Submitted by: JamesD
Groups MultiSearch allows user to maintain more than one group of search engines for MultiSearch and swap between them easily.
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file:
# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage) # # ---------- Grp_M_Search.kmm # ---------- Setup groups of search URLs for use with multisearch --------------- # ---------- Allow setup, deletion and choice of group # # Dependencies : main.kmm # Resources : # Preferences : k-meleon_search_group.<name><0,1,..> # : k-meleon_search_group.names # : kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.meta<0,1,..>.url # Version : 2.0 2010-08-19 # Author : JamesD # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##### ADDITIONS _Grp_M_Search_Add { macroinfo = _("Save the current multisearch engines as a group."); $_Grp_M_Search_m1 = "kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.meta"; $_Grp_M_Search_m3 = ".url"; $_Grp_M_Search_CUrls = ""; $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = 0; while($_Grp_M_Search_cnt != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_URL = getpref(STRING, $_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m3); if (length($_Grp_M_Search_URL) != 0) { $_Grp_M_Search_CUrls = $_Grp_M_Search_CUrls ."\n".$_Grp_M_Search_URL ; $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = -1; } } $_Grp_M_Search_Text = _("\n\nThe search URLs listed above are your current")."\n"; $_Grp_M_Search_Text=$_Grp_M_Search_Text._("multisearch engines. To make them a named group")."\n"; $_Grp_M_Search_Text=$_Grp_M_Search_Text._("of engines, provide a unique name for them at")."\n"; $_Grp_M_Search_Text=$_Grp_M_Search_Text._("the prompt which follows. ( click for prompt )"); alert($_Grp_M_Search_CUrls.$_Grp_M_Search_Text, _("Current multisearch engine URLs"), INFO); macros(_Grp_M_Search_Add1); } _Grp_M_Search_Add1 { $_Grp_M_Search_PNewName = prompt(_("Name cannot contain the % character"),_("Assign a name for this group")); ## catch cancel $_Grp_M_Search_PNewName == "" ? &_Grp_M_Search_CancelA : &_Grp_M_Search_Add1a ; } _Grp_M_Search_Add1a { ## catch % delimiter in name index($_Grp_M_Search_PNewName,"%") > 0 ? &_Grp_M_Search_percent : &_Grp_M_Search_Add1b ; } _Grp_M_Search_Add1b { ## catch duplicate name macros(_Grp_M_Search_AddV); $_Grp_M_Search_Dup == true ? &_Grp_M_Search_Duplicate : &_Grp_M_Search_Add2 ; } _Grp_M_Search_CancelA { $_Grp_M_Search_Can = confirm(_("Did you mean to cancel?"), _("Prompt was cancelled"),YESNO,QUESTION); $_Grp_M_Search_Can == "YES" ? 0 : &_Grp_M_Search_Add1 ; } _Grp_M_Search_percent { $_Grp_M_Search_Pct = confirm(_("The name ").$_Grp_M_Search_PNewName._(" contains a %."), _("% character not allowed."),RETRYCANCEL,QUESTION); $_Grp_M_Search_Pct == 0 ? 0 : &_Grp_M_Search_Add1 ; } _Grp_M_Search_Duplicate { $_Grp_M_Search_Dv = confirm(_("The name ").$_Grp_M_Search_PNewName._(" is currently used."), _("Duplicate name"),RETRYCANCEL,QUESTION); $_Grp_M_Search_Dv == 0 ? 0 : &_Grp_M_Search_Add1 ; } _Grp_M_Search_Add2 { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = 0; while($_Grp_M_Search_cnt != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_URL = getpref(STRING, $_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m3); if (length($_Grp_M_Search_URL) != 0) { setpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.".$_Grp_M_Search_PNewName.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt,$_Grp_M_Search_URL); $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = -1; } } setpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names", getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names").