General :  K-Meleon Web Browser Forum
General discussion about K-Meleon. Questions about how to setup it, macro coding, all related to its usage and the project itself, including this website. 

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8 years ago
Updated RU-locale for this RC - in usual place as always
Forum: Announcements
8 years ago
Fixed ru-locale for KM 76 RC: Now about:preferences do work. Other FF-locale related glitches (if any) also solved.
Forum: Localization
8 years ago
And once again: all the localizers need to download their new firefox locales for 38.8.0 ESR and update KM-locale from there. At least you'll need files from (get into exe-distro of Firefox with any non-system archiver - I use 7zip as Total Commander plugin): FFsetup.exe: core\browser\omni.ja\chrome\XX\locale\browser\preferences\ to replace ones in KM ROOTfolder: \locales\XX\XX.j
Forum: Announcements
8 years ago
Are you russian, guy? If so, just set English keyboard layout as default for your OS and restart KM.
Forum: Bugs
8 years ago
Wow! Hao is back! What about new KM CCF ME?
Forum: Announcements
8 years ago
I have disk cache set off and there is 'cache2' folder in profile with 'doomed' and 'entries' subs - both empty.
Forum: General
8 years ago
These are engine-related cache folders. Mozilla preconfigures place for cache files as well as for history (file places.sqlite). You can avoid them if you have broadband connection - just switch disk cache off and then delete cache folders in file manager (not from KM itself).
Forum: General
8 years ago
Locales should be updated. Something changed on about:preferences page with this engine update.
Forum: Announcements
8 years ago
We all were ones. ;-) (self-taughts)
Forum: General
8 years ago
foliator, I'm with you in almost all aspects of PC and OS usage. But I don't see any problem in all that shit like default Windows folders and Libraries. I simply don't use them. Since I've started work with Windows in 3.1 era (1995) I've used to organize my job in 'independent' way^ - all my work files (docs, images etc.) are stored separately from sy
Forum: General
8 years ago
Let's clarify this: 'kmeleon.plugins.macros' - defines that some option relates to macrolanguage extensions (or macros). And the handling of macros themselves is implemented through k-plugin macros.dll (definitely listed under K-Meleon Plugins in Preferences)/ No mystique 'internal plugins' ;-)
Forum: General
8 years ago
1002. Re: Bugs?
Glad to read you again here! In general KM has no great bugs, but there are some in details. No big news because of some problems with Dorian's HDD. But most crucial are in past now and development restarted again. So, where are new developments - wait for new bugs! This subforum will never get dead ;-)
Forum: Bugs
8 years ago
They all are there already. Checking 'In background' boxes will keep you at current tab/window while opening selected in new. Sorry for misunderstanding. siria have given better answer ;-)
Forum: General
8 years ago
1) type about:preferences in URLbar and go there - Mozilla settings page will open 2) select Applications in the left menu column 3) find PDF filetype in table and set it to "Always ask'
Forum: General
8 years ago
clickable image:
Forum: General
8 years ago
Just to clarify: effect reported in previous message (bookmarklets not working on https pages) was forced by my own changed pref: security.mixed_content.block_active_content set to true causes this. Just toggle it to false to avoid this and have bookmarklets working everywhere. (except some sites that do block client-side JS on their own)
Forum: General
8 years ago
Быстрое универсальное решение - расширение ProxTog2, которое можно скачать здесь. Это работа JamesD и siria. Я его лишь немного пересобрал, кое-что поменял, чтобы появлялась простая отдельная кнопка для прокси, и переименовал Ð
Forum: General
8 years ago
I've just slightly edited siria's ProxTog2 macro from that topic: - added lost bitmap for separate Proxy toolbar (taken from original ProxTog); - bitmaps are placed into 'shared' instead of 'default' folder - changed macro userconfig to get separate Proxy toolbar instead of button on privbar. Made it to quickly help my russian comrade but enjoy new repack nam
Forum: Extensions
8 years ago
И да, я понимаю, что написал много сложных вещей - но именно так и развивается К-Мелеон: либо пользователи высказывают свои пожелания и ждут, когда их реализуют более опытные товарищи, либо берут дело в свои руки и начина
Forum: General
8 years ago
1) включить Вид - Панели Инструментов - Панель приватности. 2) при использовании скина default: открыть файл browser\defaults\settings\toolbars.cfg и раскомментировать (убрать # в начале строк) нужную кнопку # !Proxy{ # macros(Proxy_Toggle)|Pro&xy # Disable Pr
Forum: General
8 years ago
It probably means that you don't have jpg open as page but html page with that picture only. These two could be indistinguishable visually. Check you URLbar contents to be assured you have loaded single jpg not html.
Forum: General
8 years ago
Just select other than default option and you'll never get catched.
Forum: Development
8 years ago
Quoteanontemp123 Is this also true for KM 76's built-in adblock plugin? Yes, sure.
Forum: Extensions
8 years ago
k-meleon blocks scripts loaded from separate js-files under domain listed. And that site has javascript inline placed into html-code of example pages.
Forum: General
8 years ago
on the Mozilla Addons site you almost always would be able to find the addon version, that works with your Gecko version - every addon has an archive of old versions down on the page. No need to 'struggle' with addons, manifests, rdfs and so on. Just look for corresponding build of addon.
Forum: General
8 years ago
Being precise, the most RAM-hungry part of ABP filter list are css-rules of element hiding. So one 'lightweight strategy' is to delete all of element hiding rules. But it's not easy with ready subs as they are updated again and again. As I can see, the new Dorian's inbuilt adblock kplugin is lightweight exactly due to the absense of support for css element hiding...
Forum: Extensions
8 years ago
sendhelp, there are ALREADY 4 options for double-click handling on tabbar - and 2 of them DON't close tabs. You need more? 'Open new tab' option works only on free space of tabbar so on the existing tabs it does exactly what you ask for - ignores your clicks.
Forum: Development
8 years ago
Well, and copepaste also can be automated by macro with readfile and writefile commands... I should think about it...
Forum: General
8 years ago
Yes it does. But there is one thing not clear for me: it's about renaming XPI into that crazy {alphanumeric} codename. I haven't sorted out whether it's mandatory or not...
Forum: General
8 years ago
It's safe. You are not forced to but you can restore. If you really want to uninstall ABP finally and irrevocably - I recommend delete the macro and uninstall the addon through Addons manager (about:addons page). Than delete the adblockplus folder from your profile. Also you may restore browser\omni.ja from official package but I see no real reason to do this. If you want just tempo
Forum: Extensions
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