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A WikiWord is made up of two or more concatenated words with uppercase letters (this is often also referred to as CamelCase). The WikiWikiWeb (which powers the K-Meleon wiki) will automatically convert WikiWords into links.
These are valid WikiWords for example:
If you make the words all lowercase, all uppercase, or all lowercase except for one capital letter, it is not a WikiWord. WikiWikiWeb will not convert any of the following into links:
You can also create links on the K-Meleon wiki using square brackets instead:
If you are using a term that would normally be a WikiWord but you don't want a link you must add ! or ~ to the front of the term. If you use a WikiWord but there is no corresponding page in the wiki, WikiWikiWeb will bold the text and add a ? linking to a prompt to create that topic.
Read more on the WikiMarkup page or the CreatePages guide for adding new pages.