KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmResProfile
Submitted by: JamesD
ResProfile.kmm will allow a copy of the files and folders in a user’s K-Meleon profile folder to be written to a location of the user’s choice.
The menu item for ResProfile is found in the Tools menu.
The copy activity occures after K-Meleon is stopped. This is because K-Meleon, while running, has write permission to some profile files. The copy activity is delayed two seconds after the OnQuit event in K-Meleon to give time for any writes to the files to finish. The user should not restart K-Meleon until there has been time for the script file to complete.
There is also a ProfileBackup installable extention by Guenter at Alain Aupeix’s site. http://pagesperso-orange.fr/jujuland46/JujuLand/KMES/KMES-Download.html#down_extensions
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):
# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage) # # ---------- ResProfile.kmm # ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language make a reserve copy of your profile --------------- # # Dependencies : main.kmm # Resources : ResProfile.js # Preferences : - # Version : 0.8.5 2007-12-06 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ResProfile_RunCode { $_ResProfile_Cur_Profile_Path = getfolder(ProfileFolder); $_ResProfile_Reserve_Path = promptforfolder( "Select a folder for your Reserve Profile.\nIt is best to make a separate folder.\nThe folder does not need to be within K-Meleon." , getfolder(RootFolder) ); $_ResProfile_Reserve_Path ==""? &_ResProfile_Cancel : &_ResProfile_ValidateNotSameFolder; } # PRIVATE -------------- # set global variables $_ResProfile_Staged_Flag = false; $_ResProfile_Cur_Profile_Path = "dummy" ; $_ResProfile_Reserve_Path = "dummy" ; _ResProfile_Cancel { $ResProfile_Button=confirm("Did you mean to cancel?","Affirm cancel" ,YESNO,QUESTION); $ResProfile_Button == "YES" ? 0 : &_ResProfile_RunCode ; } _ResProfile_ValidateNotSameFolder { $_ResProfile_Cur_Profile_Path == $_ResProfile_Reserve_Path ? &_ResProfile_ReDo : &_ResProfile_Staged ; } _ResProfile_ReDo { alert("Target of copy should not be\n\nthe profile folder.","Copy to itself",EXCLAIM); &_ResProfile_RunCode ; } _ResProfile_Staged { $_ResProfile_Staged_Flag = true ; } _ResProfile_ExitRun { $_ResProfile_Staged_Flag == true ? exec("wscript.exe \"".$_ResProfile_Path."\" \"".$_ResProfile_Cur_Profile_Path."\" \"".$_ResProfile_Reserve_Path."\"") : 0 ; } _ResProfile_BuildMenu{ setmenu("&Tools",macro,"Reserve Profile",ResProfile_RunCode,Misc); } _ResProfile_GetPath{ ### ResProfile.js is supposed to be located in the same folder as ResProfile.kmm (this file). ### If it isn't, Windows Script Host will notify the user. ### Double underscore makes variable local only. $__Data=readfile(getfolder(MacroFolder)."\\ResProfile.kmm"); $_ResProfile_Path=getfolder($__Data==""?UserMacroFolder:MacroFolder)."\\ResProfile.js"; } $OnQuit=$OnQuit."_ResProfile_ExitRun;"; $OnStartup=$OnStartup."_ResProfile_GetPath;"; $OnInit=$OnInit."_ResProfile_BuildMenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."ResProfile;";
/* ResProfile.js by JamesD, version 0.9 2007-12-15 This script is a helper application for the K-Meleon Macro Module ResProfile.kmm that enables you to make a reserve ( backup ) copy of your profile [<unique name>.slt]. Windows Script Host 2.0 (or better) required! WSH is part of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and newer. Latest version of WSH is available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/ */ var c, r, i, RegF, RegFTwo ; var overwrite = 1 ; var Current_Profile_Path = WScript.Arguments(0); var Reserve_Profile_Path = WScript.Arguments(1); var objfso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); WScript.Sleep( 2000) ; if (objfso.FolderExists(Current_Profile_Path)) { c = "exists" ; } if (objfso.FolderExists(Reserve_Profile_Path)) { r = "exists" ; } if (c == "exists" && r == "exists") {objfso.copyfolder(Current_Profile_Path, Reserve_Profile_Path, overwrite); }