KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmPingBack
Submitted by: JamesD
Special thanks to Jujuland, desga2, and kko for their help.
PingBack will call a batch file to run ping.exe to obtain the IP address. The output from ping.exe will be re-directed to a file called PingBack.dat where it is read and the IP address is added to the page title.
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following two text file(s):
# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage) # # ---------- PingBack.kmm # ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language to show the ip number of the page host --------------- # # Dependencies : main.kmm # Resources : PingBack.bat, PingBack.dat # Preferences : - # Version : 0.7 2008-09-28 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _PingBack_RunPing{ macroinfo=_("Obtain IP number for current host"); $_PingBack_HostNameOfURL = hostname($URL) ; $_PingBack_TempOutPath = getfolder(UserMacroFolder)."\\PingBack.dat"; exec("\"".$_PingBack_PathBat."\"" . " " . "\"".$_PingBack_HostNameOfURL."\"" . " " . "\"". $_PingBack_TempOutPath ."\"" ) ; #setclipboard("\"".$_PingBack_PathBat."\"" . " " . "\"".$_PingBack_HostNameOfURL."\"" . " " . "\"". $_PingBack_TempOutPath ."\""); } _PingBack_RunCode{ macroinfo=_("Display IP number for current host"); $_PingBack_IP_File = readfile($_PingBack_TempOutPath ); $_PingBackLB = index($_PingBack_IP_File,"["); $_PingBackRB = index($_PingBack_IP_File,"]"); $_PingBackLn = $_PingBackRB - $_PingBackLB ; $_PingBack_IP = substr( $_PingBack_IP_File, $_PingBackLB, $_PingBackLn +1); $TITLE = $_PingBack_IP . " " . $TITLE ; } _PingBack_BuildMenu{ # add another option to Misc section of Tools menu $_PingBack_Popm =_("IP Address") ; setmenu("&Tools",popup,$_PingBack_Popm,Misc); setmenu($_PingBack_Popm,macro,_("Obtain IP"),_PingBack_RunPing,0); setmenu($_PingBack_Popm,macro,_("Display IP"),_PingBack_RunCode,1); } _PingBack_GetPathBat{ $__DataB=readfile(getfolder(MacroFolder)."\\PingBack.bat"); $_PingBack_PathBat=getfolder($__DataB==""?UserMacroFolder:MacroFolder)."\\PingBack.bat"; } $OnStartup=$OnStartup."_PingBack_GetPathBat;"; $OnInit=$OnInit."_PingBack_BuildMenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."PingBack;";
ping.exe -n 1 %1 > %2
\locales\fr-FR\PingBack.kml (French/Français) Display IP number for current host=Afficher l'adresse IP de la page courante Obtain IP number for current host=Obtenir l'adresse IP de la page courante IP Address=Adresse IP Obtain IP=Obtenir l'adresse Display IP=Afficher l'adresse \locales\es-ES\PingBack.kml (Spanish/Español) Display IP number for current host=Muestra la dirección IP de la página actual Obtain IP number for current host=Obtiene la dirección IP de la página actual IP Address=Dirección IP Obtain IP=Obtener IP Display IP=Mostrar IP \locales\de-DE\PingBack.kml (German/Deutsch) Display IP number for current host=Anzeigen-IP-Adresse des aktuellen Hosts anzeigen Obtain IP number for current host=IP-Adresse des aktuellen Hosts abfragen IP Address=IP-Adresse Obtain IP=IP-Adresse abfragen Display IP=IP-Adresse anzeigen