KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmSearchH
Submitted by: JamesD
This macro will create a local web page with the user’s previous web searches listed. It does this by scanning the history.dat file for searches where the search engine URL matches one the search engine URLs in default I10n.js file and the user’s prefs.js file. The history plugin must be enabled so that data is written to the history file. Right clicking the history button will display the menu for this macro. You must create a page before you can use view but you can view a created page as many times as you need.
JScript and Windows Script Host 3.0 (or better) required!
WSH is part of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and newer. Latest version of WSH is available in the Download Section of Microsoft's Scripting Homepage.
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):
# K-Meleon Macros (http://kmeleon.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?id=MacroLanguage) # # ---------- SearchH.kmm # ---------- K-Meleon Macro Language Search History for web searches --------------- # # Dependencies : - main.kmm history.dll # Resources : - history.dat, Prefs.js, I10n.js # Preferences : - kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.engine[0,1...x].url # Version : - 0.9 2008-09-26 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _SearchH_Create{ macroinfo = "Read history.dat for searches and write a htm document to display them."; $_SearchH_Profile_Path=getfolder( ProfileFolder ); $_SearchH_Root_Path=getfolder( RootFolder ) ; exec("wscript.exe \"".$_SearchH_Path."\" \"".$_SearchH_Profile_Path."\" \"".$_SearchH_Root_Path."\"") ; } _SearchH_View{ macroinfo = "Display the 'SH.htm' document containing the searches from the create page option"; $_SearchH_Profile_Path=getfolder( ProfileFolder ); $_SearchH_Page_Path= $_SearchH_Profile_Path."\\SH.htm"; ##open( $_SearchH_Page_Path ); opennew( $_SearchH_Page_Path ); ##$kTabs?opentab( $_SearchH_Page_Path ):opennew( $_SearchH_Page_Path ); } _SearchH_ModMenu{ $_SearchH_Popm = "Search History"; setmenu("Histor&y",popup,$_SearchH_Popm,1); setmenu($_SearchH_Popm,macro,"Create page",_SearchH_Create,0); setmenu($_SearchH_Popm,macro,"View page",_SearchH_View,1); } _SearchH_Get_Path{ ### SearchH.js is supposed to be located in the same folder as SearchH.kmm (this file). ### If it isn't, Windows Script Host will notify the user. ### Double underscore makes variable local only. $_SearchH_Path=getfolder(UserMacroFolder)."\\SearchH.js"; } $OnStartup=$OnStartup."_SearchH_Get_Path;"; $OnInit=$OnInit."_SearchH_ModMenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."SearchH;";
/* *** SearchH.js by JamesD, version 0.8.3 2008-07-22 This script is a helper application for the K-Meleon Macro Module SearchH.kmm that creates a local web page with previous searches by reading the history.dat, I10n.js, and pref.js files. Windows Script Host 3.0 (or better) required! WSH is part of Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 and newer. Latest version of WSH is available at http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/ */ if (WScript.Arguments.count()==2) { var t, i, k ; // counters for arrays var d, s = "Date created: ", hm = "at: "; //Declare date/time variables. var words , wordslenght, look_1, look_1_b ; // input line variables var SearchH_NE_Choice, SearchH_Both_Engine_length ; var ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2 ; var SearchH_SEngine_length ; var SearchH_Profile_Path = WScript.Arguments(0); var SearchH_Root_Path = WScript.Arguments(1); var SearchH_History_Filespec= SearchH_Profile_Path + "\\History.dat" ; var SearchH_Pref_Filespec= SearchH_Profile_Path + "\\prefs.js"; var SearchH_Defaults_Filespec = SearchH_Root_Path + "\\defaults\\pref\\I10n.js" var SearchH_Htm_Filespec= SearchH_Profile_Path + "\\SH.htm"; var SearchH_Search = new Array(); // the searches var SearchH_SEngine = new Array(); // intermediate for prefs engines var SearchH_DEngine = new Array(); // intermediate for default engines var SearchH_Search_Text = new Array(); // output search text var SearchH_CEngine = new Array(); //combined engines before sort var SearchH_Both_Engine = new Array(); // combined engines after sort var SearchH_Search_S = new Array(); // searches after sort // ############## READ DEFAULT ENGINES k=0; var obj = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); look_1 = null; if ( obj.fileExists(SearchH_Defaults_Filespec)) { b = obj.OpenTextFile(SearchH_Defaults_Filespec, ForReading); while ( !b.AtEndOfStream ) { // read one line from the file words = b.ReadLine(); // get the begining position of an engine look_1 = words.indexOf("kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.engine"); if ((look_1 > 4) && (look_1 < 10)) // this is an DEngine line { SearchH_NE_Choice = words.substr(44,3) ; if (SearchH_NE_Choice == "url" ) // this is an DEngine url line { wordslength = words.length ; SearchH_DEngine[k] = words.substr(51, wordslength -54); k = k + 1 ; } } } // end of while loop b.Close(); } // end of if exists // ############## READ PREFS ENGINES k=0; look_1 = null; if ( obj.fileExists(SearchH_Pref_Filespec)) { b = obj.OpenTextFile(SearchH_Pref_Filespec, ForReading); while ( !b.AtEndOfStream ) { // read one line from the file words = b.ReadLine(); // get the begining position of a search Pref look_1 = words.indexOf("kmeleon.plugins.macros.search.engine"); if (look_1 > 9) // this is an SEngine line { SearchH_NE_Choice = words.substr(49,3) ; if (SearchH_NE_Choice == "url" ) // this is an SEngine url line { wordslength = words.length ; SearchH_SEngine[k] = words.substr(56, wordslength -59); k = k + 1 ; } } } // end of while loop b.Close(); } // end of if exists // ############## COMBINE THE DEFAULT AND PREFS ENGINES SearchH_CEngine = SearchH_DEngine.concat(SearchH_SEngine) ; // ############## SORT THE COMBINED ENGINES SearchH_Both_Engine = SearchH_CEngine.sort(); // ############## MAKE DUPLICATE ENGINES EQUAL NULL for (k=0; k <SearchH_Both_Engine.length ; ++k ) { if ( k> 0) { if ( SearchH_Both_Engine[k] == SearchH_Both_Engine[k-1] ) { SearchH_Both_Engine[k] = "~duplicate~" ; } } } // ############## READ HISTORY FOR MATCHES TO ENGINES look_1 = null; if (obj.FileExists(SearchH_History_Filespec)) { t=0 ; a = obj.OpenTextFile(SearchH_History_Filespec, ForReading); while ( !a.AtEndOfStream ) { // read one line from the file words = a.ReadLine(); // loop thru all SearchH_Both_Engine values for ( k=0 ; k< SearchH_Both_Engine.length ; ++k ) { // get the begining position of the searched for string - SearchH_SEngine[k] look_1 = words.indexOf(SearchH_Both_Engine[k]); SearchH_Both_Engine_length = SearchH_Both_Engine[k].length ; if (look_1 > -1) { wordslength = words.length ; look_1_b = words.indexOf(")(",look_1 + (SearchH_Both_Engine_length -1)); if (look_1_b < 0 ) { SearchH_Search[t] = words.substr( look_1 ) ; look_1_c = SearchH_Search[t].length ; SearchH_Search[t] = SearchH_Search[t].substr(0, look_1_c -1) ; t = t+1 ; } else { SearchH_Search[t] = words.substr( look_1 , look_1_b - look_1 ) ; t = t+1 ; } // ends the if else block } // ends the if (look_1 block } // end the for loop } // end the while loop a.Close(); } //end of the exists loop // ############## SORT THE SEARCHES SearchH_Search_S = SearchH_Search.sort(); // ############## WRITE THE INFORMATION AS HTML var re = new RegExp("%20","g"); //Create regular expression object - space var re2 = new RegExp("%3D","g") ; // = var re3 = new RegExp("%2C","g") ; // . var re4 = new RegExp("%2B","g") ; // + var re5 = new RegExp("%26","g") ; // & var c = obj.CreateTextFile(SearchH_Htm_Filespec, true) ; if (obj.FileExists(SearchH_Htm_Filespec)) { c.WriteLine( "<html>" ); c.WriteLine( "<head>" ); c.WriteLine( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\">" ); c.WriteLine( "<title>K-Meleon Search History</title>" ); c.WriteLine( "</head>" ); c.WriteLine( "<body>" ); c.WriteLine("<div align=\"center\"><H1> Search History </H1></div>"); d = new Date(); //Create Date object. s += (d.getMonth() + 1) + "/"; s += d.getDate() + "/"; s += d.getYear(); hm += d.getHours() + ":"; hm += d.getMinutes() ; c.WriteLine("<div align=\"center\"><H4>" + s +" " + hm + "</H4></div>"); c.WriteLine("<ol>"); for (i=0; i < SearchH_Search.length ; ++i ) { k = 1 ; // Remove some site generated records if ( SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("ei=UTF-8&fr2") > -1 ) continue ; if ( SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("&xargs=") > -1 ) continue ; if ( SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("&pstart") > -1 ) continue ; if ( SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("h/search.dll?") > -1 ) continue ; if ( SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("&templateid") > -1 ) continue ; look_1 = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("=") ; if (look_1 == -1) { look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("ial:Search/"); // Wikipedia if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 11 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("bay.com/"); // Ebay if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 8 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("a9.com/"); // A9 if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 7 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("wers.com/"); // Answers if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 9 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf(".org/web/*/"); // Internet Archive if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 11 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("bin/dictionary?"); // Merriam-Webster if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 15 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("tac/search/web/"); // MetaCrawler if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 15 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("iles.yahoo.com/"); // Yahoo Profiles if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 15 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("ahoo.com/group/"); // Yahoo Groups if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 15 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } look_1_b = SearchH_Search[i].indexOf("gpl/search/web/"); // Dogpile if (look_1_b > -1) { k = 15 ; look_1 = look_1_b ; } } SearchH_Search_Text[i] = SearchH_Search[i].substr(look_1 + k).replace(re, " ") ; SearchH_Search_Text[i] = SearchH_Search_Text[i].replace(re2, "=") ; SearchH_Search_Text[i] = SearchH_Search_Text[i].replace(re3, ".") ; SearchH_Search_Text[i] = SearchH_Search_Text[i].replace(re4, "+") ; SearchH_Search_Text[i] = SearchH_Search_Text[i].replace(re5, "&") ; c.WriteLine( "<li><B>" + SearchH_Search_Text[i] + "</B><a HREF = \"" +SearchH_Search[i] + "\"> " + SearchH_Search[i] + "</a> </li>" ) ; } c.WriteLine( "</ol>" ); c.WriteLine( "</body>" ); c.WriteLine( "</html>" ); WScript.Echo("History page written "+ hm) c.close() ; } else { WScript.Echo( "file not made"); } } else { objArgs = WScript.Arguments ; WScript.Echo(WScript.Arguments.Count()); for (i=0; i<objArgs.length; i++) { WScript.Echo(objArgs(i)) } }