KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > MacroLibrary2 > Slideshow Generator
Submitted by: Johnny Sim-Bravenboer
This macro is a combination of the Auto Reload function (which is part of K-Meleon 0.9) and the Link Increment macro.
When looking at a picture on a webpage that has pictures that are named in sequence, (pic01.jpg, pic02.jpg, pic03.jpg, etc...)
this macro will create an instant slideshow and automatically go to the next picture in sequence.
To stop the slideshow, click on the "back" button.
As this is a Javascript program, there is a limited functionality while watching the slideshow, for example;
This is not a full featured macro, but it does the job ;-)
Note: You might like to use the Auto Image Resize macro, to enable automatic picture resizing, or add this macro to
the Image Browsing Toolbar, as I did.
# Slideshow slide_show{ $macro = "slideshow"; &JSEnable; } # Slideshow Generator slideshow{ open("javascript:(function(){var intv=prompt('Enter number of seconds between images. (Click Back to stop the show)');if(intv&&!isNaN(intv)){with(document){write('<html><frameset rows=\"*,22\" framespacing=0 border=0 frameborder=no><frame noresize frameborder=no><frame scrolling=no noresize frameborder=no></frameset></html>');frames[0].location.href=document.location.href;var docstr='<html><body bgcolor=#33FF99 style=\"margin-top:0px\">\n';docstr+='<span id=\"caption\"></span></body>\n';docstr+='<script>\nvar reloadIntv='+intv+';\nvar secsLeft='+intv+';\nfunction reloadFrame(){secsLeft=reloadIntv+1;Increment();}\nfunction countDown(){secsLeft--;showTime();}\nfunction showTime(){document.getElementById(\"caption\").innerHTML=\"-- Current image: \"+L.substring(0,s)+newNum+L.slice(e+1)+\" -- Next image in \"+ parseInt(secsLeft)+\" secs.\";}\nfunction Increment(){IB=1;\nfunction isDigit(c){return ("0" <= c && c <= "9");}L = parent.frames[0].location.href;LL = L.length;for (e=LL-1; e>=0; --e)if (isDigit(L.charAt(e))){for(s=e-1; s>=0; --s)if (!isDigit(L.charAt(s)))break;break;}++s;if (e<0)return;oldNum = L.substring(s,e+1);newNum = "" + (parseInt(oldNum,10) + IB);while (newNum.length < oldNum.length)newNum = "0" + newNum;parent.frames[0].location.href = L.substring(0,s) + newNum + L.slice(e+1);}\nsetInterval(\"reloadFrame()\",'+intv*1000+');\nsetInterval(\"countDown()\",1000);\nshowTime();\n</script>\n</html>';frames[1].document.write(docstr);}}})();"); }
&View{ :&Toolbars - !Nav %ifplugin macros - macros(slide_show, Start Slideshow) :Mail and News :Home %else Home = ID_NAV_HOME ... }