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1 year ago
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Not of any that I'm aware off. And I don't recommend editing bookmarks.html even after a backup at risk of corrupting it; nor iconcache.dat (that I think is no more than an icon library file, but, anyway, it is a binary file). I tested myself the manual editing of bookmarks.html without success. Something else is involved and I don't know what is it.
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteStavros B I think your forum software is faulty, it wouldn't let me post the question until I took out a certain four letter word, which starts with l and ends with e, the word was "live" That is not a bug, but a feature... against spammers implemented by previous administrators. It is fixed now. But, please, next time, let's keep this thread on-topic. There is al
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
QuoteWasiFH what does "System is not defined" mean? That the object/variable, doesn't exist when is being called, probably created in another script or in the page (haven't dig on it). Also, I don't know at what level equals Goanna 3.5.x to Gecko, but might be that the import function is not even supported either. It is relatively new: javascript import function co
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
1 year ago
Quotedigi-u I was reading up on K-Meleon and came across the Extension Manager. I was looking up something else, so I made a mental note. When I returned to find out more about the manager. The only way I could find the manager information was to use Google and search the main K-Meleon site, since the extension manager info. has its' own page and isn't included with the other extension
Forum: General
1 year ago
The only far reference I have found is a post by rmn (probably he started it). I don't know. I think the best answer to the disclaimer is the same you just wrote: QuoteRJJIII Anybody feel free to give me feedback here if you notice any issues or have any questions As you can see, all that happens with these things is that someone starts, don't have time, etc, etc, etc, and, even
Forum: General
1 year ago
What is, in the end, the meaning of your post, that people here don't help? The answer was already given here, on this thread, above:,154148,156416,page=1#msg-154172 True, it lacked that that script snippets should be placed on polyfill.js on that extension. Also, sorry by my disturbing post on this thread. They hid the real answer. And so
Forum: General
1 year ago
Nice. Can we have a look to it Any website?
Forum: General
1 year ago
Sorry, you got me wrong, by source I didn't mean source code, but what were your sources of information that there will be (certainty, not "would be", uncertainty) a 16-bit or NT 3.1 version. I was asking to know if there is already a team working on it, because a proposal on "Improvements subforum" is not a guarantee, just a wish, what is nice, and I don't want t
Forum: General
1 year ago
Quote浦东上南795路 Also, K-Meleon for Windows 3.1 (16-bit) and Windows NT 3.1/3.5 (32-bit), is planned, this browser will greatly improve web browsing experience for these legacy systems. :-? Source?
Forum: General
1 year ago
There is no "next" version, but engine updates based on Goanna 3.5.x, so sadly, not all sites will render as mainstream browsers, but you can ask on that same thread to look if roytam could do something else. Also I found this for accessibility purposes on hcaptchas: Might be, as I said, they didn't care on accessibility on the default
Forum: General
1 year ago
I only can recommend to use the latest K-meleon on Goanna engine build, if you are not using it already:,154431 About the screen readers, I can't tell either. Most probably is because of the lack of care by web developers. Or maybe the screen reader can't attach to the browser viewport, as the interface differs from Firefox or other brow
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteRJJIII I'm using "transform" instead of "display" and that seems a little faster. Display:none works but I believe the issues in speed are in part because using "display" removes the hidden element completely and then the other elements have to be redrawn. I think that is arguable... When you use transform you are using some function to apply some kin
Forum: Extensions
1 year ago
To Firefox eyes it doesn't matter where it runs. A file system on RAM or a file system on Disk is just the same. But 512MB of RAM..., you'll need at least 1GB, or better 2GB. Have in mind that Firebox, just opening it, means around 400MB of RAM usage (don't know about latest versions on *nix). If, then, you are running on RAM and there is nowhere to swap (another medium like
Forum: Linux users
1 year ago
QuoteHolo Does your BionicPup have a browser that works on the newer web sites? It has and..., mostly works, but it is based on Gecko 48 ("old"), and it has been years without an update..., at least on the version I have (one year old). But you can install other browsers if you wish (remember, you are running on live, so you need RAM, plenty, to install).
