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7 years ago
4shared just plain does not like KM. I tried to sign up and it was overnight before the confirmation e-mail came. This morning I clicked on the link in the e-mail and when the 4shared site tried to load, all that I saw was "Loading" symbol. The lock is broken for the their https. I use Opera Neon with the link from KM and that worked. After I logged off, I tried KM76 to log on. Al
Forum: General
7 years ago
That is what I do. I accept all cookies - for the session. I allow cookies for certain domains to remain.
Forum: Announcements
7 years ago
It may have to do with how you set up KM 76. If you pointed it to an existing profile from 75, you might get the Cookie Culler program to work. If you started a fresh profile in 76, then I think it unlikely to work. The reason is that KM 76 will use the old cookie storage method if it finds that existing. If not, them 76 uses a new, and very different storage method.
Forum: Announcements
7 years ago
I have used K-Meleon as my default browser for many years. I did have to write my bank and ask them to accept KM for their website four years ago. Banks don't usually use the 'latest and greatest' HTML or CSS because they need stability and security. Social media sites always seem to be first with new stuff. I am lucky there. This forum is my one and only social media site.
Forum: General
7 years ago
It works just fine on my KM76RC2. Every time a page loads, I see a message about "test". Yes, confirmed. Just got the message again on Preview. Edit: I just tested the 2nd method. The one that was commented out. It works too.
Forum: Bugs
7 years ago
I am late posting to this thread. Can I ask, without starting a new fire, that we just close this? Dorian is the programmer. I think all the rest of us are just users. We cannot change the engine. For whatever reason(s) each of us have to use K-Meleon are reason enough for that person. Most will not change unless the reason(s) change. I am lucky enough to have three machines running Wi
Forum: General
7 years ago
I see round icon. KM 76RC2 on Win 10 64 bit
Forum: Bugs
7 years ago
QuoteJohnHell I forgot I can't test adodupan code. Functions weren't available in 75.0. Try this:: Quoteadodupan Code below requires km 75.0 $OnInit = $OnInit."_psf_01;"; $_psf_locale = _("Plugin State Flash"); $_psf_cold = "
Forum: Development
7 years ago
If we macro writers could define the image in the way adodupan does with data uri, it would mean the kmm file could contain everything. There would not be a need to create a 7z with folders skins and shared. It would be interesting to know about space requirements. Kmm files are plain text. Also could the kmm file work like an omni and be zipped with some compression?
Forum: Development
7 years ago
The icon for basic addblock is 192x32 in png format. I had it done that way in order to support skins with toolbars of 32, 24, 20, and 16 size. I cannot see that much definition is lost when using with a toolbar of size 16. The old system for icons required that I code my macro such that it chose an icon based on there being one of the strings, LG or Large, in the skin name. To say that the o
Forum: Development
7 years ago
Thanks JohnHell I will make this available as a 7z download.
Forum: General
7 years ago
Hello again siria, Johnhell, Rodocop. I think this version is finally correct. I have used this page to test. At least I now know that I can do this in the new style code. Siria, I guess you can't test unless you get you 'other' machine going. You are most helpful at pointing out the things I often overlook when coding. I so
Forum: General
7 years ago
Quotesiria If you don't use the Return-var, it would better be omitted completely, to reduce confusion. It's the same syntax as with injectJS, a return-var is optional and only coded if really needed. the addbutton line calls a menu which the macro doesn't create anywhere... the setcmdicon line sets gold as cold (pic1=middle) and red as hot (2=rightside) the sync-macro def
Forum: General
7 years ago
Hi everybody. I am glad we all here again discussing things. I really liked my old way better, but I wanted to see if I could do something useful using the new commands. I am really glad to have confirmed the order for vertical buttons. COLD HOT DEAD I deleted some old stuff in December and that included an e-mail from Dorian about that. I no longer trust my memory. I was worri
Forum: General
7 years ago
Good. They always start with 0. Now to my problem. From the documentation:: checkbutton( TOOLBAR NAME, BUTTON id, VALUE ) ; true (1) The button's hot image is displayed checked. false (0) The button's cold image is displayed normally. If gold is cold and red is hot, should not the red (HOT) image be checked when the value is 1 (true)? I get the gold image at the right t
Forum: General
7 years ago
JohnHell I did not mean to complain about your images. I seem to have a problem between setcmdicon and checkbutton. I am trying to work it out. siria Good catch! I made a problem for myself there. I was trying to get the macro coded to match the states for the pref. Quotesiria Does it work if you use "about:config" to toggle "plugin.state.flash" between 0 (=off
Forum: General
7 years ago
I have a new macro using the newer methods. This is for testing only right now. I think I have a problem either with my macro or the macrolanguage. What is the order of images in a strip? I am having some trouble with the setcmdicon or checkbutton statements. I wrote the macrolanguage2 so I may have made an error. There is code which can be used with the check.png image which Dorian inclu
Forum: General
7 years ago
You can do a search of the preference entries. Look for answers from the If the translation was correct and if I understood correctly then perhaps the link below is the information that you requested.
