KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > MacroLibrary2 > Image Browsing Toolbar
Submitted by: Johnny Sim-Bravenboer
A toolbar to make image browsing just a little easier.
The Zoom macros and the Open Image Links macro are already part of K-Meleon 0.9
To complete the toolbar, rename and convert (or recreate) this picture to imagebrowsing.bmp and place it in the folder of the skin in use:
If you do not wish to use the imagebrowsing.bmp toolbar picture, just leave out the references to the picture in the toolbar macro.
# Image Browsing Macros hide_visited_links{ $macro="hide-visited-links"; &JSEnable; } hide-visited-links{ open("javascript:(function(){var newSS, styles=':visited {display: none}'; if(document.createStyleSheet) { document.createStyleSheet("javascript:'"+styles+"'"); } else { newSS=document.createElement('link'); newSS.rel='stylesheet'; newSS.href='data:text/css,'+escape(styles); document.documentElement.childNodes[0].appendChild(newSS); } })();"); } increment_link{ $macro="increment-link"; &JSEnable; } increment-link{ open("javascript:(function(){ var e,s; IB=1; function isDigit(c) { return ("0" <= c && c <= "9") } L = location.href; LL = L.length; for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e) if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))) { for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s) if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s))) break; break; } ++s; if (e<0) return; oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1); newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB); while (newNum.length < oldNum.length) newNum = "0" + newNum; location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1); })();"); } decrement_link{ $macro="decrement-link"; &JSEnable; } decrement-link{ open("javascript:(function(){ var e,s; IB=-1; function isDigit(c) { return ("0" <= c && c <= "9") } L = location.href; LL = L.length; for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e) if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))) { for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s) if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s))) break; break; } ++s; if (e<0) return; oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1); newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB); while (newNum.length < oldNum.length) newNum = "0" + newNum; location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1); })();"); } go_refferer{ $macro="go-refferer"; &JSEnable; } go-refferer{ open("javascript:if(!document.referrer) alert("No referrer!"); else document.location = document.referrer; void 0"); } # Enable Automatic Image Resize toggle_autoresize{ menu = "Enable Auto Image Resizing" togglepref(BOOL, "browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing"); &Sync; getpref(BOOL, "browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing") == true ? $warn = "ENABLED" :$warn = "DISABLED"; statusbar("Auto Image Resize has been ".$warn."!."); } # List Image Links list_images_links{ menu=&List Images As Links open("javascript:{var images='';for (var idx=0;idx<document.images.length;idx++)images+='<a href=\'+document.images[idx].src+\'>'+document.images[idx].src+'</a>
\';images='<html><body>'+images+'</body></html>\';document.write(images);document.close();}"); } # Open all links in a page OpenAllLinks{ getpref(BOOL, $popups) == "true" ? &PB2 : &AllLinks; } PB2{ &PBToggle; &AllLinks; &PBToggle; } AllLinks{ $macro = "OpenAll"; &JSEnable; } OpenAll{ open("javascript:(function(){var n_to_open,dl,dll,i; function linkIsSafe(u) { if (u.substr(0,7)=='mailto:') return false; if (u.substr(0,11)=='javascript:') return false; return true; } n_to_open = 0; dl = document.links; dll = dl.length; for(i = 0; i < dll; ++i) { if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) ++n_to_open; } if (!n_to_open) alert ('no links'); else { if (confirm('Open ' + n_to_open + ' links in new windows?')) for (i = 0; i < dll; ++i) if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) window.open(dl[i].href); } })();"); } # Open Selected Links open_selected_links{ getpref(BOOL, $popups) == "true" ? &PB3 : &selected_links; } PB3{ &PBToggle; &selected_links; &PBToggle; } selected_links{ $macro = "selected-links"; &JSEnable; } selected-links{ open("javascript:(function(){var n_to_open,dl,dll,i; function linkIsSafe(u) { if (u.substr(0,7)=='mailto:') return false; if (u.substr(0,11)=='javascript:') return false; return true; } n_to_open = 0; dl = document.links; dll = dl.length; if (window.getSelection && window.getSelection().containsNode) { /* mozilla */ for(i=0; i<dll; ++i) { if (window.getSelection().containsNode(dl[i], true) && linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) ++n_to_open; } if (n_to_open && confirm('Open ' + n_to_open + ' selected links in new windows?')) { for(i=0; i<dll; ++i) if (window.getSelection().containsNode(dl[i], true) && linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) window.open(dl[i].href); } } /* /mozilla */ if (!n_to_open) { /*ie, or mozilla with no links selected: this section matches open_all_links, except for the alert text */ for(i = 0; i < dll; ++i) { if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) ++n_to_open; } if (!n_to_open) alert ('no links'); else { if (confirm('No links selected. Open ' + n_to_open + ' links in new windows?')) for (i = 0; i < dll; ++i) if (linkIsSafe(dl[i].href)) window.open(dl[i].href); } } })();"); } # Slideshow slide_show{ $macro = "slideshow"; &JSEnable; } # Slideshow Generator slideshow{ pluginmsg(toolbars,"CheckButton","Image Browsing Bar,macros(slide_show),".1); open("javascript:(function(){var intv=prompt('Enter number of seconds between images. (Click Back to stop the show)');if(intv&&!isNaN(intv)){with(document){write('<html><frameset rows=\"*,22\" framespacing=0 border=0 frameborder=no><frame noresize frameborder=no><frame scrolling=no noresize frameborder=no></frameset></html>');frames[0].location.href=document.location.href;var docstr='<html><body bgcolor=#33FF99 style=\"margin-top:0px\">\n';docstr+='<span id=\"caption\"></span></body>\n';docstr+='<script>\nvar reloadIntv='+intv+';\nvar secsLeft='+intv+';\nfunction reloadFrame(){secsLeft=reloadIntv+1;Increment();}\nfunction countDown(){secsLeft--;showTime();}\nfunction showTime(){document.getElementById(\"caption\").innerHTML=\"-- Current image: \"+L.substring(0,s)+newNum+L.slice(e+1) +\" -- Next image in \"+ parseInt(secsLeft)+\" secs.\";}\nfunction Increment(){IB=1;\nfunction isDigit(c){return ("0"<= c && c <= "9");}L = parent.frames[0].location.href;LL = L.length;for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e)if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))){for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s)if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s)))break;break;}++s;if (e<0)return;oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1);newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB);while (newNum.length < oldNum.length)newNum = "0" + newNum;parent.frames[0].location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1);}\nsetInterval(\"reloadFrame()\",'+intv*1000+');\nsetInterval(\"countDown()\",1000);\nshowTime();\n</script>\n</html>';frames[1].document.write(docstr);}}})();"); }
Sync{ &EngineSync; setcheck("macros(SN0)",getpref(INT,$so)==0? true:false); setcheck("macros(SN1)",getpref(INT,$so)==1? true:false); setcheck("macros(SN2)",getpref(INT,$so)==2? true:false); setcheck("macros(SearchLock)",getpref(BOOL,$sl)); ... pluginmsg(toolbars,"CheckButton","Image Browsing Bar,macros(toggle_autoresize),".(getpref(BOOL,"browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing")? 1:0)); pluginmsg(toolbars,"CheckButton","Image Browsing Bar,macros(slide_show),".0); }
# Image Browsing Toolbar %ifplugin macros Image Browsing Bar(66,10){ Zoom In { macros(ZoomInImages) Zoom In Images imagebrowsing.bmp[0] } Zoom Out { macros(ZoomOutImages) Zoom Out Images imagebrowsing.bmp[1] } Open Links { macros(open_image_links) Open Linked Images imagebrowsing.bmp[2] } Hide Visited { macros(hide_visited_links) Hide Visited Links imagebrowsing.bmp[3] } ++ Link { macros(increment_link) Increment Last Number Of Link imagebrowsing.bmp[4] } -- Link { macros(decrement_link) Decrement Last Number Of Link imagebrowsing.bmp[5] } List Links { macros(list_images_links) Create an Image Link List imagebrowsing.bmp[6] } All Links { macros(OpenAllLinks, Open All Links) Open All Links imagebrowsing.bmp[7] } Selected { macros(open_selected_links) Open Selected Links imagebrowsing.bmp[8] } Go Refferer { macros(go_refferer) Go to Refferer imagebrowsing.bmp[9] } BugMeNot { macros(BugMeNot, Bypass Registration (BugMeNot)) Bypass Site Registration imagebrowsing.bmp[10] } Auto Resize { macros(toggle_autoresize) En- or Disable Auto Image Resize imagebrowsing.bmp[11] } Slide Show { macros(slide_show) Automatically Increment Image Numbering imagebrowsing.bmp[12] } } %endif
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