KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > F_mgr
Submitted by: JamesD
Control of Flash player settings and Flash cookies is managed by using websites provided by Macromedia. The two menu items provided by F_mgr macro take the user to the appropriate websites in the default language of the browser.
Special note: Javascript must be enabled to use the websites.
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):
# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage2) # # ---------- F_Mgr.kmm # # Dependencies : main.kmm # Resources : www.macromedia.com and www.adobe.com websites # Preferences : "general.useragent.locale" # Version : 1.2 # Author : JamesD # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _F_Mgr_PlayerSettings { macroinfo = _("Manage Player settings JAVASCRIPT REQUIRED"); $_F_Mgr_LangFull = getpref(STRING,"general.useragent.locale"); $_F_Mgr_Lang = substr($_F_Mgr_LangFull,0,2); $_F_Mgr_P1="www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/"; $_F_Mgr_P2="/flashplayer/help/settings_manager02.html"; $_F_Mgr_P_URL=$_F_Mgr_P1 . $_F_Mgr_Lang . $_F_Mgr_P2; if ($kTabs) { opentab( $_F_Mgr_P_URL ); } else { opennew ( $_F_Mgr_P_URL ); } } _F_Mgr_ViewCookies { macroinfo = _("Manage Flash Cookies JAVASCRIPT REQUIRED"); $_F_Mgr_LangFull = getpref(STRING,"general.useragent.locale"); $_F_Mgr_Lang = substr($_F_Mgr_LangFull,0,2); $_F_Mgr_V1="www.adobe.com/go/settmgr_storage_"; $_F_Mgr_V_URL=$_F_Mgr_V1 . $_F_Mgr_Lang ; if ($kTabs) { opentab( $_F_Mgr_V_URL ); } else { opennew ( $_F_Mgr_V_URL ); } } _F_Mgr_BuildMenu { $_F_Mgr_Popm = "Flash Manager"; setmenu("&Privacy",popup,$_F_Mgr_Popm,-1); &_F_Mgr_BuildMenuP; } _F_Mgr_BuildMenuP { setmenu($_F_Mgr_Popm,macro,"Flash player privacy settings",_F_Mgr_PlayerSettings,0); setmenu($_F_Mgr_Popm,macro,"View Flash Cookies or LSO",_F_Mgr_ViewCookies,1); rebuildmenu($_F_Mgr_Popm); } $OnInit=$OnInit."_F_Mgr_BuildMenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."F_Mgr;";