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2 years ago
QuoteMichael SattlerI want do save images faster with a shortcut. According to this thread I successfully added the shortcut to accel.cfg. Can I specify the image to save just by hovering it with the mouse, or is there another solution? Did you try? In theory should work, but haven't created an own shortcut for testing. Personally am using my very handy macros FlexSave and FlexOpen,
Forum: General
2 years ago
Really great news that it was paid, but I'm postponing the hurrays a bit until confirmed here too...
Forum: General
2 years ago
That's exactly when I like the 3gp 144p (height) version, still a lot better than nothing. Although very blurry when zoomed to fullscreen, but in most cases that's secondary, especially for just info clips, and sound is normal anyway. And if a video duration is extremely short then I can also grab the smallest mp4 version instead (240p?), with much better visual quality.
Forum: Extensions
2 years ago
Thanks for this important info. Must admit in these horrible times I don't have enough spare time and brains for such tech stuff anymore, but glad to have saved the page+info, for later study in case disaster may hit (still hope not, and also hoping my old disk doesn't break down either then, lol) But currently still hold hope for dorian to fix it, after all it's still 3 weeks l
Forum: General
2 years ago
The original KM74 from 2014 doesn't work on 98se at all, not even with KernelEx etc. Only KM-Goanna by roytam1 had a chance, but it's meant for Win2000, and on 98se is (was?) extremely buggy and crashy, needed lots of tweaking to get it usable at least as fallback for important pages. Am curious how roytams brandnew update will run on 98, hopefully not quite as many crashes, but no
Forum: Bugs
2 years ago
Don't know about current KM. For my much older version I just recently discovered that it finally shows content again if using: 1) mobile version: 2) useragent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0
Forum: General
2 years ago
Choosing specific profile folder location Am not a dev, just my 2 cents: 1) not sure but doubt it... 2) not sure but it sure "looks" arbitrary, so why shouldn't it be... 3) not 100.00% sure but ready to bet you can invent own names - just try and see? This is KM ;-) 4) Single profile folders can definitely be placed anywhere, that was confirmed in the past by some users. Fre
Forum: General
2 years ago
Good info, thanks. And what a hassle, sigh... Regarding your customizations, to reduce the hassle, if you only use one profile anyway, you could put your customized files into the profile folder. The macros into a new subfolder /macros/ (from main.kmm I'd take only the changed modules, and rename the file) OpenAsURLx5.kmm should be included as native macro anyway as far as I'm conc
Forum: General
2 years ago
Yeah I see that as a huge prob long since too, but what do... especially, how to identify the "more" or "less" stable versions, since there are always TONS of changes, and almost all are "fixes"? Perhaps this topic could be used for users like you to recommend the extra stable and well tested versions? And the clearly less stable ones, also based on real use testi
Forum: General
2 years ago
QuoteRyan McLucasthe buttons load, but their icons do not load, and the size of the toolbars does not change to compensate for the icons that should be there. It just looks like a blank toolbar, but the buttons themselves are still there and functional when you roll over them with the mouse. The skin just doesn't apply when I select it under Preferences. Sounds weird... Now I tried your li
Forum: Bugs
2 years ago
(_HOWTO_ customize skin buttons icons theme) The skinning system hasn't changed between gecko and goanna, the later only updates the embedded engine (how pages look, permissions etc, same engine in NewMoon27), not the "looks" of the GUI. The KM-skins in the wiki are some decades old am afraid, from the earliest KM0.x times, as many other wiki pages too. But nonetheless 90% of
Forum: Bugs
2 years ago
QuoteVoltaire When I paste an URL into the URL-field I have it set to open in a new tab. When using "paste & go" (KM76 – n.a. in KM75) it is opening in the same tab. The macro should probably use this by default, to respect the setting for typed URLs: openTyped($URLBAR);
Forum: General
3 years ago
I keep forgetting that stuff, being stuck on old KM version anyway and using it always with fix paths. But if you have KM76.x, then would try if that pref helps anything: pdfjs.disabled = true (?) Another place I'd look around, in URL "about:preferences" and filetypes/mimetypes... Or if that's not there, start in "about:about"....
Forum: Bugs
3 years ago
Please test if this works: Open URL "about:config" and look for this pref, set it to "2": browser.display.document_color_use = 2 If not found, right-click to create it (type is INT / Number) (alternatively you could begin to start considering to some day try what I recommended before, to copy over the Pro macros) A browser restart is probably required after changes.
