxxx.css?12345678" media="print" onload="'all'" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> I only get as far as: link {...and then??...}
Forum: General
3 years ago
siria was discussed on msfn some weeks ago, and roytam1 made a FIX in the engine, for NM27. Since KM shares the same engine, it should work in KM too. But obviously can only work in KM-Goanna76 builds since Nov 2020 For self-help in older versions this pref was confirmed to help (if I got it right): javascript.options.strict = true (Also helps an a few other sites, sadly not all) Ot
Forum: General
3 years ago
Sounds familiar... Do a forum search for "Backspace", there should be some hits, a few years old. In THIS forum here, after accidentally flipping back in tab history, it helps to set the browser Offlineby menu, then flip forward again - now the written text should appear again. Now set it ONline again. This trick helps in some forums/websites (phorum/bbcode?), sadly not in all (IPS
Forum: General
3 years ago
Thanks for keeping KM alive, as far as possible QuoteIn-tree changes: - kplugins: jsplugin, spellcheck: follow-up after chaos mode imported in GRE (9b574223) - sln: build WinEmbed after kmeleon to fix racing condition on program database (3295b6dc) Uh oh... kplugins... chaos... Perhaps time for 76.4...? Quote> So what is stopping us from going to G4? ---- > everything. Gecko &
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
Quotegiro1991 Hi, Is there a switch in about:config that prevents screensaver when watching flash content only i.e. youtube? I found a plugin for k-meleon based on Don't Sleep Pro but this affects whole browser not specifically flash. Wonder how a FLASH function would help anything on YOUTUBE. They stopped serving flash long time ago already. Zero flash at all - at least acc. what I
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
No clue if reported here already, just in case: A free app is in development, which can do Corona Tests by VOICE recognizition. Reliability in scientific studies: 100% if infected without symptoms, 98.5% if WITH symptoms. 2020-10-29: EN 2020-12-15: DE
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Nice Screenshot
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteKris_88The "more..." and "Options" are working, tested in KM74,75,76. One "setting" tag for two buttons. This was in previous version too. oops, you're right! Sorry. The prob was something else, NOT related to your addon. For some reason KMG74 aboutaddons page is a bit quirky on my old system, when clicking on addon details and nothing happens, I need to
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Glad there's now a working pref for font size, thanks A too tiny header font would really be a killer for normal users. But the hard limit of max 15 in bootstrap.js shows me again how huge the differences in physical pixel size seem to be on different monitors. I keep feeling the same font size must appear much smaller on mine as on yours! On this old notebook screen with really big pixels
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Offtopic Have now experimented more with JSBridge.GetActiveBrowser for other addons, and major pity Had hoped it could be used in KM1.6 too, but unknown there yet. And JSB.setMenuCallback unknown too yet. And JSB.registerCmd unknown too - starting to wonder what JSB can do at all there... Aside from the 'little' prob of having no clue anyway how to get ANY addon scripts running there
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Never mind, JH always had a strong dislike of GUIs beyond ultra-minimalistic ;-) Thanks for fixing in KM74, works again. Those customizable filenames are handy, thanks! Just that subfolder thing had me quite confused at the first quick test. Personally have no use for any fix subfolders, but was in a hurry. Only now got around to a second look, and then of course understood it - and more imp
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Cannot save anymore in v7+8... after picking a folder, it complains "cannot create folder" - although it exists already obviously. And when I tried to screenshot a local page, it attempted to create a subfolder named ..."/empty/"....
