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12 years ago
official km seems stoping develpment, will you upadate your ccf me build another time? i dont know if haojiang still comes here and see this post.
Forum: General
12 years ago
i asked a same question some time ago, and the answer is no
Forum: General
13 years ago
for me, fx8 get a very high score in a speed test, but in practial usage, kmccf me still faster than fx8 on my xp3.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Quotedisrupted i think it's photoshopped the tongue and the insect?
Forum: General
13 years ago
Much clear now, thanks for explaination. i choose v8 test, because newest test always freeze my km.
Forum: General
13 years ago
i tested it with 0.097ccfme by v8 benchmark suite but the experiece seems not so much difference between the two for daily use. i know that number is not so important, but how long can we catch it up? and fx4.06
Forum: General
13 years ago
a new engine on km can never be easy, i suppose.
Forum: General
13 years ago
delete file “k-meleon.exe.manifest” as ngu said in this thread(http://bbs.et8.net /bbs/showthread.php?t=1014533), ok now! 1、faster, and titlebar cannot hide as you said, some website cannot load which warns url invalid. 2、Will you fix the undo last closed tab? it has been there for a long time. in fact, all the closed tabs can be loaded with undo gesture, but cannot be
Forum: General
13 years ago
o(∩_∩)o, i am waiting for it for a long time, cant wait to try it. Thank you, Hao! cannot start it. xp3
Forum: General
13 years ago
it's really good to know that coolwulf still keeps on developing K-MeleonCCF ME. long time no see!
Forum: General
13 years ago
very good tools, thanks!
Forum: Improvement requests
13 years ago
jk’s version do not have toolbar showing problem, so i still use it, but it donot show any icon. http://www.digivill.net/~joykillr/kmeleon/adblockplus-kmeleon-1.2.2-en-US-unofficial-0.5.zip
Forum: General
13 years ago
i met this kind of Crash too some times. it may happens randomly, sometimes could recur, sometimes couldnot. this problem also happens with hao's ccfme version even in latest version.
Forum: General
13 years ago
all the info i know about him his name:usbtopc his updating thread (discontinuned): http://bbs.deepin.org/viewthread.php?tid=746777&highlight=%E6%89%8B%E5%8A%BF
Forum: General
13 years ago
i cannot contact the author now, but since he gave out the source, i think it would be ok for him to do that as you said. p.s. until just now did i found hao's gesture of K-MeleonCCFME0.096.5pre could also be used in 1.6beta2. i think he used a part of codes from him. Besides that, it includes gesture tracks.
Forum: General
13 years ago
i sent this 2 files to sterndaler at yahoo.com, guenter. if you think it is useful you can upload it and make it better.
Forum: General
13 years ago
QuoteJujuLand I suppose you have these tools located in folder unusual, or you have forgotten to enter the path in kmm file, or you have forgotten to double \ chars in path string in kmm file. A+ i made it with freshdownload now. but still failed even with your advice. 1 tool is enough for me. thank you so much!
Forum: General
13 years ago
i try to use flashget and freshdownload, but menu is grey? can someone help me? i'm using 1.6beta2. thanks!
Forum: General
13 years ago
Quotesiria Why not use k-meleon's native gestures.dll? Personally I'm perfectly happy with it yes, original one is very good, but one more choice is not a bad thing,right? hope somebody would like it.
Forum: General
13 years ago
Feature this gesture could be used for those who want drag and go, and search like hao's ccfme version. How to use put the gestures.dll into kplugins folder. drag a link or selected text southwest a little untill you see a cross, open a new tab or search with baidu(a Chinese search engine )in frontpage, southeast open a new tab or search with google background page. usbtopc
Forum: General
13 years ago
yes,i confirm that list can be used,and works well, but cannot use right-click to block the image that you dont want to show.:drool: thank you all!
Forum: General
14 years ago
i can understand that as i see firefox updating so frequently and seems change a lot more after fx4. i am still using km with some bugs, all i want to say is a big thanks to all those who donate your time and hard work to this project. i become a little sad when i happen to see desga2's words. wish...
Forum: Development
14 years ago
Quotedisrupted it's not cell phone。
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
i'm using Samsung i5700, android 2.1
Forum: Off-Topic
14 years ago
Forum: Development
14 years ago
icannot download, it requires for an acount
Forum: Development
14 years ago
i met high cpu usage suddenly many times, and km froze then, and the only way to go is restart the browser.
Forum: General
14 years ago
QuoteSoerenB Hi, chinarobin, that's exactly the selfsame, identical problem we were discussing. Please, siria and chinarobin, could you describe what impression you had in tbe first place, about what was being discussed here? siria (und andere!), kannst Du mir sagen, durch welche Formulierung(en) die Unklarheiten verursacht wurden? yes, it is the same thing.
Forum: General
14 years ago
dorian 2009-07-30 17:08:07 CloseTab is always sent, even at exit. There is no easy way to make a difference between both currently. ==================================== it seems that there is no solution at the moment
Forum: General
14 years ago
i have another problem it happens like this, when u opened 4 tab, close the last tab, leave the other 3 befor you close the brower. when u restart it, and open the previous session, it will opern all the 4 tabs including the last one you have closed. i think it has been a bug for long time.
Forum: General
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