Forum: Linux users
1 year ago
QuoteHolo QuoteJohnHell Puppy Linux has already a graphical interface, so you don't need anything extra to shutdown, just click the appropriate menu/icons. Yes, but what I am asking is where on the GUI do you find the menu or icon to shutdown? I have searched for hours and can't find a description of the GUI function(s). Is quite straightforward... From the live bionicpup 8 32-b
Forum: Linux users
1 year ago
Puppy Linux has already a graphical interface, so you don't need anything extra to shutdown, just click the appropriate menu/icons. But if you are asking for a command, you have reboot, halt and poweroff. Here you have a good man by Arch distribution guys that is applicable, mostly (rare cases), to any Linux distribution and/or Unix like system:
Forum: Linux users
1 year ago
@Alessandro The most probable cause of that is the hardware acceleration. In the forum you have several threads talking how to disable/switch it.
Forum: Bugs
1 year ago
The page looks similar on a couple of weeks Goanna build, but it doesn't work. Menus aren't unfolded and others glitches. Fifty-fifty CSS and JavaScript issues. The change was made in the site (reviewing it on snapshots) was clearly a very big leap forward towards latest browsers and fancy looks :/
Forum: General
1 year ago
Better... I think is the hard but definitive way. Pasting until you find the conflictive bookmark and fix or remove it. As I said, I don't know of any tool. The worst has happened to me with bookmarks is that, suddenly, bookmarks file becomes empty. If that day is a lucky one, you can recover from the auto-backup file, or some recent backup, but is a pain anyway. Hope you find th
Forum: General
1 year ago
I don't know of any tool. I don't see one on the either. A quick test could be, to see if the html is well formed, to use Notepad++ and look for weird coloring changes or something in the HTML. Note that lack of closing tags "</DT>" is permitted so that won't be malformed bookmarks.html. Could be the size, too?. Mine is only 224KB.
Forum: General
1 year ago
That error comes against spam attacks to the forum with very short messages with a link at the end. Sorry the error. I'm guilty of it I guess is this one: Find a grave. I can't test right now (maybe later or tomorrow), as you I'm on XP SP2, so let's see if someone comes to help.
Forum: General
1 year ago
Any version? If happens only on K-meleon Goanna version, report to roytam on its thread, so roytam knows it and applies a fix,154431
Forum: General
1 year ago
If there isn't any privacy issue in disclose the problematic URL, here, or at the K-meleon Goanna thread, or subforum, users could tell you, as a screenshot, how it looks on latest K-meleon. K-meleon on Goanna uses PaleMoon 27 engine that, I may be wrong, but it resembles the Gecko 52 engine, or around that version. Anyway, this could be better told in said thread and by roytam or other u
Forum: General
1 year ago
QuoteHolo From the reading I've done in this forum, I am somewhat familiar with display issues in KM regarding newer web sites not rendering in it. So, I was wondering is it possible to look at the source HTML of a web site to try and determine what version of the GECKO engine it requires? No. If a site, beyond some CSS "glitches" (lack of newer CSS properties), that, more o
Forum: General
1 year ago
Just disable or stop using it. I barely use myself this now. Is not very usable to date. Use one of those pages out there to download the videos. Siria recommended a few in the forum. I'm using ytdownfk myself. Consider this script, on my side, dead and buried. If anyone wants to continue developing it and fix the incompatibility, feel free to do so. Sorry, win2kfan.
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
At first I was... "Feodor is back?!?!?!" Then I saw SP2 is not supported and say... "nah" XD Anyway, good to know. Thanks panzer
Forum: Off-Topic
2 years ago
QuoteRJJIII Quotesiria So sometimes I still find the old system easier to understand, more intuitive for people who like fiddling with files manually, to understand exactly how things work - but the new system is more automatic, which is easier for end users who prefer point&click. I think most people found the old system easier to understand. Almost every theme I try out is using the old sty
Forum: Graphics
2 years ago
I took the freedom to make the subject more descriptive. QuoteRJJIII 1. There are (I think) 2 skin systems. The "old" skin system is used by the Klassic theme and pretty much also themes from the community. It is supported from version 1.5 to 76. A "new" skin system was introduced in version 75+76, but it's only used it seems for the "Default" theme. What the
Forum: Graphics
2 years ago
Quotesiria Isn't it funny - GoogleMAIL, GoogleIMAGES, and Google-YOUTUBE insist on this, oh well. Insist on use updated software. Not to disable CSP. CSP harms users that want to change pages contents (us) but, for the average, it is needed, as, for nonce, prevent add-ons to behave wildly injecting JS and breaking users security. CSP 2.0, which added the nonce policy, has been there fo
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
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