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Results 31 - 60 of 2769
1 year ago
siria, this part was fully appropriated from naruman's KM74+1. So the engine there is the 'Useragent' function in KmeleonMain.js And how I remember someone have found out the way to switch it off by changing one pref... P.S. And I try some years to change it for your new macro, even almost translated it, but... my life refuses to give me enough time and ... will ... well...
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteSi1lentДля чего в папке с браузер какое то приложение loader?Я его включал,он в трее висит и из опций какие то настройки предзагрузки чего то...для чего это вообще и надо ли его оставлять включённым пока в браузере сидишь? Л
Forum: General
1 year ago
Ютуб смотреть в КМ сейчас трудно. Вариант - смотреть через Invideous (открытый сервис площадок для облегченного полнофункционального просмотра Ютуба). Создаем букмарклет, Ñ‚.е. javascript-закладку: в Закладки - Редактировать сÐ
Forum: General
1 year ago
Yes, Slimjet can be faster here or there. But not more frugal in memory use.
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Quoteroytam1 ... porting current KM frontend to use UXP(which still needs lots of rewrites and hacks). Dorian? :cool:
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Sorry there are no any capable alternative here for now. May be some time it would be possible to adopt Pentadactyl extension (now available for PaleMoon) as it pure Javascript-based. The other point is that NO, Slimjet doesn't use less memory than KM. KM is the most lightweight among the currently updated fill-featured browsers. But Slimjet is way more capable in terms of handling moder
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Just works for me with latest KM. If use standard way to login. But on some pages link "sign in" doesn't work My guesses: 1) try to switch security.csp.enable to false 2) try to use nonce-patch by Kris_88
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
QuoteWasiFH In my opinion if some of the macros and extensions are pre-installed, and a help file/guide line be made. it will be more user friendly to others. That's exactly the point of existance for KM Pro build - to be user-friendly, partially preconfigured and with most useful webtools built-in.
Forum: General
1 year ago
roytam1, thanks! downloads page now works fine!
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
QuoteWasiFH Will K-Meleon Goanna be updated to next Goanna engine after goanna3? What engine basilisk browser is using? Can K-Meleon engine be changed/updated in the near future? Do you plan it or something like it? I mean is there any hope? 1. Next Goanna is Goanna 4 (UXP) - roytam said earlier that there are some problems with making KM (as shell) communicate with Goanna 4 the same way
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
And yes, KM is still one of my default browsers (main at home, secondary at work). And it's potential (mainly in macrolanguage) still isn't exhausted - KM could be way more powerful and useful
Forum: General
1 year ago
The one thing we definitely need - is 'officialize' KM-Goanna and may be unite some magic skills of our great devs - Dorian and roytam1. As for me, I'm not capable as developer but still can make some promo support for K-Meleon. Last Dorian's comeback gives me an idea that donations never could be superfluous, redundant. What about crowdfunding page for KM? I don't
Forum: General
1 year ago
DORIAN'S back!!! What the wonderful days!
Forum: General
1 year ago
Quoteroytam1 Quoterodocop And even after all this the option 'Copy download link' still doesn't work. I cannot find the reason (even changing all the new files from NewMoon including locale changes - doesn't fix this). Hope you will succeed. should be fixed in next build. Great! Thank you!
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
And even after all this the option 'Copy download link' still doesn't work. I cannot find the reason (even changing all the new files from NewMoon including locale changes - doesn't fix this). Hope you will succeed.
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
roytam1, first of all, thank you again and again! You are making a great job for all the community! Second - I found a little bug: about:downloads page was broken during the transfer from 76.4.6 to 76.4.7. (Options like 'Open Containing Folder' do not work anymore) One file is a reason - it was changed in new PM 27. So I take it from that package and insert in KM distro (la
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Also should mention that used AutoIT script (and compiled exe) for restart is way too old and restarts all the instances of KM open at time, not only the one fired up from. There is a modern (from KM 75.1) Command ID to restart only one instance (current) of open KMs - ID_APP_RESTART, used in macro by JamesD May be worth to update the macro with new ID and remove old autoit stuff?
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Just pinning the macro file here in order to make it safe from deletion of accounts, links etc. © JamesD (Is JamesD alive, does anyone know?)
Forum: Development
1 year ago
Dear RJJIII! First of all you made a great stuff again! And sorry but I found some glitch there. I can't 'reset hit statistics' as it resurrects on restart. I found that while the file KMfolder\Profiles\profilealphanumeric.default\adblockplus\elemhide.css updates in realtime, the other one KMfolder\Profiles\profilealphanumeric.default\adblockplus\patterns.ini - does
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
QuoteJohnHell @ GreenerPastures4221, you can use "", instead, as well. Also you can create bookmarklet button with next as a link javascript:u=location.href;if(u.match('reddit\.com')){if(u.match('www\.reddit')){u=u.replace('www\.reddit','old.reddit')}else{u=u.replace('old\.reddit','www.reddit')}window.locatio
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Thank you for your efforts! Great job!
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
QuoteRJJIIIAdBlocker Plus and AdBlocker Prime both seem to work about the same in the latest release of K-Meleon (76.4.5.G). Both have similar icons and seem to have similar performances. Both show up in my about:addons as disabled. Both have a preferences or settings page that appears blank. Very strange. I've downloaded fresh KMG build and unpack it. Downloaded ABP 2.8.2 by my own li
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
First of all, RJJIII, thank you very much for all your job made for KM. Any new or updated or adopted staff for our browser is invaluable help to keep K-Meleon alive, useful and user friendly. Never thought that pdf.js can be used inside KM, so really impressed. It just works. Perfect. Anyway, have made some tests for different ways to read PDFs inside KM. 1) K-PDF 2) SumatraPDF np-pl
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Great job! Thank you very much!
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
Great job, roytam! Thanks!
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
Like this stuff and all you do!
Forum: Graphics
2 years ago
Modern era of the web is a neverending race: sites are losing compatibility (introducing the use of new Javascript and CSS standarts, tools and kits) way faster than browser (other than Chrome) developers can add support for that new things. In the case of K-Meleon there are no active engine devs for our browser and no active devs for making integration of comparatevily modern engine like UXP.
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
X-COM 1 X-COM 2 TTD, OpenTTD or Simutrans Wolf 3D DOOM (1, 2, Evolution, Plutonia) Kings Bounty And many more
Forum: Off-Topic
2 years ago
Always used it vice versa - injecting files from new build to existing installation: 1) make backup to get back if any error you got (my experience says that it's ALWAYS your error - not the method glitch. It always works if done right way!) 2) copy (with file override) to you KM folder: - browser folder - without defaults subfolder - kplugins folder - all single files in kmroot folde
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
2 years ago
As I can recognize - this is an old known problem of page losing focus (mouse focus) after some actions or sometimes without any. My 'workaround' always was 2 Alt+Tab's to get focus out KM and then back. This makes mouse 'feel' the page again.
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
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