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteI do not quite understand why the Developer does not merge in the Extra features from 76.2 Pro, since work on it seems to have ended? Everyone too short on time and busy with lots of other stuff.... but you can help yourself partly: Copy over the extra macros from rodocops KM-Pro (from KM/macros/....kmm)
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuotefoliatorThe Wayback Machine is now giving me lots of error messages, even when I use it the normal way in recent browsers that fully support it. I can get to the capture of my target site, but following any of the internal links on that site's main page brings up the following message: QuoteSorry. This snapshot cannot be displayed due to an internal error. Those very same links we
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
QuoteMello It is working for the first domain I've added at the foot of the file. I edited the yahoo example..... but not for another domain I've added below it. So I reversed the order of the two domains in the css and again only the top one worked. ??? Also, how would I do this for an htm file which I use as my custom homepage - the global background setting in myDark is overri
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteMellobut how do you make a rule site specific in your file siria? Let's just say by way of example - to make the entire page green (except font and links of course ) while still retaining the overall global site background setting I have of #323232? Also, from your file I can't work out how you are differentiating between musing to yourself and actual rules. I don&
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteI visited, and was told "Your browser is up to date. You can use all the latest YouTube features." WTF? :s TheWorld7 is five years old! I'm not spoofing the user agent, either WIth my yet older browser it obviously depends on the useragent string whether I'm getting those infamous "Old browser" warnings or not. That is meant in general, other
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Updated above file again (just doubled ::selection block again) QuoteMelloEven the elaborate chrome extension I mentioned gets screwed by some sites that have identical coloured fonts and backgrounds in places In general, at least for regularly visited sites specific rules can be added. With an example URL I may have a look. Incidentally, I just tried my updated file again and stumbled a
Forum: General
3 years ago
Nice We'd often be lost without some selfhelp tricks. By the way the cropped date is completely flexible, 1-8 digits, year+month is just an example. Also useful, without ANY date in URL it tries to load the most recent archived version. CATCH: if nothing archived yet, this will trigger a new SAVE-action, creating a new archive from th
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Just examples for wayback search syntax, no JS: Nearest archive around a target date: LIST of files starting with a cropped URL:*&filter=statuscode:200&fl=timestamp,urlkey,statuscode,length,mimetype,statuscode,original&collapse=digest&limit=5
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Quoteso far the only unsupported site is's WayBack Machine. I'm shocked - again. This most important site is broken, as ONLY one, in a rather supermodern browser?! Incredible! That's intentional, no doubt (Being stuck myself on ancient KM1.6, I had lost access a few years ago, but luckily regained it again when finally discovering its handy URL-parameters, using o
Forum: Off-Topic
3 years ago
Yet another UPDATE in file attached above: replaced ":button" with ".button", but while at it, reworked the whole BUTTON block again (that line and some lines above) QuoteJohnHellIf you use, as told above, adblock.css, you don't need to restart it. If you use siria's macro you are INJECTING it, so you don't need to restart it BUT you'll need to relo
Forum: General
3 years ago
Of course... You mean 5555? Fixed above. Always hurrying, sigh. Finally took a (slightly) longer look now, and found a missing comma too. By the way, for quick and easy testing am using mostly macro testinjectcode. This adds CSS from clipboard contents into current page only, as internal page style.,149453 debug: if probs, disable adblock while
Forum: General
3 years ago
Thanks for maintaining! QuoteKnown Issue(s): - media playback function may be buggy. the issue may be relexed by setting media.mediasource.format-reader to true in about:config. Looks like it's been confirmed a few times, so could be made default. Actually it's defined in your special Goanna file, where it's false: KM/browser/defaults/preferences/kmprefs-additional.js
Forum: K-Meleon on Goanna
3 years ago
QuoteanonymousKeyword 'underline' never ended with a 'd'. Oops... Thanks, fixed file above.
Forum: General
3 years ago
QuoteMelloNote: when composing or editing posts the message background is white rather than the forum default grey after message is posted - css does not change this white compositional background) Whereas, I've been experimenting using an extension in chromium (my second resource hog browser) called Care My Eyes that changes virtually everything. by default it uses very dark grey which
Forum: General
3 years ago
The usual search method for sibling Firefox instead of KM looks interesting: SEARCH for: firefox sound output
Forum: General
3 years ago
@lifeguardlarry You're using KM75.1 now? That's an ancient version, meanwhile partly unstable just due to old age, lots of sites are said to not load okay anymore. Even for roytam's most current updated fork KMG76.4.3 (weekly updates) I keep reading in forums that more and more mainstream sites start breaking. So am rather wondering now, which version you had installed first?
Forum: General
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