KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > MacroLibrary2 > Umlauts and other special characters support
Submitted by: Shagshag
By default K-Meleon's Google search and translation macro doesn't recognize some german umlauts, all french accents and other special characters (ëïéèàùâËÏÉÈÀÙÂñÇ).
With this additional code K-Meleon will support all those special characters.
Copy & paste the highlighted text into the Umlauts macro.
Umlauts{ $word=gsub("ä","%C3%A4",$word); $word=gsub("ö","%C3%B6",$word); $word=gsub("ü","%C3%BC",$word); $word=gsub("ß","%C3%9F",$word); $word=gsub("Ä","%C3%84",$word); $word=gsub("Ö","%C3%96",$word); $word=gsub("Ü","%C3%9C",$word); $word=gsub("À","%C3%80",$word); $word=gsub("Â","%C3%82",$word); $word=gsub("à","%C3%A0",$word); $word=gsub("â","%C3%A2",$word); $word=gsub("ç","%C3%A7",$word); $word=gsub("è","%C3%A8",$word); $word=gsub("Ë","%C3%8B",$word); $word=gsub("ê","%C3%AA",$word); $word=gsub("é","%C3%A9",$word); $word=gsub("ë","%C3%AB",$word); $word=gsub("É","%C3%89",$word); $word=gsub("È","%C3%88",$word); $word=gsub("Ï","%C3%8F",$word); $word=gsub("ï","%C3%AF",$word); $word=gsub("î","%C3%AE",$word); $word=gsub("ñ","%C3%B1",$word); $word=gsub("ô","%C3%B4",$word); $word=gsub("û","%C3%BB",$word); $word=gsub("ù","%C3%B9",$word); $word=gsub("Ù","%C3%99",$word); }
# search with german special characters search_with_google{ $query = prompt("Enter Search Query:", "Search", ""); $query == "" ? "" : macros(go); } go{ $query = gsub("ä", "%C3%A4", $query); $query = gsub("ö", "%C3%B6", $query); $query = gsub("ü", "%C3%BC", $query); $query = gsub("ß", "%C3%9F", $query); $query = gsub("Ä", "%C3%84", $query); $query = gsub("Ö", "%C3%96", $query); $query = gsub("Ü", "%C3%9C", $query); $query = gsub("é", "%C3%A9", $query); $query = gsub("è", "%C3%A8", $query); $query = gsub("à", "%C3%A0", $query); $query = gsub("ù", "%C3%B9", $query); $query = gsub("É", "%C3%89", $query); $query = gsub("È", "%C3%88", $query); $query = gsub("À", "%C3%80", $query); $query = gsub("Ù", "%C3%99", $query); $query = gsub("ë", "%C3%AB", $query); $query = gsub("Ë", "%C3%8B", $query); $query = gsub("ï", "%C3%AF", $query); $query = gsub("Ï", "%C3%8F", $query); $query = gsub("â", "%C3%A2", $query); $query = gsub("Â", "%C3%82", $query); open($search. $query); }
Search { macros(search_with_google) Search with Google toolhot.bmp[5] toolhot.bmp[5] toolhot.bmp[5] }