$_Grp_M_Search_PNewName . "%"); # add group to inline menu macros(_Grp_M_Search_BuildMenuGrp); } _Grp_M_Search_AddV { $_Grp_M_Search_Names = getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names"); $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = 0; $_Grp_M_Search_Dup = false ; while( $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = index($_Grp_M_Search_Names, "%"); $_Grp_M_Search_Name = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names,0,$_Grp_M_Search_NBreak); if ($_Grp_M_Search_Name == $_Grp_M_Search_PNewName) { $_Grp_M_Search_Dup = true ; $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = -1; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_Names = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names, $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak +1); } } } _Grp_M_Search_UseGrp { ## first remove existing multisearch prefs $_Grp_M_Search_m1 = "kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.meta"; $_Grp_M_Search_m3 = ".url"; $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = 0; while($_Grp_M_Search_cnt != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_URL = getpref(STRING,$_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m3); if ($_Grp_M_Search_URL != "") { delpref($_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m3); $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = -1; } } ## read group urls and write them to multisearch prefs $_Grp_M_Search_m2 = "k-meleon_search_group." ; $_Grp_M_Search_m1 = "kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.meta"; $_Grp_M_Search_m4 = ".url"; $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = 0; while($_Grp_M_Search_cnt != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_URL = getpref(STRING,$_Grp_M_Search_m2.$ARG.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt); if ($_Grp_M_Search_URL != "") { setpref(STRING,$_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m4,$_Grp_M_Search_URL); $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { ## if URL missing check cnt < 3 then output missing if ( $_Grp_M_Search_cnt < 3 ) { setpref(STRING,$_Grp_M_Search_m1.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt.$_Grp_M_Search_m4,""); $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = -1; } } } } ########## DELETES _Grp_M_Search_Del { macroinfo = _("Delete an existing multisearch group."); $_Grp_M_Search_Names = getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names"); ## only 62 character display in prompt - display other name in statusbar if (length($_Grp_M_Search_Names) > 62 ) { macros(_Grp_M_Search_LongList); $_Grp_M_Search_Na62 = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names, 0 , $_Grp_M_Search_pcp); $_Grp_M_Search_Na63 = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names, $_Grp_M_Search_pcp +1 ); statusbar("Additional Names >> ".$_Grp_M_Search_Na63); $_Grp_M_Search_Delete = prompt($_Grp_M_Search_Na62, _("For delete, enter name without the %")); statusbar(""); } else { $_Grp_M_Search_Delete = prompt($_Grp_M_Search_Names, _("For delete, enter name without the %")); statusbar(""); } ## catch cancel $_Grp_M_Search_Delete == "" ? &_Grp_M_Search_CancelD : &_Grp_M_Search_Missing ; } _Grp_M_Search_LongList { ## compute position last delimiter in first 62 string $_Grp_M_Search_pos = 61 ; while($_Grp_M_Search_pos != -1 ) { if (substr( $_Grp_M_Search_Names, $_Grp_M_Search_pos, 1 ) == "%") { $_Grp_M_Search_pcp = $_Grp_M_Search_pos; $_Grp_M_Search_pos = -1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_pos = $_Grp_M_Search_pos -1 ; } } } _Grp_M_Search_Missing { ## catch missing macros(_Grp_M_Search_DelV); $_Grp_M_Search_Mis == true ? &_Grp_M_Search_misx : &_Grp_M_Search_Del2 ; } _Grp_M_Search_CancelD { $_Grp_M_Search_Can = confirm(_("Did you mean to cancel?"), _("Prompt was cancelled"),YESNO,QUESTION); $_Grp_M_Search_Can == "YES" ? 0 : &_Grp_M_Search_Del ; } _Grp_M_Search_misx { $_Grp_M_Search_mis = confirm(_("The name ").$_Grp_M_Search_Delete._(" is not found."), _("Not in list"),RETRYCANCEL,QUESTION); $_Grp_M_Search_mis == 0 ? 0 : &_Grp_M_Search_Del ; } _Grp_M_Search_Del2 { $_Grp_M_Search_Names = getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names"); $_Grp_M_Search_NewNames = gsub($_Grp_M_Search_Delete."