
KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > Zoom In & Zoom Out Images

Submitted by: jsnj

Notes: JavaScript from http://www.squarefree.com/bookmarklets/ with assist from MonkeeSage

In Macros:

menu=Zoom In Images
open("javascript:(function(){ function zoomImage(image, amt) { if(image.initialHeight == null) { /* avoid losing height information due to integer rounding while zooming out */ image.initialHeight = image.height; image.initialWidth = image.width; image.scalingFactor = 1; } image.scalingFactor *= amt; image.width = image.scalingFactor * image.initialWidth; image.height = image.scalingFactor * image.initialHeight; } for (i=0; i<document.images.length; ++i) zoomImage(document.imagesi, 2); })();");

menu=Zoom Out Images
open("javascript:(function(){ function zoomImage(image, amt) { if(image.initialHeight == null) { /* avoid losing height information due to integer rounding while zooming out */ image.initialHeight = image.height; image.initialWidth = image.width; image.scalingFactor = 1; } image.scalingFactor *= amt; image.width = image.scalingFactor * image.initialWidth; image.height = image.scalingFactor * image.initialHeight; } for (i=0; i<document.images.length; ++i) zoomImage(document.imagesi, .5); })();");

In Menus:

# Under &View


In Accelerators:

CTRL Z = macros(ZoomInAll?)
ALT Z = macros(ZoomOutAll?)

User Comments:


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