KMeleonWiki > Resources > MacroLibrary > KmmVisualize
Submitted by: rstlne
vi.sualize.us is a service for bookmarking and sharing images. This macro is equivalent to the vi.sualize.us bookmarklet except that it works even if you have your bookmark options set to open bookmarks in a new layer. Invoke the macro from the Document popup menu on the web page containing the image you wish to share.
Open your User Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > User-Defined Macros) or your Macro Folder (Edit > Configuration > Macros) and create the following text file(s):
# visualize.kmm # # Macro equivalent to the vi.sualize.us bookmarklet for posting an image to # vi.sualize.us. This macro is the same as the bookmarklet provided by # vi.sualize.us, except that the macro works even if you have set your # bookmark options to open bookmarks in a new layer. visualize_go{ # Temporarily turn off popup blocking. $__blockpref="dom.disable_open_during_load"; $__b=getpref(BOOL,$__blockpref); setpref(BOOL,$__blockpref,false); $__s="(function(){function l(u,i){"; $__s=$__s."var d=document;if(!d.getElementById(i)){"; $__s=$__s."var s=d.createElement('script');s.src=u;s.id=i;"; $__s=$__s."d.body.appendChild(s);}}"; $__s=$__s."l('http://vi.sualize.us/js/visualizeus.js','visualizeus')})();"; injectJS($__s); # Restore popup blocking if it was turned on previously. setpref(BOOL,$__blockpref,$__b); } _visualize_buildmenu{ setmenu(Document,macro,"Post to vi.sualize.us",visualize_go,-1); } $OnInit=$OnInit."_visualize_buildmenu;"; $macroModules=$macroModules."visualize;"; # vim:set tw=0: # -- The End --