%", "", $_Grp_M_Search_Names ); setpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names",$_Grp_M_Search_NewNames); $_Grp_M_Search_m2 = "k-meleon_search_group." ; $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = 0; while($_Grp_M_Search_cnt != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_URL = getpref(STRING,$_Grp_M_Search_m2.$_Grp_M_Search_Delete.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt); if ($_Grp_M_Search_URL != "") { delpref($_Grp_M_Search_m2.$_Grp_M_Search_Delete.$_Grp_M_Search_cnt); $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = $_Grp_M_Search_cnt +1 ; } else { $_Grp_M_Search_cnt = -1; } } # delete group from inline menu macros(_Grp_M_Search_BuildMenuGrp); } _Grp_M_Search_DelV { $_Grp_M_Search_Names = getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names"); $_Grp_M_Search_Mis = true ; $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = 0; while( $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = index($_Grp_M_Search_Names, "%"); $_Grp_M_Search_Name = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names,0,$_Grp_M_Search_NBreak); $_Grp_M_Search_Name == $_Grp_M_Search_Delete ? $_Grp_M_Search_Mis = false :0 ; $_Grp_M_Search_Names = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names, $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak +1); } } ###### INSTRUCTIONS _Grp_M_Search_Help { macroinfo = _("Present help on saving multisearch groups."); $_GMS1 = _("First")."\n"; $_GMS1=$_GMS1._("Use the dialog in 'Tools - Web Search - Configure' to set multisearch")." \n"; $_GMS1=$_GMS1._("to have the search engines that you require for a group.")." \n"; $_GMS1a = _("If you have installed Search+, the the dialog may be reach by")." \n"; $_GMS1a=$_GMS1a._("'Tools - Web Search - Search Options - Configure Search Engines'.")." \n\n"; $_GMS2 = _("Second")." \n"; $_GMS2=$_GMS2._("Use the 'Add Group' item in 'Group Multisearch' to give the search engines")." \n"; $_GMS2=$_GMS2._("in multisearch a name and store them as a group.")." \n\n"; $_GMS3 = _("Third")." \n"; $_GMS3=$_GMS3._("Repeat the first and second steps using search engines required for")." \n"; $_GMS3=$_GMS3._("other groups.")." \n\n\n"; $_GMS4 = _("To insert one of your groups to be the current multisearch list of engines,")." \n"; $_GMS4=$_GMS4._("just click on the group name in the inline menu. You may then search as")." \n"; $_GMS4=$_GMS4._("you are accustomed."); alert($_GMS1.$_GMS1a.$_GMS2.$_GMS3.$_GMS4, _("Instructions"), INFO); } _Grp_M_Search_BuildMenu { $_g = _("Group Multisearch"); setmenu("WebServices",popup,$_g,1); setmenu($_g,macro,_("Add Group"),_Grp_M_Search_Add,0); setmenu($_g,macro,_("Delete Group"),_Grp_M_Search_Del,1); setmenu($_g,macro,_("Help"),_Grp_M_Search_Help,2); setmenu($_g,separator,3); macros(_Grp_M_Search_BuildMenuGrp); } _Grp_M_Search_BuildMenuGrp { $_g = _("Group Multisearch"); $_m = "_MSGrps"; setmenu($_g, inline, $_m); $_Grp_M_Search_ExistCnt = getpref(INT,"k-meleon_search_group.count"); $_Grp_M_Search_Names = getpref(STRING,"k-meleon_search_group.names"); $__incr = 0; $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = 0; while( $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak != -1) { $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak = index($_Grp_M_Search_Names, "%"); $_Grp_M_Search_Name = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names,0,$_Grp_M_Search_NBreak); if (length($_Grp_M_Search_Name) != 0) { setmenu($_m, macro, $_Grp_M_Search_Name, "_Grp_M_Search_UseGrp(" . $_Grp_M_Search_Name . ")"); $_Grp_M_Search_Names = substr($_Grp_M_Search_Names, $_Grp_M_Search_NBreak +1); } $__incr = $__incr +1 ; $_Grp_M_Search_Delete != "" ? setmenu($_m, macro, $_Grp_M_Search_Delete, "") : 0; } rebuildmenu($_g); rebuildmenu($_m); $_Grp_M_Search_Delete=""; } _Grp_M_Search_Initial { $_Grp_M_Search_Delete=""; } ## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $OnInit=$OnInit."_Grp_M_Search_Initial;_Grp_M_Search_BuildMenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."Grp_M_Search;";