Forum: Development
7 years ago
The problem is KM version 75.0 I loaded Dorian's 75.0 and put my files there. They did not work with default skin. I am using Win 10 ops sys. I went back to try to see if any items showed up in error console. I took three clicks before the tooltips and statusbar stuff showed up. Maybe I did not get the cursor right on the icon for some clicks. It does work with the KM 75.0 SOME
Forum: General
7 years ago
JohnHell I used the method using the pluginmsg(toolbars) so that I could put everything a user needs into a 7z file. Your method can work, but I would have to explain to users all the steps that you do to set it up. With the 7z file all the user needs to do is extract to KM root. If you extract my 7z to KM root, does it work for you? siria Does my 7z work for you?
Forum: General
7 years ago
JohnHell Sorry to be so slow, but sometimes life gets in the way of computing. Not sure what you mean by "changed dynamically", but here is what I have done. The HOT image is what you see when the cursor is on the icon/button. The COLD image is what you see when cursor is not on the icon/button. The DEAD image is what you see when the cursor is not on the icon/button and the bu
Forum: General
7 years ago
JohnHell Great icons! Thanks. QuoteJohnHell 1st could be enabled, 2nd ask, 3rd disabled. Do you wish for me to amend macro to include the "ask" possibility? If so, what shall I use for HOT? Perhaps the HOT could just be a blank.
Forum: General
7 years ago
QuoteMikk 1st human being in my enviroment knowing what is K-Meleon before I told him about it. It is true that K-Meleon is not well known. However, those who do know, LOVE KM.
Forum: General
7 years ago
Maybe this will help. The code works, but I am not so good on pictures. A better one is needed.
Forum: General
7 years ago
I don't think K-Meleon is dead. The programmer, Dorian, had a hard drive crash so the schedule for updates and improvements took a hit. Hopefully Dorian is hard at work and either version 76 will be finished or maybe he can leapfrog to a later FireFox esr and we might get a 77 version.
Forum: Announcements
7 years ago
I was able to see the videos using KM 76RC2. I did have JavaScript enabled.
Forum: General
7 years ago
@ coucou8949 I don't know. Does the extension require a minimum Firefox version? I think the latest version upon which KM is built is 38 esr.
Forum: Extensions
7 years ago
I see what you have, but I have no idea why. Looks like the tab is there, but only has a dot instead of text for title and the tab's text/buttons are missing. Only thing that I can think of to try is set the client edge to false and restart. Just an outside chance the edge made a change that the tab size could not handle. I think this has only a very small chance, but I have no other ide
Forum: General
7 years ago
QuoteSlickone the whole screen turns white. Do you mean 'the whole screen' as the page display area, or 'the whole screen' as the entire KM window? I have just come across a site where the page display area was white. I was running with JS disabled. I enabled JS and did a forced reload. I was then able to see the page displayed properly.
Forum: General
7 years ago
Press the F2 key. The preferences panel should appear.
Forum: General
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