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When editing the K-Meleon Wiki, refer to this guide for questions about language. These guidelines can help create consistency across the documentation for end-users. They are not rules.
A page's name will appear in its tab or window title. The name should suggest the contents of the page. Use a WikiWord to make linking easier.
If a page describes something deprecated, insecure, or unstable, place a note at the top of the page. Distinguish it from the content with a smaller font. Begin with either Note: or WARNING: depending on the severity of the issue. Summarize the problem; a single sentence works best. You can also use this technique for headings within a page.
Don't link current documentation to deprecated pages archived in the wiki. Deprecated pages can keep their links to other deprecated pages and current documentation.
The first sentence of a page should summarize its contents. Remember that 99% of the web is irrelevant to any reader. Help users decide if they're in the right place with a clear opening line, section headings, and links to related pages in the wiki.
Note: This does not apply to the FAQ.
Use the wiki's native ability to create sections instead of manual styling. If you need a table of contents, allow the wiki to generate it. The built-in styles are consistent throughout the wiki. Use whitespace above sections to emphasize headings. Don't increase fonts, bold text, underline text, or use images to emphasize headings.
If a page is longer than 5 paragraphs, sections will make the page more readable. Section headings should be concise. Readers on the web scan longer pages in an F-shaped reading pattern without section headings to outline the document.
Write instructions and current information in the present tense. Write about historical versions of K-Meleon in the past tense. All deprecated features are historical. Only use the future tense to describe planned releases.
Second-person pronouns, like you, always refer to the reader. Avoid first-person pronouns. K-Meleon is a community project, so "I" is unclear on the wiki. Use the singular they for individuals when their identity is uncertain.
The first time you use an abbreviation, write out the words. Then put the abbreviation in parentheses. Only do this once per page. For example, an end-user may be unfamiliar with cascading style sheets (CSS) the first time you mention CSS.
Use as few images as possible. Never use them to convey text. Compress images to save space.
Make positive statements and use the active voice. Use the word "not" for negation, not for evasion. If a user reads, "passwords are not to be saved," this could mean several things, but "disable saved passwords" means one thing.
Be concise. Unnecessary words are opportunities to confuse readers. Compress wordy phrases ("There are cookies that track") to reduce words ("Some cookies track"). Put sequences into compound sentences or ordered lists.
Use bold text for user input. Use the exact words from K-Meleon when possible for describing input. Format sequences as user inputs separated by arrows. For example, you can see K-Meleon's version number by going to Help > About K-Meleon.
Make links within the wiki and to the forum. Be aware when making external links that they will break. The average half-life of a link is only 3 years. Links to longstanding institutions will last longer. Wikipedia, Mozilla, universities, institutes, and governments are less likely to delete web pages. Remove broken links or redirect them to an archived page. You can import material from a dead link into the wiki if it falls under fair use or public domain.
Use numerals rather than spelling out numbers. They are easier to read and translate. Don't use the number or pound sign (#) for the word number. Write the word "number" or use the abbreviation "No." to avoid breaking anchor syntax. № is acceptable.
Always use complete dates with the four-digit year. All complete date formats are acceptable, but individual pages should stick to one within the page.
Exclude punctuation from links, bold text, and (parentheses). Place your punctuation after the formatted text as in the previous sentence. Avoid placing URLs before punctuation to make copying easier.
The following is a list of preferred spellings and phrasing for terms related to K-Meleon:
For other writing issues, refer to Strunk and White's Elements of Style or the Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
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