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Warning from MSFN: QuoteMicrosoft will be deploying Windows Updates to permanently remove Flash Player - these updates *cannot* be reversed: QuoteAll versions Adobe Flash Player newer than
Forum: General
3 years ago
Not meaning to request too much (already more fulfilled as ever dreamed!), just as little suggestion anyway. The 3rd title line could be saved with such a layout: (2020-12-14) URL:,module=recent_messages TITLE: Recent Messages Am actually embedding this on top of html-pages by macro when saving them to disk since 2-3 years. And still very happy
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
QuoteKris_88the image will be stored unpacked and will take up a lot of memory. Up to 100MB, but in fact it is two or three times more than 100 YIKES!! Uh oh... Suggestion filenames, for automatic tools one could include some other marker letter for the domain end. Not sure if this letter is allowed, or whatever... kmeleonbrowser_org_@20201213_201334.png And finally got my own tweaks at
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Quoteasi_jesterI updated K-meleon from 75.1 using gecko to 76.2.1 or 76.3.1 using the guana engine. I had some preferences on that site and I guess that is the reason why new version of K-meleon doesn't fully load . I don't have the old version of k-meleon any more. Is there some file I have to delete in registry or elsewhere so it loads that
Forum: Bugs
3 years ago
I'm trying the new version now and it's really amazing. Also looking at your code, so clear and educative, love it! While you're here (must use the extremely rare opportunity of an addon expert around, hehe), would it be very complicated to save the screenshot alternatively into clipboard, not to disk? For example, when using KM from a usb stick on a foreign computer (or simply
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Thank you Kris! Your fulfilling our wishes, and even fast, I'm delighted Okay, there are users who hate the header block and others who love it, so it could be a pref too. And Shift to inverse, yep fine. Just no clue how to best turn this switch into gui, but you sure know better. QuoteJohnHellabout:black, or about:config, and when no hostname, that is what happens with about:blank/c
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Quoteanonymous AddButton was added Dec 2014, updated with 'menu' input and in Feb 2015 with 'tooltip' input. I'm wondering if there may be a way for users to backport more functions ourselves, by copying over some younger files? Have experimented a bit in KMG74 with copied KMeleon.jsm from KM75 and two jsbridge files, but no luck. Then replaced the complete "browse
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
QuoteKris_88In add-ons the addbutton function does not return 0 but throw an exception (use try-catch). But that sounds perfect to use an independant toolbar for Addons without probs - if addtoolbar is available too? - addbutton to "&ADDONS" - and if it fails, in the catch run "addtoolbar", then "addbutton" again? QuotesiriaOh and I'd like a button to
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
QuoteJohnHellOuch!, bypassed that :cool: :cool: :cool: (biting tongue... lol!)
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
You're very helpful, testing newer macro possibilities too :-) If addbutton has a return function too, great! Should be added to wiki. Just wondering a bit - could you verify if perhaps the minus creates the separator? Because that's used in toolbars.cfg for it, and a result of 1 indicates success, so not quite sure. Would it be very complicated to add another menuline, for "Q
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Couldn't resist either, and already spent far too much time again tinkering Or rather struggling, as usual, tweaking GUI, as usual (JH you'll hate it, lol) And Kris you'll find it "too much" very likely too, but never mind, I'm also hoping to recycle some of those pref-juggling parts in further addons some day. It just bugs me that I can't seem to get my addi
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
Such source stuff is miles high above my head, very glad if occasionally people like you with dev-skills drop by :-) Just a bit basic info about macros (Howto): The only one at least partly updated wiki is the english version of this: All other language-variations are long since obsolete (from KM0.X or so, at best KM1.x) Also important and
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
QuoteKris_88 Moreover, in KM75-76 this add-on creates the command "Screenshot10". You can call this command from a macro to simulate the button click: id("Screenshot10"); Actually, the button itself is not even needed for this. And even in KM74, add-on can call a macro. For examle:, 'macros(mymacro)'); But there is no convenient method for passin
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
YES!!! again - thank you! Getting better and better And know what? Finally discovered (can't believe how long this idea took me) that KMG74 can get a button too, although a bit limited! It can easily be created outside the addon, thanks to your creation of a SUBMENU in the xpi This menu called "Screenshot" works like any other KM menu too, it can be put on buttons manually in
Forum: Extensions
3 years ago
QuoteKris_88Universal version for KM v74-76. Thank you! YES!! Can hardly believe it, but this xpi ADDON works now even on KG74! You're doing miracle addon-stuff here that no one did before! - Calling full addon-functions for *current page* by MENU, not only event-related! - And on KM75-76 even a fully functional toolbar button! (I may prefer manual buttons, but functions were too
Forum: Extensions
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